A Note on Nonparametric Estimation With Constructed Variables and Generated Regressors

Book Description

This article gives the asymptotic properties for nonparametric kernel based density and regression estimators when one of the variables, respectively regressors, had to be pre-estimated. Those variables are known as constructed variables or generatedregressors, and their impact on the -nal estimator is well studied in the fully para-metric context. The problem of making inference based on predicted rather than on observed values is quite frequent in econometrics and applied economics. The results are derived in such a way that the pre-estimation steps could be performed by any con-sistent nonparametric or parametric method. The case of parametric estimation with nonparametric predictors is discussed, as well. In most cases it is obvious and mathematically straightforward how to extend the results to semiparametric models or to other nonparametric smoothing methods. We also study the performance of nonparametric estimators with constructed variables by simulations and compare the numerical to our theoretical results.

Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation

Book Description

Developed from lecture notes and ready to be used for a course on the graduate level, this concise text aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of nonparametric estimation theory while maintaining the exposition suitable for a first approach in the field.

Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related Topics

Book Description

About three years ago, an idea was discussed among some colleagues in the Division of Statistics at the University of California, Davis, as to the possibility of holding an international conference, focusing exclusively on nonparametric curve estimation. The fruition of this idea came about with the enthusiastic support of this project by Luc Devroye of McGill University, Canada, and Peter Robinson of the London School of Economics, UK. The response of colleagues, contacted to ascertain interest in participation in such a conference, was gratifying and made the effort involved worthwhile. Devroye and Robinson, together with this editor and George Metakides of the University of Patras, Greece and of the European Economic Communities, Brussels, formed the International Organizing Committee for a two week long Advanced Study Institute (ASI) sponsored by the Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The ASI was held on the Greek Island of Spetses between July 29 and August 10, 1990. Nonparametric functional estimation is a central topic in statistics, with applications in numerous substantive fields in mathematics, natural and social sciences, engineering and medicine. While there has been interest in nonparametric functional estimation for many years, this has grown of late, owing to increasing availability of large data sets and the ability to process them by means of improved computing facilities, along with the ability to display the results by means of sophisticated graphical procedures.

Applied Nonparametric Econometrics

Book Description

The majority of empirical research in economics ignores the potential benefits of nonparametric methods, while the majority of advances in nonparametric theory ignores the problems faced in applied econometrics. This book helps bridge this gap between applied economists and theoretical nonparametric econometricians. It discusses in depth, and in terms that someone with only one year of graduate econometrics can understand, basic to advanced nonparametric methods. The analysis starts with density estimation and motivates the procedures through methods that should be familiar to the reader. It then moves on to kernel regression, estimation with discrete data, and advanced methods such as estimation with panel data and instrumental variables models. The book pays close attention to the issues that arise with programming, computing speed, and application. In each chapter, the methods discussed are applied to actual data, paying attention to presentation of results and potential pitfalls.

Nonparametric Curve Estimation

Book Description

This book gives a systematic, comprehensive, and unified account of modern nonparametric statistics of density estimation, nonparametric regression, filtering signals, and time series analysis. The companion software package, available over the Internet, brings all of the discussed topics into the realm of interactive research. Virtually every claim and development mentioned in the book is illustrated with graphs which are available for the reader to reproduce and modify, making the material fully transparent and allowing for complete interactivity.

