A New Approach for Performance Evaluation of Bridge Infrastructure Using Terrestrial LiDAR and Advanced Mathematical Modeling

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High plastic expansive clays when subjected to different climatic conditions undergo large ground movements causing distress to infrastructures including bridges, pavements,buildings, retaining structures, and others. Performance assessment of these structures built on problematic soils such as expansive clays is important to reduce maintenance and extending the design life of infrastructure. Rapid developments in remote sensing technologies with precise evaluation have influenced the monitoring techniques for assessing the health condition of civil infrastructure projects. While these technologies have considerably aided in performance evaluation, cogent procedures for evaluating the ground movements are still required that integrates technologies, climatic factors, soil behavior models. This research study presents an integrated approach using the Three-Dimensional Terrestrial Laser Scanning (3D-TLS)technique and advanced mathematical modeling (system identification approach) for assessing the performance of the bridge infrastructure including highway embankment, bridge deck,bridge approach slab, bridge abutments, and columns. First, an optimized framework is developed to evaluate ground movements using 3D-TLS technique, which is an active-remote sensing Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing technology that uses near infrared light to monitor physical characteristics of earth's surface. The ground movements from the processed scans, and climatic factor parameters including temperature and precipitation variations were used to develop advanced mathematical models of dynamic systems using collected time-series data. The validation of the developed integrated framework is illustrated on a test site built on high plastic expansive clay soils located in North Texas. Cost-Benefit Analysis (COA) is performed to compare 3D-TLS remote sensing and prevalent monitoring approaches. This research highlights the integration of latest technological developments with advanced mathematical models to predict the condition of a bridge infrastructure.

Performance Evaluation of a Bridge Infrastructure Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology

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Monitoring techniques, used to assess the condition of infrastructures, have been impacted by the rapid developments in remote sensing technology. While these technologies have improved performance evaluation, cogent procedures for evaluating ground movements have yet to be developed. This article presents an application of the three-dimensional terrestrial laser scanning (3D-TLS) technology for assessing the performance of bridge infrastructures, including highway embankments, bridge decks, approach slabs, abutments, and columns supported on drilled shafts. In this research study, a framework was developed, using 3D-TLS technology, to evaluate the ground movements. The survey process, variables, and analysis were demonstrated by performing the field operations at a rehabilitated bridge infrastructure located in North Texas. The analysis depicted vertical movements that were experienced by the approach slab during different time periods. The validation of 3D-TLS results was performed by comparing the vertical movements from the four horizontal inclinometers installed underneath the pavement. The comparison studies revealed similar movement patterns of both inclinometers and processed scans, while the latter provided detailed soil movements over a larger area.

Laser Scanning Systems in Highway and Safety Assessment

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This book aims to promote the core understanding of a proper modelling of road traffic accidents by deep learning methods using traffic information and road geometry delineated from laser scanning data. The first two chapters of the book introduce the reader to laser scanning technology with creative explanation and graphical illustrations, review and recent methods of extracting geometric road parameters. The next three chapters present different machine learning and statistical techniques applied to extract road geometry information from laser scanning data. Chapters 6 and 7 present methods for modelling roadside features and automatic road geometry identification in vector data. After that, this book goes on reviewing methods used for road traffic accident modelling including accident frequency and injury severity of the traffic accident (Chapter 8). Then, the next chapter explores the details of neural networks and their performance in predicting the traffic accidents along with a comparison with common data mining models. Chapter 10 presents a novel hybrid model combining extreme gradient boosting and deep neural networks for predicting injury severity of road traffic accidents. This chapter is followed by deep learning applications in modelling accident data using feed-forward, convolutional, recurrent neural network models (Chapter 11). The final chapter (Chapter 12) presents a procedure for modelling traffic accident with little data based on the concept of transfer learning. This book aims to help graduate students, professionals, decision makers, and road planners in developing better traffic accident prediction models using advanced neural networks.

