A Hybrid Monte Carlo-Deterministic Method for Global Binary Stochastic Medium Transport Problems

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Global deep-penetration transport problems are difficult to solve using traditional Monte Carlo techniques. In these problems, the scalar flux distribution is desired at all points in the spatial domain (global nature), and the scalar flux typically drops by several orders of magnitude across the problem (deep-penetration nature). As a result, few particle histories may reach certain regions of the domain, producing a relatively large variance in tallies in those regions. Implicit capture (also known as survival biasing or absorption suppression) can be used to increase the efficiency of the Monte Carlo transport algorithm to some degree. A hybrid Monte Carlo-deterministic technique has previously been developed by Cooper and Larsen to reduce variance in global problems by distributing particles more evenly throughout the spatial domain. This hybrid method uses an approximate deterministic estimate of the forward scalar flux distribution to automatically generate weight windows for the Monte Carlo transport simulation, avoiding the necessity for the code user to specify the weight window parameters. In a binary stochastic medium, the material properties at a given spatial location are known only statistically. The most common approach to solving particle transport problems involving binary stochastic media is to use the atomic mix (AM) approximation in which the transport problem is solved using ensemble-averaged material properties. The most ubiquitous deterministic model developed specifically for solving binary stochastic media transport problems is the Levermore-Pomraning (L-P) model. Zimmerman and Adams proposed a Monte Carlo algorithm (Algorithm A) that solves the Levermore-Pomraning equations and another Monte Carlo algorithm (Algorithm B) that is more accurate as a result of improved local material realization modeling. Recent benchmark studies have shown that Algorithm B is often significantly more accurate than Algorithm A (and therefore the L-P model) for deep penetration problems such as examined in this paper. In this research, we investigate the application of a variant of the hybrid Monte Carlo-deterministic method proposed by Cooper and Larsen to global deep penetration problems involving binary stochastic media. To our knowledge, hybrid Monte Carlo-deterministic methods have not previously been applied to problems involving a stochastic medium. We investigate two approaches for computing the approximate deterministic estimate of the forward scalar flux distribution used to automatically generate the weight windows. The first approach uses the atomic mix approximation to the binary stochastic medium transport problem and a low-order discrete ordinates angular approximation. The second approach uses the Levermore-Pomraning model for the binary stochastic medium transport problem and a low-order discrete ordinates angular approximation. In both cases, we use Monte Carlo Algorithm B with weight windows automatically generated from the approximate forward scalar flux distribution to obtain the solution of the transport problem.

A Comparison of Monte Carlo Particle Transport Algorithms for an Interior Source Binary Stochastic Medium Benchmark Suite

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Particle transport through binary stochastic mixtures has received considerable research attention in the last two decades. Zimmerman and Adams proposed a Monte Carlo algorithm (Algorithm A) that solves the Levermore-Pomraning equations and another Monte Carlo algorithm (Algorithm B) that should be more accurate as a result of improved local material realization modeling. Zimmerman and Adams numerically confirmed these aspects of the Monte Carlo algorithms by comparing the reflection and transmission values computed using these algorithms to a standard suite of planar geometry binary stochastic mixture benchmark transport solutions. The benchmark transport problems are driven by an isotropic angular flux incident on one boundary of a binary Markovian statistical planar geometry medium. In a recent paper, we extended the benchmark comparisons of these Monte Carlo algorithms to include the scalar flux distributions produced. This comparison is important, because as demonstrated, an approximate model that gives accurate reflection and transmission probabilities can produce unphysical scalar flux distributions. Brantley and Palmer recently investigated the accuracy of the Levermore-Pomraning model using a new interior source binary stochastic medium benchmark problem suite. In this paper, we further investigate the accuracy of the Monte Carlo algorithms proposed by Zimmerman and Adams by comparing to the benchmark results from the interior source binary stochastic medium benchmark suite, including scalar flux distributions. Because the interior source scalar flux distributions are of an inherently different character than the distributions obtained for the incident angular flux benchmark problems, the present benchmark comparison extends the domain of problems for which the accuracy of these Monte Carlo algorithms has been investigated.

A Comparison of Monte Carlo Particle Transport Algorithms for Binary Stochastic Mixtures

Book Description

Two Monte Carlo algorithms originally proposed by Zimmerman and Zimmerman and Adams for particle transport through a binary stochastic mixture are numerically compared using a standard set of planar geometry benchmark problems. In addition to previously-published comparisons of the ensemble-averaged probabilities of reflection and transmission, we include comparisons of detailed ensemble-averaged total and material scalar flux distributions. Because not all benchmark scalar flux distribution data used to produce plots in previous publications remains available, we have independently regenerated the benchmark solutions including scalar flux distributions. Both Monte Carlo transport algorithms robustly produce physically-realistic scalar flux distributions for the transport problems examined. The first algorithm reproduces the standard Levermore-Pomraning model results for the probabilities of reflection and transmission. The second algorithm generally produces significantly more accurate probabilities of reflection and transmission and also significantly more accurate total and material scalar flux distributions.

Monte Carlo Method for Solving Inverse Problems of Radiation Transfer

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This volume in the Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series deals with inverse problems of radiation transfer. In particular, the following problems are considered: atmosphere optics; radiation propagation in plant canopy; tomography in scattering fields.

Implicit Monte Carlo Methods and Non-equilibrium Marshak Wave Radiative Transport

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Two enhancements to the Fleck implicit Monte Carlo method for radiative transport are described, for use in transparent and opaque media respectively. The first introduces a spectral mean cross section, which applies to pseudoscattering in transparent regions with a high frequency incident spectrum. The second provides a simple Monte Carlo random walk method for opaque regions, without the need for a supplementary diffusion equation formulation. A time-dependent transport Marshak wave problem of radiative transfer, in which a non-equilibrium condition exists between the radiation and material energy fields, is then solved. These results are compared to published benchmark solutions and to new discrete ordinate S-N results, for both spatially integrated radiation-material energies versus time and to new spatially dependent temperature profiles. Multigroup opacities, which are independent of both temperature and frequency, are used in addition to a material specific heat which is proportional to the cube of the temperature. 7 refs., 4 figs.

Landkreis Wangen

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