Banking on the Future of Asia and the Pacific

Book Description

This book is a history of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), a multilateral development bank established 50 years ago to serve Asia and the Pacific. Focusing on the region’s economic development, the evolution of the international development agenda, and the story of ADB itself, this book raises several key questions: What are the outstanding features of regional development to which ADB had to respond? How has the bank grown and evolved in changing circumstances? How did ADB’s successive leaders promote reforms while preserving continuity with the efforts of their predecessors? ADB has played an important role in the transformation of Asia and the Pacific the past 50 years. As ADB continues to evolve and adapt to the region’s changing development landscape, the experiences highlighted in this book can provide valuable insight on how best to serve Asia and the Pacific in the future.

Technical Assistance Disbursement Handbook

Book Description

The Technical Assistance Disbursement Handbook contains important information and instructions for the efficient withdrawal of technical assistance funds by claimants, namely, consultants, executing agencies, cooperating institutions, and Asian Development Bank staff.

Disaster Management

Book Description

This ready reference handbook focuses on Southeast Asia and the Pacific, covering natural calamities ranging from earthquakes to volcanic eruptions and from cyclones to floods; it also describes principles and practices that are applicable to other areas and circumstances.

Loan Disbursement Handbook

Book Description

This handbook is a compilation of the disbursement policies, guidelines, procedures, and practices of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Handbook for Rooftop Solar Development in Asia

Book Description

Drawing on the Asian Development Bank's experience installing the rooftop solar photovoltaic system at its headquarters, the Handbook for Rooftop Solar Development in Asia hopes to demystify the process of developing solar photovoltaic projects in urban areas. The handbook provides detailed descriptions and guidance for all stages of development, including initial prefeasibility assessment, design, financing, procurement, and operations and maintenance. The Asian Development Bank hopes that entities looking to take advantage of the benefits of solar photovoltaic systems would find the development process made transparent and streamlined, and that this handbook would encourage the spread of solar photovoltaic systems in cities throughout developing Asia and the Pacific.

Nonperforming Loans in Asia and Europe—Causes, Impacts, and Resolution Strategies

Book Description

High and persistent levels of nonperforming loans (NPLs) have featured prominently in recent financial crises. This book traces NPL trends during and after crises, examines the economic impact of high NPLs, and compares the effectiveness of NPL resolution strategies across economies in Asia and Europe. The book distills important lessons from the experiences of economies using case studies and empirical investigation of ways to resolve NPLs. These findings can be invaluable in charting a course through the financial and economic fallout of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic to recovery and sustained financial stability in Asia, Europe, and beyond.

Handbook on Resettlement

Book Description

This handbook describes the resettlement process and operational requirements within the Bank's project cycle. It also address the integration of social dimensions into Bank operations. The paper elaborates key resettlement planning concepts, including the policy framework, entitlements, planning resettlement for vulnerable groups, social preparation phases, budgets and time lines.

Handbook on Microgrids for Power Quality and Connectivity

Book Description

Microgrids are poised to play a big role in the electricity ecosystem of the future—with decarbonization, digitalization, decentralization, and non-wires solutions being key attributes. This handbook serves as a guide to evaluate the feasibility of microgrid systems in enhancing power supply quality and connectivity. It includes information about on-grid microgrids for urban and industrial applications, prevailing business models, and emerging trends that could shape the future of this sector.

Indonesia and the Asian Development Bank

Book Description

This publication is a history of the partnership between Indonesia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). When Indonesia became a founding member of the bank in 1966, the country faced daunting challenges. In the five decades that passed, both Indonesia and ADB have evolved in remarkable ways. Indonesia developed rapidly through the late 1990s yet faced a difficult time of adjustment after the Asian financial crisis of 1997–1998. The country has since resumed growth in the last decade. For its part, ADB has widened its activities in Indonesia, transforming from a project-oriented bank into a broad-based development institution. This effective partnership reflects Indonesia’s success in working with the international community in the past 50 years.