Terrestrial Laser Scanning-Based Bridge Structural Condition Assessment

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Objective, accurate, and fast assessment of a bridge's structural condition is critical to the timely assessment of safety risks. Current practices for bridge condition assessment rely on visual observations and manual interpretation of reports and sketches prepared by inspectors in the field. Visual observation, manual reporting, and interpretation have several drawbacks, such as being labor intensive, subject to personal judgment and experience, and prone to error. Terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) are promising sensors for automatically identifying structural condition indicators, such as cracks, displacements, and deflected shapes, because they are able to provide high coverage and accuracy at long ranges. However, limited research has been conducted on employing laser scanners to detect cracks for bridge condition assessment, and the research has mainly focused on manual detection and measurement of cracks, displacements, or shape deflections from the laser scan point clouds. This research project proposed to measure the performance of TLS for the automatic detection of cracks for bridge structural condition assessment. Laser scanning is an advanced imaging technology that is used to rapidly measure the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of densely scanned points within a scene. The data gathered by a laser scanner are provided in the form of point clouds, with color and intensity data often associated with each point within the cloud. Point cloud data can be analyzed using computer vision algorithms to detect cracks for the condition assessment of reinforced concrete structures. In this research project, adaptive wavelet neural network (WNN) algorithms for detecting cracks from laser scan point clouds were developed based on the state-of-the-art condition assessment codes and standards. Using the proposed method for crack detection would enable automatic and remote assessment of a bridge's condition. This would, in turn, result in reducing the costs associated with infrastructure management and improving the overall quality of our infrastructure by enhancing maintenance operations.

Development of a Robust Framework for Assessing Bridge Performance Using a Multiple Model Approach

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This project presents a simple approach to multiple model deterioration modeling for bridges by identifying common points between deterioration model approaches and combining the results at these points. Inclusion of other data sources into this framework was explored, and an ontology of these sources and their relationships was developed. The results showed fairly close performance between individual models and combined models when considering a population of bridges in Texas using the National Bridge Inventory data--a resource that Texas would like to make better use of. This performance is a result of the bridges selected via identification of explanatory variables which are assumed through engineering judgment to drive deterioration - a practice that is common in nearly all of the literature. Future work includes exploring more robust ways of identifying explanatory variables.

Understanding Bridge Performance Through Integrated Modeling and Monitoring

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The first structure to be investigated, the Chesapeake City Bridge, is a 539 foot, tied arch that spans the C&D canal in Maryland. The objectives of the first case study presented were to (1) develop a numerical model, (2) characterize the physical condition of a tied arch bridge, and (3) determine the cause(s) of damage (fatigue cracking in this case) using multiple static diagnostic tests in conjunction with the developed model.

Examination of Bridge Performance Through the Extension of Simulation Modeling and Structural Identification to Large Populations of Structures

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The long-term strength and serviceability of common multi-girder bridges in the United States has been the subject of considerable inquiry in the modern era, in part due to the limited resources allocated to the preservation of large populations of bridges throughout the U.S. that are approaching the end of their originally envisioned design lives. While, the conservatism that has served the civil engineering profession well for over two centuries is still appropriate for new design, in the case of aging infrastructures it has proven ill-equipped with a resulting track record of "crying wolf.0́+ Current methods of population-scale evaluation are primarily qualitative and thus struggle to effectively support proper prioritization for preservation or replacement of the large numbers of bridges built during the infrastructure expansions of the 20th Century. The disparity between what is predicted through current methods of evaluation and what has been shown by refined quantitative testing indicates that concerns over safety are largely unfounded and hence provides little evidence for the need to drastically modify current design methodologies; therefore research in this area must concentrate on strategies for understanding this safety bias and the factors that influence its behavior on a quantifiable level so it may be used as factional information by infrastructure stakeholders. The overarching aim of the research reported herein is to establish a framework whereby realistic simulations and structural identification may be brought to bear on furthering the understanding of performance of large populations of bridges. The completed objectives outlined in this dissertation include: (1) Develop and validate an automated steel girder design/modeling tool capable of developing realistic estimates of the structural characteristics/responses for broad populations of bridges. (2) Using the tool developed in (1), establish the extent to which common design assumptions can result in deterministic trends of structural characteristics within populations of bridges. (3) Using the tool developed in (1), examine how the current practice of bridge design (inclusive of the conservatism introduced through common assumptions) may produce bridges that are capable of meeting demands that were not explicitly considered during member sizing. (4) Develop and validate a streamlined parameter identification tool capable of reliably improving the representative nature of simulation models through the use of field measurements. Key conclusions from this research include: (1) Design decisions such as diaphragm type and girder spacing that are made based on arbitrary criteria can have significant influence over the actual properties and reserve capacity of highway bridges. (2) Bias implicit in conventional design processes provides reserve capacity that is critical to accommodating limit states not explicitly considered during design. (3) When incorporating field measurements within structural assessment, it is crucial to perform model updating. The non-uniqueness associated with this inverse problem can be reduced through the updating and interpretation of both global and spatially varying deterministic parameters.

