A Hunt for Cosmic Microwave Background B-modes in the Sytematic Contaminants Jungle

Book Description

This thesis presents a study of selected instrumental and astrophysical systematics, which may affect the performance of new generation of future observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. It elaborates on their impact on the science goals of those observations and discusses techniques and approaches for their removal. Its focus is on general issues typical of entire classes of experiments, but also on specific problems as encountered in the context of a CMB B-mode experiment, POLARBEAR. The main target of the CMB polarization effort undergoing currently in the field is a detection of the primordial B-modes anisotropies -- a so far undetected signature of the inflationary theories. This would have far-reaching impact on our understanding of the universe but also fundamental laws of physics. Understanding, modelling, and ultimately removal of the systematics are essential steps in any modern CMB analyste pipeline and their successful accomplishment, together with a high instrumental sensitivity, will decide of a final success of the entire effort. In this thesis I first describe optics of typical CMB experiments and introduce a parametrization of instrumental and cross-polarisation affects particularly convenient for the analysis of their impact. Second, I present a model describing the atmospheric contamination and use it to provide some insights about the atmosphere's role and its impact on performance of ground-based experiments. I also outline how it could be used further to improve control of atmospheric effects in the CMB data analysis. Then, I discuss another source of sky systematics -- the polarized astrophysical foregrounds. In this context I present on the one hand a new approach to forecasting performance of the future experiments, which accounts for the presence of the foregrounds, white on the other I propose a framework for optimizing hardware of such experiments to let them achieve better performance. This part of thesis stems from a commun work with dm. F. Stivoli and R. Stompor. I finally present one of the leading CMB polarization experiment POLARBEAR, in which I have been involved in over the course of my PhD studies. I describe its current status and performance as well as selected steps of its data analysis pipeline. In particular, I show methods to estimate some of the parameters introduced for the systematics modeling from simulated data. This work has been performed in collaboration with mernbers of the POLARBEAR team.

The Cosmic Microwave Background

Book Description

The series of texts composing this book is based on the lectures presented during the II José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology, held in Pedra Azul (Espírito Santo, Brazil) between 9 and 14 March 2014. This II JBPCosmo has been entirely devoted to the problem of understanding theoretical and observational aspects of Cosmic Background Radiation (CMB).The CMB is one of the most important phenomena in Physics and a fundamental probe of our Universe when it was only 400,000 years old. It is an extraordinary laboratory where we can learn from particle physics to cosmology; its discovery in 1965 has been a landmark event in the history of physics.The observations of the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation through the satellites COBE, WMAP and Planck provided a huge amount of data which are being analyzed in order to discover important informations regarding the composition of our universe and the process of structure formation.

The Cosmic Microwave Background

Book Description

Explanations of the cosmic microwave background prompt this unique case study of theory building in modern science.

The Early Universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and Observations

Book Description

The goal of the Daniel Chalonge School on Astrofundamental Physics is to contribute to a theory of the universe (and particularly of the early universe) up to the marks, and at the scientific height of, the unprecedented accuracy, existent and expected, in the observational data. The impressive development of modern cosmology during the last decades is to a large extent due to its unification with elementary particle physics and quantum field theory. The cross-section between these fields has been increasing setting up Astrofundamental Physics. The early universe is an exceptional (theoretical and experimental) laboratory in this new discipline. This NATO Advanced Study Institute provided an up dated understanding, from a fundamental physics and deep point of view, of the progress and key issues in the early universe and the cosmic microwave background: theory and observations. The genuine interplay with large scale structure formation and dark matter problem were discussed. The central focus was placed on the cosmic microwave background. Emphasis was given to the precise inter-relation between fundamental physics and cosmology in these problems, both at the theoretical and experimental/observational levels, within a deep and well defined programme which provided in addition, a careful interdisciplinarity. Special sessions were devoted to high energy cosmic rays, neutrinos in astrophysics, and high energy astrophysics. Deep understanding, clarification, synthesis, careful interdisciplinarity within a fundamental physics framework, were the main goals of the course.

The Cosmic Microwave Background: 25 Years Later

Book Description

This book is the result of a Meeting held in L'Aquila (Italy) from the 19th to the 23rd of June 1989. The aim of the Meeting was to gather together the people actively working on the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, both from an experimental and from a theoretical point of view. In view of the intensive current activity in this field, including ongoing (COBE) and forthcoming (RELIC II, ISO, AELITA, etc. ) space missions, a meeting fully dedicated to this important topic was timely. The meeting also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Microwave Background discovery made in 1964 by the Nobel Prize winners A. Penzias and R. Wilson. We greatly regret that we were not able to have them at the Meeting. There is of course another person whose absence we regret, namely R. H. Dicke, who motivated a generation of experimentalists and theoreticians to open and study this new field of research. As organizers of the Meeting, we would like to express our gratitude to the people who contributed to its success. We want to thank the members of the Scientific Organizing Committee for their assistance, suggestions and encouragement, the invited speakers for their excellent presentations, and the chairmen for their help in handling the various Sessions. We would like to thank P. Palazzi for her help in secretarial work, dr. L.

The Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background

Book Description

Spectacular observational breakthroughs, particularly by the WMAP satellite, have led to a new epoch of CMB science long after its original discovery. Taking a physical approach, the authors of this volume probe the problem of the 'darkness' of the Universe: the origin and evolution of dark energy and matter in the cosmos. Starting with the observational background of modern cosmology, they provide an accessible review of this fascinating yet complex subject. Topics discussed include the kinetics of the electromagnetic radiation in the Universe, the ionization history of cosmic plamas, the origin of primordial perturbations in light of the inflation paradigm, and the formation of anisotropy and polarization of the CMB. This fascinating review will be valuable to advanced students and researchers in cosmology.

The Cosmic Microwave Background

Book Description

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Cosmological Background Radiation, Strasbourg, France, May 27-June 7, 1996

Illuminating the Background

Book Description

The cosmic microwave background provides a wealth of information about the origin and history of the universe. The statistics of the anisotropy and the polarization of the cosmic microwave background, among other things, can tell us about the distribution of matter, the redshift of reionization, and the nature of the primordial fluctuations. From the lensing of cosmic microwave background due to intervening matter, we can extract information about neutrinos and the equation of state of dark energy. A measurement of the large angular scale B-mode polarization has been called the "smoking gun'' of inflation, a theory that describes a possible early rapid expansion of the universe. The focus of current experiments is to measure this B-mode polarization, while several experiments, such as POLARBEAR, are also looking to measure the lensing of the cosmic microwave background. This dissertation will discuss several different topics in cosmic microwave background polarization research. I will make predictions for future experiments and I will also show analysis for two current experiments, POLARBEAR and BICEP. I will show how beam systematics affect the measurement of cosmological parameters and how well we must limit these systematics in order to get unbiased constraints on cosmological parameters for future experiments. I will discuss a novel way of using the temperature-polarization cross-correlation to constrain the amount of inflationary gravitational waves. Through Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, I will determine how well future experiments will be able to constrain the neutrino masses and their degeneracy parameters. I will show results from current data analysis and calibration being done on the Cedar Flat deployment for the POLARBEAR experiment which is currently being constructed in the Atacama desert in Chile. Finally, I will analyze the claim of detection of cosmological birefringence in the BICEP data and show that there is reason to believe it is due to systematic effects in the data.