A Pilot's Tale - Flying Helicopters in Vietnam

Book Description

The 60's were a time of turmoil. A war was raging in Southeast Asia and across the country on college campuses, protests against the war were shutting down classes. The country was divided. The author recounts stories about becoming a helicopter pilot and flying two tours of duty in Vietnam during this period.

Rattler One-Seven

Book Description

Rattler One-Seven puts you in the helicopter seat, to see the war in Vietnam through the eyes of an inexperienced pilot as he transforms himself into a seasoned combat veteran. At the age of twenty, Chuck Gross spent his 1970-71 tour with the 71st Assault Helicopter Company flying UH-1 Huey helicopters. He inserted special operations teams into Laos and participated in Lam Son 719, a misbegotten attempt to assault and cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail, during which his helicopter was shot down and he was stranded in the field.

Black Cat 2-1

Book Description

Bob Ford recounts his service during the Vietnam War where he served as a helicopter pilot on a Black Cat.

Price of Exit

Book Description

"The risk of a fatal catastrophe was constant. The NVA was the enemy, but the ultimate opponent was, quite simply, death. . . ." For assault helicopter crews flying in and around the NVA-infested DMZ, the U.S. pullout from Vietnam in 1970-71 was a desperate time of selfless courage. Now former army warrant officer Tom Marshall of the Phoenix, C Company, 158th Aviation Battalion, 101st Airborne, captures the deadly mountain terrain, the long hours flown under enormous stress, the grim determination of hardened pilots combat-assaulting through walls of antiaircraft fire, the pickups amid exploding mortar shells and hails of AK fire, the nerve-racking string extractions of SOG teams from North Vietnam. . . . And, through it all, the rising tension as helicopter pilots and crews are lost at an accelerating pace. It is no coincidence that the Phoenix was one of the most highly decorated assault helicopter units in I Corps. For as the American departure accelerated and the enemy added new, more powerful antiaircraft weapons, the helicopter pilots, crew chiefs, and gunners paid the heavy price of withdrawal in blood. For more than 30 Percent of Tom Marshall's 130 helicopter-school classmates, the price of exit was their lives. . . .

Low Level Hell

Book Description

The aeroscouts of the 1st Infantry Division had three words emblazoned on their unit patch: Low Level Hell. It was then and continues today as the perfect concise definition of what these intrepid aviators experienced as they ranged the skies of Vietnam from the Cambodian border to the Iron Triangle. The Outcasts, as they were known, flew low and slow, aerial eyes of the division in search of the enemy. Too often for longevity’s sake they found the Viet Cong and the fight was on. These young pilots (19-22 years old) “invented” the book as they went along. Praise for Low Level Hell “An absolutely splendid and engrossing book. The most compelling part is the accounts of his many air-to-ground engagements. There were moments when I literally held my breath.”—Dr. Charles H. Cureton, Chief Historian, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine (TRADOC) Command “Low Level Hell is the best ‘bird’s eye view’ of the helicopter war in Vietnam in print today. No volume better describes the feelings from the cockpit. Mills has captured the realities of a select group of aviators who shot craps with death on every mission.”—R.S. Maxham, Director, U.S. Army Aviation Museum

Shoulda Played the Flute

Book Description

"Shoulda Played the Flute" is a memoir about the author's adventure in Army Aviation (1968-1971), including a year flying combat missions in Vietnam. Raised in the rural Midwest, the book describes Dick's path to joining the Army and becoming a helicopter pilot. As thousands of other young men did (some as young as 18), Dick went through rotary wing flight school as a Warrant Office Candidate (WOC). Each "WOC" had his own story of how he sought out and volunteered for one of the most dangerous missions of the War, the combat helicopter pilot. Most had failed lives or unfulfilled expectations, so, in their late teens, volunteered for Army flight school. They had no idea how drastically and quickly they would grow up. In the coming two years of flight school and flying combat missions in Vietnam, most would age about 10 years (if they came home). These relative youngsters were given unbelievable responsibilities in unpredictable circumstances, often against long odds. They responded with courage and usually without recognition, but they earned the respect of every grunt and ground commander who ever served in the field. This is the story of one such Army Aviator.Once in Vietnam, Dick and a group of his flight school classmates (Class 69-5) were assigned to the Americal Division in Chu Lai. Not all would return home. Within the Americal he was assigned to the 196th Light Infantry Brigade and flew the OH-6A Light Observation Helicopter, or "LOH," living and flying off of LZ Baldy (south of Danang). As a 196th "Charger" LOH driver he flew probably the widest variety of missions of all LOH pilots in Vietnam. Through vignettes Dick describes these mission, sometimes mixed with Army Aviator black humor. Late in his tour Dick transferred to A Company, 123rd Aviation Battalion, the "Pelicans," flying off of Ky Ha in Chu Lai. There he became an Aircraft Commander in the iconic UH-1 Huey. Dick's story doesn't end with the day he returns to "The World." He concludes the book with his observations about Vietnam Veterans, PTSD, his proud Life Membership in the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA), a very interesting piece about his 2011 return trip to Vietnam and a chance meeting with a former Viet Cong foe (at LZ Baldy), and a closing piece expressing his views of the tragedy of the Vietnam War.This book will interest anyone involved with aviation during the Vietnam era and will appeal to those with family members who served in Vietnam. They will get a first-person account and perspective about the War. Dick explains that the main reason he wrote this memoir is so his kids and grandkids and the family members of other helicopter pilots will have a better understanding of the rigors of flight school and the risks and sacrifices of those who flew helicopters in Vietnam.This Vietnam memoir is different in that Dick has studied the history of the Vietnam War. His being an amateur Vietnam historian is evident with his use of Endnotes. They are interesting historical footnotes about the War and bring great perspective and a pause to his story. Very well written, Dick's writing style flows. The story moves, is interesting and engaging. Unlike some other Vietnam memoirs, you get the sense that his vignettes are not embellished. With Dick's self-deprecating style and humor you will chuckle while reading about some of his experiences (and saddened by others). The book is richly illustrated with six maps, 65 photos and four appendices.Oh, the book title you wonder. Dick played the flute in his high school band. While in Basic Training at Ft. Polk, LA the post band director made him an offer: He could fulfill his Army obligation right there, playing the flute in the Ft. Polk Army Band. He declined, opting to fly helicopters in Vietnam to "protect the free world from the spread of communism." There were missions in Vietnam when Dick remembered the offer!!!!! Hence, "Shoulda Played the Flute."

