A Mixed-methods Program Evaluation of Two Middle School Mathematics Intervention Programs

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The purpose of this study was to conduct a program evaluation of two mathematics intervention programs, Transmath and Vmath, in order to discover whether students who are exposed to the intervention programs will show growth in their mathematics performance. The effectiveness of the programs was measured quantitatively by collecting a pre and postassessment score using Moby Max and qualitatively regarding the implementation and effectiveness of the two programs by conducting classroom observations and teacher interviews. -- The literature in this study identifies the connection between RTI, tiered intervention, mathematics intervention, and program implementation fidelity. The current literature contains a great deal of information on mathematics programs and how they help raise achievement scores on standardized testing; however, little literature is available comparing the use of mathematics programs and the amount of growth produced. Knowing that there is a gap in the research as to mathematics intervention programs and how they help raise achievement scores, this study aimed to address the following overarching research question: How effective are the Transmath and Vmath programs when used as an intervention strategy for struggling middle grade math students? -- This study is significant in that it presents findings related to the effectiveness of the Transmath and Vmath interventions and the relationship between academic growth as measured by Moby Max and program implementation and teacher perception. Information from this program evaluation offers insight into which mathematics intervention program will result in the most achievement growth for middle school students.

A Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Study Measuring the Impact of Math-Economics Cross Curricular Intervention

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Research studies in the past have linked math ability to success in economics courses. However, most of these studies have utilized a quantitative study design with limited studies testing the influence of math interventions on student’s academic ability in economics courses. This study will use a convergent mixed-methods research design to quantitatively measure the impact of a Math intervention on High School 11th and 12th grade Economics students and qualitatively observe student engagement and motivation during the intervention. A causal-comparative research design will be utilized for the quantitative strand to compare math ability in economics courses between students who participated in the intervention (experimental group) and those who did not participate in the intervention (control group). Students will be selected for the intervention based on their algebra and/or geometry end of course test scores as well as Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress Math 6+ Growth scores. Participants must have earned a level of beginning or developing learner on one or both tests. This study will utilize cross-curriculum collaboration between math and economics departments to develop and refine the intervention. Two years of retrospective data will be analyzed because the intervention started in 2018-19 academic year in the targeted school. Additionally, the researcher will collect data on student’s knowledge in the beginning, middle, and end of semester in the 2020-21 academic year. A dependent t-test will be utilized to measure change in student knowledge during the intervention which would assess the extent to which the intervention is successful in improving the Economics benchmark test scores. A phenomenological research design will be used for the qualitative strand to explore student engagement and motivation during math based economic interventions. Triangulation of quantitative and qualitative strands will occur through embedding and linking integration techniques.

Effective Strategies in Middle School Math Response to Intervention

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Many schools have implemented Response to Intervention programs successfully. This study specifically at what strategies are most effective in middle school mathematics Response to Intervention. A review of literature shows that it is imperative to provide Response to Intervention intensively and school wide. Additionally, effective strategies must be used, so that the time when instruction is being provided is maximized. Lastly, if done correctly, Response to Intervention can have lasting effects on meeting student needs and cutting down on special education identification for many students. A mixed methods approach was used to examine data collected on students who were part of a middle school math Response to Intervention program, as well speaking with them about their experiences. Combining data with the thoughts of the students who Response to Intervention directly affected brought deeper understanding into what works for students in a setting such as this.

Mixed Methods Design in Evaluation

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Mixed Methods Program Evaluation discusses the major frameworks that are used to design mixed methods evaluations. Multiple examples of the different frameworks are used to illustrate mixed methods evaluations in practice.

A Midcycle Evaluation of an Intervention Program on Middle School Math Scores

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The purpose of this study was to conduct a mid-cycle examination on the effects of a nonprofit organization's middle school intervention program on sixth grade math TAKS scores at a suburban middle school in Houston, Texas. This study examined the effectiveness of two of the project goals in the first year of a two-year implementation: Increased achievement for targeted cohort students and all students in the sixth grade. The program consists of six components (baseline analysis of student data, targeted collaboration among teachers and schools, performance coaching to improve teaching and learning, continuous assessment for learning, family engagement, and extra instructional time and support to meet higher standards). Although scores did not improve in the first year of implementation, this study evaluated the goal to improve student performance in middle school that leads to increased success toward college and career readiness standards in high school.

Handling the Qualitative Side of Mixed Methods Research

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Attention to mixed methods studies research has increased in recent years, particularly among funding agencies that increasingly require a mixed methods approach for program evaluation. At the same time, researchers operating within large-scale, rapid-turnaround research projects are faced with the reality that collection and analysis of large amounts of qualitative data typically require an intense amount of project resources and time. However, practical examples of efficiently collecting and handling high-quality qualitative data within these studies are limited. More examples are also needed of procedures for integrating the qualitative and quantitative strands of a study from design to interpretation in ways that can facilitate efficiencies. This paper provides a detailed description of the strategies used to collect and analyze qualitative data in what the research team believed to be an efficient, high-quality way within a team-based mixed methods evaluation study of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) high-school education. The research team employed an iterative approach to qualitative data analysis that combined matrix analyses with Microsoft Excel and the qualitative data analysis software program ATLAS.ti. This approach yielded a number of practical benefits. Selected preliminary results illustrate how this approach can simplify analysis and facilitate data integration.

Response to Intervention in Math

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Provides educators with instructions on applying response-to-intervention (RTI) while teaching and planning curriculum for students with learning disabilities.