A History of Foreign Labor in Germany, 1880-1980

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Combines socioeconomic labor market analysis with a cultural historical study of the impact of migration.

A History of Twentieth-Century Germany

Book Description

Germany in the 20th century endured two world wars, a failed democracy, Hitler's dictatorship, the Holocaust, and a country divided for 40 years after World War II. But it has also boasted a strong welfare state, affluence, liberalization and globalization, a successful democracy, and the longest period of peace in European history. A History of Twentieth-Century Germany provides a survey of German history during a century of extremes. Ulrich Herbert sees German history in the 20th century as determined by two contradictory perspectives. On one hand, there are the world wars and great catastrophes that divide the country's history into two parts-before and after 1945. Germany is the birthplace of radical ideologies of the left and right and the only country in which each ideology became the foundation of government. This pattern left its stamp on both the first and second halves of the century. On the other hand, the rise of modern industrial society led to decades of conflict over the social and political order regardless of which political system was in force. Considering these contradictory developments, Herbert tackles the questions of both the collapse in the first half of the century and the development from a post-fascist, ruined society to one of the most stable liberal democracies in the world in the latter half. Herbert's analysis brings together wars and terror, utopia and politics, capitalism and the welfare state, socialism and liberal democratic society, gender and generations, culture and lifestyles, European integration and globalization. The resulting book sets a standard by which historians of the period will be measured in the future.

A History of the German Public Pension System

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A History of the German Public Pension System: Continuity amid Change provides the first comprehensive institutional history of the German public pension system from its origins in the late nineteenth century to the major reform period in the early twenty-first century. Relying on a wide range sources, including many used for the first time, this study provides a balanced account of how the pension system has coped with major challenges, such as Germany’s defeat in two world wars, inflation, the Great Depression, the demographic transition, political risk, reunification, and changing gender roles. It shows that while the pension system has changed to meet all of these challenges, it has retained basic characteristics—particularly the tie between work, contributions, and benefits—that fundamentally define its character and have enabled it to survive economic and political turmoil for over a century. This book also demonstrates that the most serious challenge faced by the pension system has consistently been political intervention by leaders hoping to use it for purposes unrelated to its mission of providing the insured with secure and adequate retirement income.

National Socialist Extermination Policies

Book Description

This volume comprises 11 essays--most of them revised versions of lectures given 1996-1997 at the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg--by German historians of the younger generation (all born since 1951). The purpose of the lecture series was to "leave behind the stale and rigid terms of Holocaust scholarship and public discussion of the issue" (from the editor's foreword). The essays, focusing on Poland, the Soviet Union, Serbia, and France, aim to identify the impulses that drove German activities in each area and to identify how various political goals and ideological convictions combined to produce policy. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

The End of Labour History?

Book Description

The essays in this 1994 book aim to integrate labour history within the broader discipline of social history and to demonstrate the continuing vitality and validity of the sub-discipline. Each essay is in itself a response to criticisms of the ways in which labour historians have approached their subjects.

Becoming Multicultural

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In a world of nation-states, international migration raises questions of membership: Should foreigners be admitted to the national space? And should they and their children be granted citizenship? Canada and Germany’s responses to these questions during the first half of the twentieth century consisted of discriminatory immigration and citizenship policies aimed at harnessing migration for economic ends while minimizing its costs. Yet, by the end of the century, the admission, settlement, and incorporation of previously excluded groups had transformed both countries into highly diverse multicultural societies. Becoming Multicultural explains how this remarkable shift came about. Triadafilopoulos argues that dramatic changes in global norms after the Second World War made the maintenance of established membership regimes difficult to defend, opening the way for the liberalization of immigration and citizenship policies. It is a thought-provoking analysis that sheds light on the dynamics of membership politics and policy making in contemporary liberal-democratic countries.


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Once the second city of empire, now descended by seemingly irreversible economic and demographic decline into European Union Objective One status, Liverpool defies historical categorization. Located at the intersection of competing cultural, economic and geo-political formations, it stands outside the main narrative frameworks of modern British history, the exception to general norms. What was it that established Liverpool as different or apart? In exploring this proverbial exceptionalism, these essays by a leading scholar of the history of Liverpool and of the Irish show how a sense of apartness has always been crucial to Liverpool’s identity. While repudiated by some as an external imposition, an unmerited stigma originating from the slave trade days or the Irish famine influx, Liverpool’s ‘otherness’ has been upheld (and inflated) in self-referential myth, a ‘Merseypride’ that has shown considerable ingenuity in adjusting to the city’s changing fortunes. The first stage towards an urban biography of Liverpool, these essays in cultural history reconstruct the city’s past through changes in image, identity and representation. Among the topics considered are Liverpool’s problematic projection of itself through history and heritage; the belated emergence of ‘scouse’, an accent ‘exceedingly rare’, as cultural badge and signifier; the origins and dominance of Toryism in popular political culture, the deepest and most enduring political ‘deviance’ among Victorian workers, at odds with present-day perceptions of Merseyside militancy; and an investigation of the crucial sites—the Irish pub and the Catholic parish—where the Liverpool-Irish identity was constructed, contested and continued, seemingly immune to the normal processes of ethnic fade. The final section offers comparative methodological and theoretical perspectives embracing North America, Australia and other European ‘second cities’.

Hypersexuality and Headscarves

Book Description

The author explores citizenship and exclusion in Germany since the fall of the Berlin Wall. He considers cases which regularly provoke violence against those perceived to be different, such as: the situation of Vietnamese guest workers in the former East Germany; images of hypersexualized black bodies reproduced in popular culture and intimate relationships; debates about the use of the headscarf by Muslim students and teachers.

Thucydides' Meditations on Fear

Book Description

Understanding contemporary global politics by connecting them to the meditations of a classical Greek philosopher may seem farfetched and counterintuitive. But for political theorists, policymakers, the new influencers, journalists and engaged students, Thucydides’ ancient wisdom provides insights into diagnosing and even undermining an endemic of political fear spreading across the world’s borders. With his help, this book probes six case studies of aspiring great powers and the brittle identities that they may have unwittingly constructed. Raymond Taras questions the motives of the manipulators of fear whether found in in authoritarian states or increasingly in backsliding liberal democratic ones. The urgency of returning to and respecting tolerance in states establishing relations with arriving refugees and migrants takes on critical importance.