A Parent's Guide to Teaching Your Teenager "How to Drive Safely" While Maintaining Your Sanity

Book Description

This book was written to help parents teach their son or daughter how to drive – safely. The author, Bill Kennedy, has been a teacher and coach for over 25 years. He is currently the owner of the largest driving school network in the state of Kansas, which has served over 40,000 students. The teaching progression explained in the ten chapters is sensible, systematic, and easy to understand. Over the years, this step-by-step educational training system has proven to be very effective for the novice driver. The content is thorough in scope. It covers the many essential driving techniques and fundamentals in order for a beginner to develop into a safe and successful driver.

Teaching Your Teen Behind the Wheel

Book Description

If you could think of one tool that could help teach a new driver and their parent to be safer, learn quicker, and to get better results in preparation for driving, it would have to be a book written by someone who has spent nearly a decade and over 12,000 hours in an automobile with new drivers. This book is it! It captures the heart of years of experience combined with a desire to protect America on the road. Anyone who is a beginning driver or a parent that wants to help their teenager will benefit from these simple instructions.

Driving from the Passenger Seat

Book Description

"Driving From The Passenger Seat helps parents overcome the most common roadblocks they will face when teaching their teens to drive"--Back cover.

Safe Young Drivers

Book Description

Teenagers are by far the most dangerous age group on the road: a 16-year-old is 12 times as likely as older drivers to die in a crash as a single occupant; put two young teens in a vehicle, and the odds of death and injury nearly double. Safe Young Drivers helps to address this enormous problem. It is an indispensable guide for teaching teens to drive. Intended for parents and teens to use together, it addresses parental issues such as how to choose a car for your teen, and provides teens with simple instruction and important tips to remember. With simple graphics, a complete index, and a section called Some ABCs for the Road, Safe Young Drivers is a valuable tool for all new drivers and their teachers.

Not So Fast

Book Description

Providing fully updated advice to parents, guardians, and other adults who supervise teen drivers, this second edition of Not So Fast will help to guide and empower readers. Parents will learn priceless information in teaching teenagers how to evaluate the circumstances of every driving trip, how to say "no" when necessary, how to prepare a "flight plan" for each drive, and how to put safety before convenience. Parents will also benefit by understanding the real dangers and risks in teen driving by recognizing the limits of driver training programs and will thus becoming more informed and proactive in their supervisory role. Current statistics, updated research, and additions dealing with hands-free devices as well as drowsy driving, make this new edition a valuable resource for anyone concerned about teen drivers. Proceeds from sales will support a memorial fund—set up in honor of Hollister's son, Reid, who was killed in an automobile accident in 2006—which subsidizes education and other traffic safety causes.

Driving Book for Teens

Book Description

Teaching Your Teenager To Drive Carefully And Safely - Expert Tips And Advice For Parents And Teenage Boys And Girls For most teenagers, knowing how to drive is the first significant step towards freedom, adulthood, and independence. But make no mistake because the very first year or two of driving are also among the most dangerous times of your teenager's life. So, how can you as a parent prepare your teenage boy or girl to be safe, good drivers and keep them that way? The good news is - there are detailed, proven steps parents can take to get the best results they want. Motor vehicle accidents are the top cause of death for U.S. teens, and car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens between the ages of 16-19-year-olds. In 2017, six teens died every day, and hundreds more suffered injuries in car crashes. This is against drivers 20 years and above, the risk of being involved in a fatal accident is three times as great for teens who are 16-19, and new drivers have a crash rate 1.5 times higher than drivers who are 18 and 19 years old. It's gut-wrenching, shocking that the problem is still this big; 16 and 17-year-olds are far over-represented in fatal car crashes, more so than any other age group. However, crash data reveals that one of the three main reasons for teen car crashes include speeding, drinking and driving, and distraction. I know that the statistics are sobering; however, parents hold the keys to helping their teenagers beat these odds and teaching them how best to drive to avert many impending dooms. It requires sticking to what this book represents to keep teenagers safe before, during, and after learning to drive. So, if you are interested in teaching your kids to be a good driver to help sharpen their driving knowledge skills and mitigate the number of car accidents on our roads, then get a COPY of this BOOK today.

