A Modern Guide to Food Economics

Book Description

This Modern Guide provides detailed theoretical and empirical insights into key areas of research in food economics. It takes a forward-looking perspective on how different actors in the food system shape the sustainability of food production, distribution, and consumption, as well as on major challenges to efficient and inclusive food systems.

A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics

Book Description

This Modern Guide captures the evolution of foundational tenets, theories, frameworks and models that buttressed tourism economics into an evolving discipline, shining light on both new and old approaches. It systematically examines current and future trends and issues related to new economic perspectives, consolidating the notion of tourism economics as a discipline.

A Modern Guide to Austrian Economics

Book Description

This Modern Guide explores central ideas, concepts, and themes in the Austrian school of economics, with a focus on how they, and with them the overall theory, have evolved over recent decades. Leading scholars offer their insights into potential directions of future research in the field, pointing towards contemporary debates and their potential conclusions, underdeveloped aspects and extensions of theory, and current applications of interest.

A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime

Book Description

A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime discusses the evolution of a field, whose growing relevance among scholars and policymakers is partly related to the persistence of crime and violence around the world and partly to the remarkable progress made in recent years in the economic analysis of individual and organised crime. With contributions from some of the leading scholars in the economics of crime, the volume highlights a variety of topics, conceptual frameworks and empirical approaches, thus providing a comprehensive overview of the most recent developments of the field.

A Modern Guide to Uneven Economic Development

Book Description

In contrast to neo-classical mainstream approaches to economics, this innovative Modern Guide addresses the complex reality of economic development as an inherently uneven process, exploring the ways of theorizing and empirically exploring the mechanisms with which the unevenness manifests itself. It covers a wide array of issues influencing wealth and poverty, technological innovation, ecology and sustainability, financialization, population, gender, and geography, considering the dynamics of cumulative causations created by the interplay between these factors.

A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics

Book Description

This Modern Guide advances Post-Keynesian Institutional economics, an integrative tradition—inspired by keen economic observers such as John Kenneth Galbraith, Joan Robinson, and Hyman Minsky—that bridges Institutional and Post Keynesian economics. The tradition proved its worth by addressing the global financial crisis of 2007–2009, as well as by analyzing long-term trends accompanying the evolution of investor-driven (“money manager”) capitalism, including financialization, spreading worker insecurity, and rising inequality. The book begins with the history and contours of Post-Keynesian Institutionalism, and then breaks new ground, extending recent analyses of contemporary economic problems, sharpening concepts and methods, sketching new theories, and synthesizing ideas across research traditions.

A Modern Guide to the Informal Economy

Book Description

This Modern Guide presents a comprehensive synthesis of contemporary thought on the informal economy, which, as the author demonstrates – far from being a peripheral feature of the global economy – is a system in which the majority of the global workforce are employed and which has pervasive detrimental effects. Formalising it is therefore a priority for most governments.

A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy

Book Description

Providing an insightful analysis of the key issues and significant trends relating to labour within the platform economy, this Modern Guide considers the existing comparative evidence covering all world regions. It also provides an in-depth look at digital labour platforms in their historical, economic and geographical contexts.

A Modern Guide to Knowledge

Book Description

Outlining an integrative theory of knowledge, Francisco Javier Carrillo explores how to understand the underlying behavioural basis of the knowledge economy and society. Chapters highlight the notion that unless a knowledge-based value creation and distribution paradigm is globally adopted, the possibilities for integration between a sustainable biosphere and a viable economy are small.

A Modern Guide to Creative Economies

Book Description

Bringing together a series of new perspectives and reflections on creative economies, this insightful Modern Guide expands and challenges current knowledge in the field. Interdisciplinary in scope, it features a broad range of contributions from both leading and emerging scholars, which provide innovative, critical research into a wide range of disciplines, including arts and cultural management, cultural policy, cultural sociology, economics, entrepreneurship, management and business studies, geography, humanities, and media studies.