A Look at DWI--

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Diary of a Drunk Driver

Book Description

In today's society the problem of Driving While Intoxicated, or DWI, is more prevalent than ever! Why? For several reasons, but the most obvious to me is that more people Drink and Drive; not just Drink-but Drink and then Drive. Years back when the majority of the population worked and lived in the inner cities, the average Joe would finish work, head for the nearest bar, have a few and take the train home. Or, finish work, take the train home, find the local bar and walk home! With the explosion of not only suburban living but businesses moving to the outer cities as well as moving into the suburbs themselves, the convenience of the automobile was and is undeniable! In addition, the media explosion has extended our consciousness to all forms of DWI. The agony caused by a DWI crash can remain for years, not only for the victim but for the families, friends and anyone who is connected with such an incident. Anyone who drives while intoxicated and is not involved in an accident is fortunate. Anyone who gets a DWI without incident might consider themselves lucky! So what happens when you get caught Driving While Intoxicated? What are the sacrifices, what are the costs, what are the embarrassing features? In DIARY OF A DRUNK DRIVER, this author provides the complete and accurate tale of a man arrested for DWI, convicted, and his entire journey from the moment of arrest until his release from probation eighteen months later!

DUI / DWI Defense: Preventing a Drunk Driving Arrest

Book Description

Preventing a DUI Arrest is the most comprehensive guide to discuss how to prevent a drunk driving arrest (other terms include DUI, DWI, OWI). Other books discuss what to do AFTER being arrested for DUI, but no other book thoroughly covers what to do to PREVENT a DUI arrest. The Preventing book is an essential addition to your library collection. However, it must be read from cover-to-cover to fully extract the breadth of knowledge, information and insight. Learn various investigative techniques used by law enforcement officers to manipulate motorists into a confession and how drivers are profiled for a DUI arrest. Also learn effective techniques on how to leave the scene to avoid a DUI arrest. Basically, learn everything you need to know to prevent a DUI arrest, and it is all inside this easy-to-understand empowerment manual. The contents contain all the information you need to prevent a drunk driving arrest. The topics include the following: 1) The legal definition of driving under the influence; 2) Preparing for a night of drinking and driving; 3) Essential vehicle contents to conceal alcohol consumption; 4) Techniques to avoid signs of driving impairment; 5) Geographic implications on a DWI; 6) Equipment and moving violations that increase DUI arrests; 7) How distractions and behavioral actions cause drunk driving arrests; 8) Anonymous tips reporting a possible drunk driver; 9) Vehicle breakdowns and accidents, and when to leave the scene; 10) Police tracking techniques; 11) Appropriate conduct when being stopped by the police; and 12) DUI laws in other countries. Preventing a DUI Arrest is the official guide for any motorist interested in preventing a DUI arrest. Drunk driving is considered the most socially abhorrent criminal offense of our time. Police departments are spending money at an exorbitant rate to deter this offense (and raising revenue for the state). MADD Mothers are nationally organized to influence state and federal legislation to impose harsher penalties (fines, jail, and license suspensions). It is time to fight back. Knowledge is power. Read this book and you will have all the necessary tools at your disposal to avoid a drunk driving arrest.

Coexisting on Earth Homo sapiens Quagmire

Book Description

This book examines Homo sapiens lost connection with nature and the aftermath, Homo sapiens excessive footprint on the Earth itself, the depredations done to Earth by Homo sapiens, the denial of global warming and other environmental issues, Frankenstein science and those attempting to play God, the conservation of Earth, what the future may perhaps entail, and going back to nature and coexisting on Earth. The book contains many statistical facts on the subject matter being discussed with more than 715 references within the bibliography and more than 120 graphs, satellite images, and other photographs. Some of the subtopics covered in this book include: Agriculture and the Origins of Modern Civilization, Meat, Dairy, and Egg Consumption, Current Medical Epidemics, Prescription Drug Epidemic, Mental Health and Drug Addiction, Government and Corporate Influence, Poverty, Money, Greed, and Corporate Responsibility, Warmongers, An Incarcerated and Policed Society Living with Unwarranted Fear, Guns, Religion, Suppression of History and Knowledge, Education and The Monetary Value of History and Knowledge, The Slaughter, Slavery, and Forced Assimilation of Indigenous Homo sapiens, Contemporary Slavery, Children, Women, Family and Individualism, The Mainstream News Media, World Population, Mass Consumption, A Surplus of Senseless Waste, Fashion, Cities, Water Consumption, Desertification, Surface Water, and Groundwater Depletion, Wastewater and Sewage Sludge, Watercraft, Mineral Extraction, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Weapons and Power, Toxic Unnatural Chemicals, Fertilizers and the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycle, Pesticides, Atmospheric Pollution, Ozone Hole, Light and Sound Pollution, Hazardous Waste and Superfund Sites, Synthetic Plastic, Cannabis, Ocean Garbage Patches and Beach Trash, Lakes, Rivers, Wetlands, and Oceans, Coral Reefs, Fish, Whaling, Dolphin Driving, Military Dolphins, and Sonar, Shark Finning and other Ancient Pseudo Medicines, Zoos, Pets, Fauna Experimentation, Illegal and Legal Trade of Florae and Faunae, Hunting, Extinct Species, Endangered and Threatened Species, Invasive Florae and Faunae, Forests, Soils, Intentional Industrial Related Environmental Depredations, Oils Spills, Acid Rain, Homo sapiens Clash with Nature, Coexisting with Science and Technology, Environmental Legislation, Grassroots Efforts, Simple Individual Changes, Eco-Generation, Globalization and World Government, Homo sapiens Pseudo Connection with Nature, Homo sapiens Misconception of Nature, Unwarranted Fear of Nature, Lost Connection with Nature, and many other social and environmental issues past and present. What readers have to say: "Be forewarned, if you read this book and understand it fully, you will most likely not see the world the same way ever again and will contemplate much more about the world around you, society itself, and even yourself and the lifestyle you are living." "This book will make you think more about the Earth and how truly impactful and self-destructive we are." "This book is very insightful about the impacts we are having on Earth and how we are destroying not only ourselves but the entire Earth we inhabit." "Excellent book. Very sad, but very true." "I always knew we were destroying the Earth, but never at this magnitude." "This book contains so much useful information it's like an encyclopedia of the destruction of Earth." "A must read for any conservationist, environmentalist, or anyone interested in helping to save Earth." "If you don't believe in global warming or that we are destroying not only ourselves but the entire Earth around us, read this book and you will." "The most accurate and up to date statistics on the environmental and social issues currently facing humans." “A story which urgently needs to be told. I admire both the depth of the research and the passion with which the author brings it to life. I wish I could find more things to disagree with the author about.”

Federal Probation

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