A Quick Look at the Rapture and the Second Coming

Book Description

What is the rapture? When is the second coming? Why is there so much talk about Bible prophecy, and what is it all about? There’s no better place to go for clear, specific answers than to God’s Word, which is what Bible prophecy expert Tim LaHaye does in this Quick Look guide to the last days. This book, based on decades of careful research, presents a concise picture of the end times. You’ll learn about the two most important events to take place in the future—the rapture and second coming—and along the way, discover answers to questions such as... Will Christ’s return be literal, or is it merely symbolic? What signs of the last days can we expect to see in the days ahead? How can you be ready for these events?

A Quick Look at the Rapture and the Second Coming

Book Description

What is the rapture? When is the second coming? Why is there so much talk about Bible prophecy, and what is it all about? There’s no better place to go for clear, specific answers than to God’s Word, which is what Bible prophecy expert Tim LaHaye does in this Quick Look guide to the last days. This book, based on decades of careful research, presents a concise picture of the end times. You’ll learn about the two most important events to take place in the future—the rapture and second coming—and along the way, discover answers to questions such as... Will Christ’s return be literal, or is it merely symbolic? What signs of the last days can we expect to see in the days ahead? How can you be ready for these events?

The Popular Handbook on the Rapture

Book Description

Why is there so much confusion about how and when the rapture will take place? What does the Bible say for certain about this event? When will the Tribulation occur, and who will face it? There is a lot of discussion among Christians about the rapture and the last days. Why all the different views? And how do those perspectives line up with Scripture? Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice have assembled a team of longtime Bible prophecy experts who look carefully to God's Word for the answers. In this book, readers will discover what they can know for certain. And as they consider the things that still remain uncertain, they will gain a renewed trust that God knows what He is doing. His plan is perfect, and it will unfold in His timing. An easy-to-understand resource that provides much-needed clarification about the end times.

Who Will Face the Tribulation?

Book Description

Unravel One of the Biggest Mysteries of the End Times Will Christians go through the tribulation? Is there any way for you to know for sure? The battle of beliefs about the timing of the rapture is becoming more intense. But what the Bible says about the future doesn't need to be confusing. People have been baffled about the pre-, mid-, and post-tribulation views. Who Will Face the Tribulation? carefully unravels the confusion, offering greatly needed clarity. With scholarly research, bestselling author Tim LaHaye uses God's Word to provide helpful and compelling answers to those questions so you can understand when the rapture will occur. In this book, you'll find solid explanations for why the rapture happens before the tribulation the keys to interpreting Bible prophecy correctly timelines and charts that give a clear picture of the end-times Get excited about Christ's return in this highly readable and informative study of the rapture.

The Blessed Hope

Book Description

Jesus Christ is coming again! That is the Blessed Hope which has since the earliest days of the Church energized Biblical Christians looking for the full revelation of God's redemption. The author sketches the history of interpretations of Christ's second coming and then carefully and lucidly examines the Biblical passages on which this doctrine is based. His conclusion is that the Blessed Hope is the second coming of Jesus Christ, not a pretribulation rapture that believers in a secret coming of Jesus. Yet he concludes that there should be liberty and charity within the Christian community for all who hold to the expectation of "the blessed hope and appearing in glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ."

The Rapture

Book Description

In this the final prequel to the blockbuster series, the story features the Rapture three-quarters of the way through the book and then follows characters such as Irene and Raymie (and others) up to heaven, where they are able to see events in the Tribulation from heaven’s perspective. The story alternates between events on earth immediately after the Rapture (covering lots of things the authors wished they could have covered in the original volumes) and characters in heaven and how they view the chaotic events on earth.

Rightly Dividing the Bible Volume One

Book Description

An extensive, yet simple and easy-to-read book about how to properly interpret the Bible. Dr. Walker has dedicated his time and effort in thorough research and answers most questions about dispensations and dispensationalism. Upon reading these volumes, the reader will find himself, not only well informed, but also with a great wealth of reference material for future use. —Dr. David Peacock, Pastor, Bible Believers Baptist, Jacksonville, Florida. GET THE BACKGROUND—The excuse that there are “so many interpretations of the Bible” is exposed with a clear concise defining of biblical terms, using the Bible itself to define those terms. DISCOVER THE HISTORY—Learn about the men, manuscripts, and movements that have shaped views of Bible interpretation. Find out who really believed the Bible and those who merely used the Bible to support their opinions. UNLOCK THE PROPHECIES—Many prophecies are unraveled and shown how they relate to the return of Christ, the church, and the nation of Israel.

The Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ

Book Description

Some Christians do not understand the difference between the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will descend from heaven with a blast of a trumpet. All Christians on earth will be caught up into the clouds to meet Jesus and to be with Him throughout eternity. The Bible teaches that a 7-year period of time will occur where God will pour out His wrath on the unbelievers who have rejected the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. This period of time is called the Tribulation. We believe that the Tribulation will occur immediately after the Rapture. We believe that the Second Coming of Christ will occur at the end of the Tribulation. When Jesus returns to earth, all Christians will return with Him. At that time a 1,000-year period of time called the Millennium will commence. During the Millennium, the earth will be in perfect peace. In this book we give a simple and easy-to-understand explanation of the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ and the Millennium.

Bible Prophecy Under Siege

Book Description

Understanding and Answering False Claims about Prophecy Many people today cast doubt on the promises God gives his church in Bible prophecy, as predicted by Scripture itself: “Scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?’” (2 Peter 3:3-4). Bible Prophecy Under Siege provides a thorough survey of the misunderstandings and misguided thinking people sometimes have about the last days. Prophecy expert Ron Rhodes offers you careful guidance through these differing viewpoints, and you will learn the ways Bible prophecy is under siege and how to respond to false claims biblically gain helpful historical insights about the rapture and other prophetic issues be emboldened to hold firmly to prophetic biblical truth during trying times be encouraged to live with conviction rooted in God’s Word With a perspective grounded in the Bible, you will be equipped to discern flawed views on prophecy, rest secure in immovable truth, and grow in anticipation of the day when Christ will make all things new.

The Rapture Exposed

Book Description

The idea of "The Rapture" -- the return of Christ to rescue and deliver Christians off the earth -- is an extremely popular interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and a jumping-off point for the best-selling "Left Behind" series of books. This interpretation, based on a psychology of fear and destruction, guides the daily acts of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible. The truth, Rossing argues, is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community.