Essays on Identification, Estimation and Testing Using Nonparametric Methods

Book Description

"This dissertation is a collection of two papers studying the identification, estimation and testing of Econometrics problems using nonparametric methods. In Chapter 1, we study the estimation and testing of structural changes in panel data models with cross-sectional dependence and local stationarity. Instead of focusing on detection of abrupt structural changes, we consider smooth structural changes for which model parameters are unknown deterministic smooth functions of time, except for a finite number of time points. Such smooth alternatives are expected to be more realistic than sudden structural changes. We use nonparametric local smoothing method to consistently estimate the smooth changing parameters and develop two consistent tests for smooth structural changes in panel data models. The first test is to check whether all model parameters are stable over time. The second test is to check potential time-varying interaction while allowing for a common trend. Both tests have an asymptotic N (0, 1) distribution under the null hypothesis of parameter constancy and are consistent against a vast class of smooth structural changes as well as abrupt structural breaks with possibly unknown break points alternatives. Simulation studies show that the tests provide reliable inference in finite samples. Applying our tests to the cross-country growth accounting model using 14 OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, we find instability in the model parameters. In Chapter 2, we study an under-identified triangular system of equations model that has k endogenous variables, but only strictly less than k excluded instrumental variables (k = 1, 2, ...). We consider a partially linear model. The endogenous variables for which excluded instruments are available are allowed to have a non-parametric effect. The linear part contains the endogenous variables (and higher order moments and interactions of these) for which we have no excluded instruments. Without the availability of additional instrumental variables, we exploit the additive separability in the partially linear model to generate additional exogenous variation that allows us to identify the coefficients of the endogenous regressors for which no excluded instruments are available. An easy-to-implement consistent estimator for the parametric part is presented. By applying the empirical process methods, we show that the estimator retains ?n-convergence rate and asymptotic normality even with the presence of generated regressors (when k > 1). The nonparametric part of the model is identified, and can be estimated with the standard nonparametric convergence rate. Monte Carlo simulation demonstrates our estimator performs well in finite samples."--Pages v-vi.

Missing and Modified Data in Nonparametric Estimation

Book Description

This book presents a systematic and unified approach for modern nonparametric treatment of missing and modified data via examples of density and hazard rate estimation, nonparametric regression, filtering signals, and time series analysis. All basic types of missing at random and not at random, biasing, truncation, censoring, and measurement errors are discussed, and their treatment is explained. Ten chapters of the book cover basic cases of direct data, biased data, nondestructive and destructive missing, survival data modified by truncation and censoring, missing survival data, stationary and nonstationary time series and processes, and ill-posed modifications. The coverage is suitable for self-study or a one-semester course for graduate students with a prerequisite of a standard course in introductory probability. Exercises of various levels of difficulty will be helpful for the instructor and self-study. The book is primarily about practically important small samples. It explains when consistent estimation is possible, and why in some cases missing data should be ignored and why others must be considered. If missing or data modification makes consistent estimation impossible, then the author explains what type of action is needed to restore the lost information. The book contains more than a hundred figures with simulated data that explain virtually every setting, claim, and development. The companion R software package allows the reader to verify, reproduce and modify every simulation and used estimators. This makes the material fully transparent and allows one to study it interactively. Sam Efromovich is the Endowed Professor of Mathematical Sciences and the Head of the Actuarial Program at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is well known for his work on the theory and application of nonparametric curve estimation and is the author of Nonparametric Curve Estimation: Methods, Theory, and Applications. Professor Sam Efromovich is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association.

Missing and Modified Data in Nonparametric Estimation

Book Description

This book presents a systematic and unified approach for modern nonparametric treatment of missing and modified data via examples of density and hazard rate estimation, nonparametric regression, filtering signals, and time series analysis. All basic types of missing at random and not at random, biasing, truncation, censoring, and measurement errors are discussed, and their treatment is explained. Ten chapters of the book cover basic cases of direct data, biased data, nondestructive and destructive missing, survival data modified by truncation and censoring, missing survival data, stationary and nonstationary time series and processes, and ill-posed modifications. The coverage is suitable for self-study or a one-semester course for graduate students with a prerequisite of a standard course in introductory probability. Exercises of various levels of difficulty will be helpful for the instructor and self-study. The book is primarily about practically important small samples. It explains when consistent estimation is possible, and why in some cases missing data should be ignored and why others must be considered. If missing or data modification makes consistent estimation impossible, then the author explains what type of action is needed to restore the lost information. The book contains more than a hundred figures with simulated data that explain virtually every setting, claim, and development. The companion R software package allows the reader to verify, reproduce and modify every simulation and used estimators. This makes the material fully transparent and allows one to study it interactively. Sam Efromovich is the Endowed Professor of Mathematical Sciences and the Head of the Actuarial Program at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is well known for his work on the theory and application of nonparametric curve estimation and is the author of Nonparametric Curve Estimation: Methods, Theory, and Applications. Professor Sam Efromovich is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association.