Remote Continuous Evaluation of a Bridge Constructed Using High Performance Steel

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Of the approximately 25,000 bridges in Iowa, 28% are classified as structurally deficient, functionally obsolete, or both. The state of Iowa thus follows the national trend of an aging infrastructure in dire need of repair or replacement with a relatively limited funding base. Therefore, there is a need to develop new materials with properties that may lead to longer life spans and reduced life-cycle costs. In addition, new methods for determining the condition of structures are needed to monitor the structures effectively and identify when the useful life of the structure has expired or other maintenance is needed. High-performance steel (HPS) has emerged as a material with enhanced weldability, weathering capabilities, and fracture toughness compared to conventional structural steels. In 2004, the Iowa Department of Transportation opened Iowa's first HPS girder bridge, the East 12th Street Bridge over I-235 in Des Moines, IA. The objective of this project was to evaluate HPS as a viable option for use in Iowa bridges with a continuous structural health monitoring (SHM) system. The scope of the project included documenting the construction of the East 12th Street Bridge and concurrently developing a remote, continuous SHM system using fiber-optic sensing technology to evaluate the structural performance of the bridge. The SHM system included bridge evaluation parameters, similar to design parameters used by bridge engineers, for evaluating the structure. Through the successful completion of this project, a baseline of bridge performance was established that can be used for continued long-term monitoring of the structure. In general, the structural performance of the HPS bridge exceeded the design parameters and is performing well. Although some problems were encountered with the SHM system, the system functions well and recommendations for improving the system have been made.

Evaluation of Live-load Distribution Factors (LLDFs) of Next Beam Bridges

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A new precast-prestressed cross section was recently developed by a consortium of engineers from the six New England states, New York and members of the northeast region of PCI. The northeast extreme Tee (NEXT) beam is efficient for medium Bridge spans (50 to 80 ft long). Field formwork savings are introduced by having a flange cast integrally during fabrication of the beams at the precasting plant. Job safety is increased because a working platform is created. The flange width of the NEXT Beams can be adjusted during fabrication to accommodate roadways of different widths and skew angles. Because the section is new with complexity in its shape, the present design guidance cannot be used to evaluate LLDFs for NEXT beams within the context of the AASHTO LRFD. In particular, the use of live-load distribution factors (LLDFs) equations in LRFD for NEXT beams is not straightforward. The distance between the beam webs is variable depending on whether it is measured within a beam module or between adjacent modules. In absence of detailed information a PCI technical committee evaluated LLDFs (through AASHTO 2010 Bridge specification) for the NEXT beams used in the Brimfield Bridge by two different approaches and found one of them conservative. The conservative approach was single stem which uses the average spacing (between webs ([S1+S3]/2)) for use in the LLDF equations. The committee expressed concerns about whether trends of LLDFs would be similar for other parametric sets, and would like to standardize the methodology for the Bridge projects in Massachusetts with NEXT beam as the girder. To verify the conservativeness of single stem methodology (for the evaluation of LLDFs) for other parameters this research project was initiated. LLDFs are evaluated based on the two approaches and compared with the LLDFs obtained through finite element modeling. The results of 40-3D finite element models have been used to compare the LLDFs obtained from AASHTO 2010 Bridge design specification. The results were also used to compare different parameters that affect LLDFs of NEXT beams including span, skew angle, and beam end fixity. The finite element models were created using a Bridge prototype that is being instrumented for future field verification of the analyses. The models were created using frame elements for the beams and shell elements for the cast in place deck. The integral abutment and foundation of the Bridges was included in the models in which piles are created using frame elements and abutments are created using shell elements. The results indicate that the approach taken for the design of NEXT beams is in general conservative for interior girders of the Bridge. On the contrary such the adopted approach was not yielding the higher value of LLDFs. The variation in strains due to losses are compared by two methods (strains variation obtained from field data and strain variation obtained based on AASHTO equation of losses) to verify the AASHTO equation of losses.