A Kid's Official Guide to Germs

Book Description

There's nothing like it out there! Kids love germs, and it's a good thing--they certainly encounter their share of them in their young lives! A fascination look at all things germy and gross is what this book is all about. A wonder accoutrement to the two adult germ books, The Official Guide to Germs and 505 Flabbergasting Facts About Germs.

The Official Guide to Germs

Book Description

Dispel the fear of the 'unknown. This book contains the latest information available! Contents include causes, symptoms, outbreaks, spread, treatment, and prevention.

A Kid's Guide to Viruses and Bacteria

Book Description

Germs are in the air and in our food, on door handles and dinner plates, in our bodies and on our pets. Germs like viruses and bacteria are everywhere. Some are harmless, but others can make you very sick. Viruses and bacteria can cause a range of illnesses and diseases, from the common cold to tuberculosis (TB). Viruses and bacteria are all around us, but many people-kids and adults-don't understand much about how germs can affect our health. What does a virus do to your body? How can people catch diseases from bacteria? How can you keep yourself safe from the diseases that some germs carry? As you read, you'll find answers to all of these questions and more!

What Is Islam? Who Are Muslims?

Book Description

In this book, kids will learn about the great and peaceful religion of Islam, its holy book, the Qu'ran, the holy city of Mecca, and the prophet Mohammed. Children will learn how Islam is like other religions and how it's different, how it is practiced, how very few fanatics have affected Islam and the Muslims who practice it. Kids will also learn about Muslims--who they are, where they live, what they wear and why they wear turbans, burqas, and other special clothing, and much more.

Terrorists and Terrorism

Book Description

In this invaluable book, kids will learn about thee troublesome current events that plague our world today in a way that these young readers can understand and learn to express their questions and opinions. This knowledge and the ability to become part of the dialogue of what is going on today is extremely reassuring to young minds. Who? And why? That's what all kids want to know. Carole Marsh makes it easy to not only make sense of the madness, but also benefit from being able to use this information as a base for further learning.

Keeping Your Child Healthy in a Germ-Filled World

Book Description

The world is full of germs, and news about outbreaks of infectious diseases and antibiotic-resistant superbugs is an almost daily occurrence. What can concerned parents do to protect their children? Keeping Your Child Healthy in a Germ-Filled World gives parents the tools and information they need to shield their kids from infections and keep their family healthy. Infections are harmful, but not all germs are bad. Dr. Athena P. Kourtis, a pediatrician and infectious disease specialist -- and a mother -- teaches parents how to protect their kids without going overboard. She helps parents sort through the latest information about germs, antibiotics, vaccines, hygiene, health foods, and home remedies and recommends what rules to follow -- and which ones to ignore. She says: • No to overprotecting your children from germs• No to antimicrobial soaps and cleaning products at home• No to over-prescribed antibiotics• Yes to strategic hand washing• Yes to being conscious of germs and how they replicate• Yes to vaccines She offers tips for protecting your children wherever they go -- at home or school, on the playground, even while traveling -- and whatever they are doing -- playing sports, camping, visiting the beach -- and answers questions that commonly worry parents. How many times should you wash prewashed spinach? (At least twice.) Does getting enough sleep help fight infection? (Yes.) Are pre-sliced foods more likely to spread infection? (They are.) Reading this comprehensive, illustrated guide is the first step to keeping your family healthy. Up-to-date, accurate information and a clear understanding of how germs and our bodies work will help you and your child stay afloat in the microbial sea.

Heroes & Helpers

Book Description

Ages 8-14; An introduction to all the many different kinds of people we depend on for safety and security in good times and bad. Well rounded; touches on history, fiction, and defines heroes and helpers. Gives kids an opportunity to express their opinions, ideas, and encourages them to think about the kind of hero or helper they are going to be one day. 48 Reproducible Pages.


Book Description

Where is Afghanistan? A the crossroads of ancient trade routes, once a place of peace, beauty, and prosperity, and today, ground zero of the war against terrorism. Afghanistan is a nation worth knowing more about. The facts in Afghanistan--A Country at the Crossroads of War and Peace are presented in a tactful and clear manner, the kind of reading which will help all kids understand such a misunderstood nation. 48 pp, Ages 9 and up.

John Kerry

Book Description

Senator John Kerry is our country's democratic presidential nominee. Kids are interested in knowing more about him. This book is loaded with information on the senator and his family. It is a great way to learn about elections, the importance of voting, our government, political parties and more!