A Map for a Christian Satanist

Book Description

Becoming A Christian Satanist And A Map For A Christian Satanist

Book Description

“Christian Satanist” is a naturally questionable title for anyone but for those who want to raise a hair or two there is this book. It can be taken seriously or just read for amusement but as a religion Christian Satanism is quite exceptional. It comes across as offensive to many as religion is so much coupled with being on a side and fighting for a side. That’s especially so with Satanists and Christians. It is a project made with all sincerity however and its formula led to a great new religion. For the first time a religion is seen through shades. For the first time the Gray Side has been truly established.

Christian Satanic Doctrine

Book Description

Christianity with Satanism

The Christian Satanist

Book Description

A truly good look into the religion of Christian Satanism and The Christian Satanist’s place within it. Christian Satanism is a worldly gray sided religion worked into the middle area of life, its thoughts, things, and substance. It gives its followers both a soul and a spirit, and a love for earth and our lives within it. After all, the world exists between heaven and hell. It prefers philanthropy and morality over being “sinister” or “diabolical” in some sort of weird way. On the other hand it doesn’t strive to judge or condemn through Christianity. This book is for anyone who may find the gray side a more attractive thing.

Becoming a Christian Satanist

Book Description

Christian Satanism is a religion given to us by opposing sides. It exists as a dualism invented by good and evil. It allows its follower to delve into either Christianity or Satanism, independently, or both as the well enough coincide. We can be said as those that will conquer the middle plane, which includes Earth, and make it our own. Whereas there are those destined for Heaven, others Hell, we remain. Christian Satanism is a well made religion unlike any other- and for some eyes simply an impossibility.

Christian Satanism and The Herald of Satanic Waters

Book Description

This book serves as a good introduction to Christian Satanism. Christian Satanism is a spiritual gray sided religion. It is a duality of good and iniquity and in its Satanic form is more potent than anything else before it. It freely offers the best of each and both of them together. This is among a large series of books that are all free and in public domain. The second part of this book (The Herald of Satanic Waters) is solely about Satanism.

Christianity, Satanism, And Christian Satanism

Book Description

A book just about those (Christianity, Satanism, and Christian Satanism) taken as different subjects. Christianity is approached here in a philanthropic way. Satanism is approached in a worldly way. Christian Satanism is approached as a gray sided spiritually world based religion. The topics overall cover magic, the occult, Christian scripture, gray sided philosophy, and Satanist centered belief. This is also a public domain book at low cost or no cost.

Christian Satanism

Book Description

The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity And Mastering Christian Satanism

Book Description

The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity And Mastering Christian Satanism- two books in one. In between the dark and the light dwells the twilight of Christian Satanism. Christian Satanism is a gray sided belief fathered by Christianity and Satanism through the powers of Heaven and Hell. As a religion it exists to produce The Children of The Gray who are the true inheritors of God’s New Earth.