'Can I Borrow the Car?' How to Partner with Your Teen for Safe Driving

Book Description

"'Can I borrow the car' How to partner with your teen for safe driving" is an e-book about how parents can influence teenagers to learn safe driving habits written by Susan Tordella, who taught all four teens how to drive automatic and stick shift vehicles. Susan is also the author of "Raising Able: How chores empower families" where she shares wisdom gleaned from a decade of leading parenting workshops and 25 years of raising four successful children by using Adlerian psychology. The book has two objectives: 1. To share suggestions on how parents can relate positively to their teens so that, 2. Teens will listen to them and follow the safe driving habits and keep them out of accidents. "Can I borrow the car?" gives specific safety habits your teen can use to avoid accidents that are useful and easy to learn, useful for adults and teenage drivers. Susan uses stories to show how to partner with your teen to insure they drive safely. Her true stories include three accidents caused by her teens and weren't fatal, give Susan credibility. Accidents happen. This short book, full of suggestions on how to relate to your teen positively and avoid alienating him or her, may prevent accidents, show your teenagers that you expect them to drive responsibly, and possibly prevent a fatal accident. Susan recommends the use of family meetings to set up a mutually respectful relationship for life with your teenager, which may influence him or her to follow the safe driving habits you will teach and model. Modeling the safe driving habits is more powerful than talking about them. Susan encourages parents to talk about teen accidents published in the media to promote awareness and prevent accidents. Readers will learn how to use encouragement - how to notice what you like to get more of it, instead of being critical, sarcastic or complaining. This short, to-the-point guide on how to encourage teens to learn safe driving habits teaches parents how to take a positive attitude and be a good role model to promote safe driving. Much is at stake with new drivers. The rate of accidents among teenage drivers newly licensed is higher than the rate of any other age group. At the end of the book is a one page Teen Safe Driving Contract, another tool to raise awareness and promote communication with teens that driving has life and death consequences.

Driving Institute of America presents The Teen Driver's Bible

Book Description

IF YOU DRIVE A VEHICLE, YOU NEED THIS BOOK! Here's the deal. We have a huge problem and it must be corrected immediately! From 2000 to 2018, we have had 768,828 people killed in United States in auto accidents (from National Safety Council's Accident Facts)! The past three years (2016""2018), we have had over 40,000 fatalities each year! These are the most in the past nine years, which tells me our training system is not working! This is UNACCEPTABLE! If you drive a vehicle, you need to go through this training! It will be one of the most important books you will ever read! How many of these people would have said they were good drivers? Yes, almost all of them! Fact: 25 percent of all fatal auto accidents are DUI accidents. The other 75 percent of the fatal accidents I classify as sober-related accidents! A problem this book will address in simple detail. Fact: The only way you would attend a driver safety course is by receiving a citation; you attend the class and say, "This was a great refresher. I'm glad I took it." This is not a refresher but a survival course! The solution to preventing these staggering statistics is retraining the 210 million drivers on the road with a fundamental, focus-concept training with accident situations. This training is intended to make you a proactive driver versus a reactive driver! Being reactive, most of the time, is too late! I have done much research and developed simple analogies, concepts, and accident-possibility situations that will change your mindset and driving behavior every time you get behind the wheel. Driving Institute of America (DIA) wants to make you a DIA-Certified Teen Driver versus just a teen driver! There is a huge difference! Your life is worth a whole lot more than the cost of this book! You will understand that every time you get behind the wheel, YOU ARE ENTERING THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE IN THE WORLD""THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS! Never forget this! 100 PERCENT FOCUS AND SAFE DRIVING! "You saved my life three different ways!" ""Dee D., Austin, TX "I've been a driver for over thirty years and this training taught me some life-saving skills!" ""Matt T., Leander, TX "I definitely think everyone who drives a vehicle absolutely needs this training!" ""Tom J., Cedar Park, TX "It definitely made our teen more responsible by completing all the certifications. It was an eye opener!" ""Shorouk N., Austin, TX "Thank you, this information has helped me so much and it made me more attentive to my own driving habits." ""Deni H., Austin, TX "Yes, I believe everyone who completes this training will be a much more knowledgeable and safer driver." ""Karen E., Spokane, WA