Understanding and Evaluating Research

Book Description

Understanding and Evaluating Research: A Critical Guide shows students how to be critical consumers of research and to appreciate the power of methodology as it shapes the research question, the use of theory in the study, the methods used, and how the outcomes are reported. The book starts with what it means to be a critical and uncritical reader of research, followed by a detailed chapter on methodology, and then proceeds to a discussion of each component of a research article as it is informed by the methodology. The book encourages readers to select an article from their discipline, learning along the way how to assess each component of the article and come to a judgment of its rigor or quality as a scholarly report.

A Position Paper

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Pan-Organizational Summit on the U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce

Book Description

Each of 32 nonprofit organizations contributing a presentation to the Pan-Organizational Summit on the Science and Engineering Workforce (November 11-12, 2002; The National Academies, Washington, DC) was invited to issue a corresponding position paper to be reproduced in this volume. The bulk of this report comprises these papers. In addition, Shirley Jackson and Joseph Toole, two of the keynote speakers, have included their remarks.

Position Paper Dam Safety and Earthquakes

Book Description

Earthquakes have always been a significant aspect of the design and safety of dams. This position paper deals with the seismic safety of large dams, based on experiences with large earthquakes in Japan (Tohoku earthquake, 2011, Richter magnitude 9.0), in China (Wenchuan earthquake, 2008, Richter magnitude 8.0) and in Chile (Maule earthquake, 2010, Richter magnitude 8.8). It presents ways to prevent key aspects of large dam failure under severe seismic conditions with a focus on design instead of on earthquake prediction. This is done by considering the prevention of uncontrolled rapid release of water of a storage dam under full reservoir conditions in relation to expected seismic conditions. This position paper is composed by the Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design of The International Committee of Large Dams. Les tremblements de terre ont toujours été un aspect important de la conception et de la sécurité des barrages. Ce document de synthèse traite de la sécurité sismique des grands barrages, en se fondant sur l’expérience acquise lors de grands séismes au Japon (séisme de Tohoku, 2011, magnitude 9,0 sur l’échelle de Richter), en Chine (séisme de Wenchuan, 2008, magnitude 8,0 sur l’échelle de Richter) et au Chili (séisme de Maule, 2010, magnitude 8,8 sur l’échelle de Richter). Il présente des moyens de prévenir les aspects clés de la défaillance des grands barrages dans des conditions sismiques sévères en mettant l’accent sur la conception plutôt que sur la prévision des séismes. Pour ce faire, on examine la prévention d’une libération rapide et incontrôlée de l’eau d’un barrage de stockage dans des conditions de réservoir plein par rapport aux conditions sismiques prévues. Cet argumentaire est composé par le Comité sur les Aspects Sismiques des Projets de Barrages de la Commission Internationale des Grands Barrages.

The Sadeian Woman

Book Description

'The tone is one of intellectual relish . . . rational . . . refined . . . witty' NEW STATESMAN 'Her work is funny, sexy, frightening and brutal' EDMUND GORDON, GUARDIAN 'Angela Carter liked to blur boundaries and break rules' GABY WOOD, INDEPENDENT 'Sexuality is power' - so says the Marquis de Sade, philosopher and pornographer extraordinaire. His virtuous Justine keeps to the rules laid down by men, her reward rape and humiliation; his Juliette, Justine's triumphantly monstrous antithesis, viciously exploits her sexuality. In a world where all tenderness is false, all beds are minefields. But now Sade has met his match. With invention and genius, Angela Carter takes on these outrageous figments of his extreme imagination, and transforms them into symbols of our time - the Hollywood sex goddesses, mothers and daughters, pornography, even the sacred shrines of sex and marriage lie devastatingly exposed before our eyes. Angela Carter delves into the viscera of our distorted sexuality and reveals a dazzling vision of love which admits neither of conqueror nor of conquered.

Writing a Position Paper

Book Description

A concise, step-by-step guide to writing a position paper that convinces, using evidence and analysis.

Advanced Writing in English

Book Description

Handleiding voor Nederlandstaligen voor het schrijven van scripties, dissertaties en artikelen in het Engels