Performance Audit of Utah Retirement Systems' Management and Investment Practices

Book Description

This report found that URS is transparent, but can take additional steps by disclosing individual employee compensation, designating a records officer, establishing time limits to respond to information requests, and better notifying the public of administrative board meetings. Also, URS' allocation of investments to alternative assets grew from 16 to 40 percent from 2005 to 2013, simultaneously reducing investment in equities and debt securities. Our investment consultant recommended that URS should consider reducing its alternative asset allocation over time. Fees from alternative investments are driving total operating costs higher, but evidence shows that these fees are well managed. URS board and staff are qualified to perform their fiduciary responsibilities. Finally, the defined contribution investment manager selection and retention processes are satisfactory.

A Performance Audit of USOR's Case Management Controls

Book Description

This is the second audit report on the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR) in the last six months. It deals with USOR's cost controls over the vocational rehabilitation (VR) services provided by the Divisions of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) and Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DSBVI). This audit and the first one resulted from concern about USOR's inability to manage its budget.