A Quantum Case for God

Book Description

Quantum physics says that God can exist! With quantum science explained in simple English, here is the unequivocal connections between science and God people have been wanting for hundreds of years. Whether atheist, agnostic, or believer in God, be prepared to be awestruck by how science supports the possibility that God exists. The advanced branch of science known as quantum physics is responsible for computers, cell phones, satellites, microwave ovens, MRI technology, in fact every modern convenience, and yet most people know nothing about this field of science. But it also comes with amazing characteristics that both explain and support a creator God as written in the Bible. If you thought you've heard every angle on proving God's existence, you will find yourself dumbfounded on this new information. Every major quantum and string theory phenomena described in this book aligns with a God concept and helps to bring in-depth answers to some of the toughest questions asked by the most ardent atheists and inquisitive agnostics. This book is also for the least and most passionate of believers in God. If God created the universe then God also created all the laws of physics, the rules by which the universe abides. This book is for those who love science and see God all around. It is for those who think logically and want some of their longing questions addressed: How can there be a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago and yet God created the universe only 6-10,000 years ago? How can God know my every thought and of all 7 billion people at every second? How can God know everything that has and will happen and yet be surprised of someone's decision? and more. A Quantum Case for God introduces the God Model, an interpretation of how the universe works and challenges this model against all the current leading scientific models. The God Model is by far the most comprehensive model in the challenge. Read this book and see first hand how the universe works at the sub-atomic level and how God is serious business within the laws of physics.

Quantum Gods

Book Description

Stenger alternates his discussions of popular spirituality with a survey of what the findings of 20th-century physics actually mean in laypersons terms--without equations.

A Case for the Existence of God

Book Description

Examines questions in regards to the world's origin, how it functions, and why; and features logical arguments that are supported by physics and theology; and also discusses the relationship between science and religion.


Book Description

"Does a god exist? This question has undoubtedly been asked, in one form or another, since man has had the ability to communicate. . . Thousands of volumes have been written on the subject of a god, and the vast majority have answered the questions with a resounding 'Yes!' " "You are about to read a minority viewpoint." With this intriguing introduction, George H. Smith sets out to demolish what he considers the most widespread and destructive of all the myths devised by man - the concept of a supreme being. With painstaking scholarship and rigorous arguments, Mr. Smith examines, dissects, and refutes the myriad "proofs" offered by theists - the defenses of sophisticated, professional theologians, as well as the average religious layman. He explores the historical and psychological havoc wrought by religion in general - and concludes that religious belief cannot have any place in the life of modern, rational man. "It is not my purpose to convert people to atheism . . . (but to) demonstrate that the belief in God is irrational to the point of absurdity. If a person wishes to continue believing in a god, that is his prerogative, but he can no longer excuse his belief in the name of reason and moral necessity."

The Quantum Theory, Philosophy and God

Book Description

Quantum theory has shaken our understanding of the universe to its deepest foundations. Quantum theory raises deep and profound scientific, philosophical and theological issues. Consider several scientific issues: Is quantum indeterminism ontological (a reflection of reality) or epistemological (a reflection of human ignorance)? Does the universe have a place for chance? What is the famous Bohr-Einstein debate? Who won? What is Schrödinger’s famous cat and what does it teach us? Some philosophical issues: How do our metaphysical commitments affect the interpretation of quantum theory? How, given quantum theory, should we understand the laws of nature? What are the implications of quantum theory for the traditional metaphysics and epistemologies of, for example, Kant, Leibniz and Spinoza? Finally, what are the implications of this revolutionary theory for theology? Is it possible to construct a natural theology -a case for God based on nature- given quantum theory? Is “Divine action” possible given quantum uncertainties? Are there implications for the ongoing debates about miracles, free will and the problem of evil? This book, which seeks to answer these and many other questions, is highly recommended for those who value understanding quantum theory from and for philosophical and theological perspectives.

The Case for God

Book Description

From the bestselling author of A History of God and The Great Transformation comes a balanced, nuanced understanding of the role religion plays in human life and the trajectory of faith in modern times. Why has God become incredible? Why is it that atheists and theists alike now think and speak about God in a way that veers so profoundly from the thinking of our ancestors? Moving from the Paleolithic Age to the present, Karen Armstrong details the lengths to which humankind has gone to experience a sacred reality that it called God, Brahman, Nirvana, Allah, or Dao. She examines the diminished impulse toward religion in our own time when a significant number of people either want nothing to do with God or question the efficacy of faith. With her trademark depth of knowledge and profound insight, Armstrong elucidates how the changing world has necessarily altered the importance of religion at both societal and individual levels. And she makes a powerful, convincing argument for structuring a faith that speaks to the needs of our dangerously polarized age.

Stealing from God

Book Description

If you think atheists have reason, evidence, and science on their side, think again! Award-winning author Dr. Frank Turek (I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist) will show you how atheists steal reason, evidence, science, and other arguments from God in trying to make their case for atheism. If that sounds contradictory, it's because it is! Atheists can't make their case without appealing to realities only theism can explain. In an engaging and memorable way,Stealing from God exposes these intellectual crimes atheists are committing and then provides four powerful reasons for why Christianity is true.

The Physics of God

Book Description

Setting aside the pervasive material bias of science and lifting the obscuring fog of religious sectarianism reveals a surprisingly clear unity of science and religion. The explanations of transcendent phenomena given by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers—miracles, immortality, heaven, God, and transcendent awareness—are fully congruent with scientific discoveries in the fields of relativity, quantum physics, medicine, M-theory, neuroscience, and quantum biology. The Physics of God describes the intersections of science and religion with colorful, easy-to-understand metaphors, making abstruse subjects within both science and religion easily accessible to the layman—no math, no dogma. This intriguing book: Pulls back the curtain on the light-show illusion we call matter. Connects string theory’s hidden brane worlds to religion’s transcendent heavens. Reveals the scientific secret of life and immortality: quantum biology’s startling discovery that the human body is continuously entangled. Demonstrates the miracle-making power of our minds to effect instantaneous physiological changes. Explains how the intelligent observer effect confirms our high spiritual potential. Compelling and concise, The Physics of God will make you believe in the unity of science and religion and eager to experience the personal transcendence that is the promise of both.

The Quantum Love of God

Book Description

The book reveals that the science of Quantum Physics can bring clarity and understanding of the love of God and how He can have complete knowledge of all things yet not hinder free will. The Quantum Love of God is what makes Christianity completely different and unique from all the other religions in the world because it is the only religion where Jesus Christ, who is love Himself, comes to dwell within each willing heart when He is invited to. The book takes an insightful look at Quantum Physics and separates the objective science of Quantum Physics from the subjective mystical and spiritual interpretations and then compares them with what the Bible has to say on this subject. The book does not attempt to combine the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics with Christian doctrine to show that theology and science fit together very comfortably, or to prove scientifically that God exists.

God and the New Physics

Book Description

Argues that the discoveries of twentieth-century physics--relativity and the quantum theory--demand a radical reformulation of the fundamentals of reality and a way of thinking, that is closer to mysticism than materialism.