The Adventures of a Helicopter Pilot

Book Description

This is a spellbinding, firsthand account of what it was like to pilot a Marine Corps H-34 helicopter in combat during "The Helicopter War" in Vietnam. As a brand-new United States Naval Aviator with a mere 187.5 hours of helicopter flight experience, Second Lieutenant Bill Collier had many exciting adventures. Many were just a bit too exciting, some were horrific and a few were terrifying. This is the true story of his experiences during his 13 months in the war. Bill watched friends die violently and stood many times eye-to-eye and toe-to-toe with Death itself. Each time, Death flinched.

Phoenix 13

Book Description

“An informative and colorful memoir about the role that observation helicopters played during the Vietnam War . . . Phoenix 13 delivers.” —The VVA Veteran A collection of war stories closely based on the author’s experiences flying scout/observation helicopters in Vietnam. Storytelling was a daily evening occurrence for the solo scout pilots. These stories, called “TINS,” an irreverent pilot acronym for “this is no shit,” allowed the solo pilots to learn from each other’s experiences and mistakes. The TINS within this collection reveal the brotherhood that developed between pilots and their crew chiefs in combat. The solo pilots relied on their courage, swapping stories and a bit of luck to survive. “A compelling collection of Vietnam helicopter true stories about the aviators in Americal Division’s Artillery Aviation Section in ’68 and ’69. Flying alone, the scout pilots told their exploits to each other daily to learn and to survive from their collective experiences. Hazardous missions are intermixed with occasional humorous details of their off-duty shenanigans. The stories describe the brotherhood that develops between soldiers during combat. From these stories, the author, a decorated former Army aviator, describes his journey through Armor school, flight school and Vietnam.” —General Tommy Franks (Ret), Former Commander in Chief, United States Central Command “A very enjoyable read. Those of us who were there will thoroughly enjoy it, and those who weren’t will learn more about what we did in Vietnam.” —The VHPA Aviator


Book Description

John Vanvorden--the Flying Dutchman--is a Vietnam pilot and one of the rugged few who know the danger and thrill of combat while piloting the U.S. Army's UH-1H "Huey" Iroquois helicopter. He experiences screaming descents into hot landing zones to place military assault troops and rescue wounded soldiers. He has the clarity of mind to survive seven days of horror in a Vietnamese jungle swamp while the psychology of a fellow soldier is severely tested. He's got the guts to buck military orders and battle his own brass to pursue an investigation when a botched operation spells disaster for the men under him. Based on the authors' personal experiences in the Vietnam War, Huey is an authentic, action-filled book of historical fiction. Originally published 30 years ago, this moving novel became a New York Times bestseller within days of publishing. Editorial Reviews "Those who have read the classic book of helicopter combat in Vietnam, "Chickenhawk" by Robert Mason, but who still have an appetite for more books of that sort can do no better than to read this novel." - "The VVA Veteran," Books in Review II Book Excerpt: From eight thousand feet, the Flying Dutchman flew his chopper into a nose-high attitude and peeled off into a single-ship approach. His passengers were looking straight down at the ground from the open doorway. Before anyone could blink, they were diving toward the ground at four thousand feet a minute, about as fast as a helicopter can come out of the sky with its main rotor still attached. The 12.7's opened up. Tracer rounds looked like basketballs zooming by. The supersonic bullets popped as they passed, breaking the sound barrier. When a bullet found its mark, it smacked the ship like a baseball bat. As soon as the troops on the ground had hefted the two critical cases into each side, John blasted out low level, taking fire from the ground. He knew the Huey didn't have long before it became battered magnesium. . . .

Snake Pilot

Book Description

Flies the reader into combat with the same elite air cavalry unit portrayed in the film "Apocalypse Now"