A Republican's Lament

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Bill Crawford thought his modern-day Republican Party would lift Mississippi off the bottom, a notion born of Gil Carmichael’s vision for good government conservatism. A Republican’s Lament tells of Crawford’s dedicated efforts to implement Carmichael’s vision, his keen observations of Mississippi’s struggles, and his critical commentaries over the past half century. For more than fifty years, few people have had a better view or a wider variety of roles in the ups and downs of Mississippi and its communities than Crawford. The Canton native has been a daily newspaper reporter, a crusading small-town weekly editor, a Republican Party leader, a reform-minded Republican state representative, an influential Institutions of Higher Learning board trustee, a successful banker, a community college administrator, a state economic development official, a community development leader and nonprofit founder, a mentor of developing community leaders, and a syndicated political columnist. From Gil Carmichael's vision for good government and Haley Barbour’s pragmatic conservatism to starve the beast and truth management politics, poverty and the Cycle of Prosperity, Faulkner’s curse and other behavioral shadows, the Ayers case, and more, Crawford weaves a unique and eventful story about his home state’s enduring dilemmas and a clarion call for its better possibilities.


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Featuring new interviews with his accusers and overlooked evidence of his deceptions, a deeply reported account of the life and confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, set against the conservative movement's capture of the courts. In DISSENT, award-winning investigative journalist Jackie Calmes brings readers closer to the truth of who Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is, where he came from, and how he and the Republican party at large managed to secure one of the highest seats of power in the land. Kavanaugh's rise to the justice who solidified conservative control of the supreme court is a story of personal achievement, but also a larger, political tale: of the Republican Party's movement over four decades toward the far right, and its parallel campaign to dominate the government's judicial branch as well as the other two. And Kavanaugh uniquely personifies this history. Fourteen years before reaching the Supreme Court, during a three-year fight for a seat on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin would say to Kavanaugh, "It seems that you are the Zelig or Forrest Gump of Republican politics. You show up at every scene of the crime." Featuring revelatory new reporting and exclusive interviews, DISSENT is a harrowing look into the highest echelons of political power in the United States, and a captivating survey of the people who will do anything to have it.

A Conservative's Lament

Book Description

This is a novel about the general state of politics in America in the not-too-distant future. The Republicans are in power and the Democrats and mainstream media will not accept that. They are obsessed with putting the Democrats in power. They want to impeach the Republican president, not because he's done something wrong, but because they don't like him and he's a conservative. They want to turn the country into a "gender fluid" society, even though God's law forbids this (Leviticus 18:22). If you believe in enforcing immigration laws, they call you a racist.Meanwhile, Chad Anderwahl owns a hardware store in Checkeredville, Iowa. He takes on the responsibility of coaching a group of high school musicians from his church to compete for $500,000 in prize money in a nationwide contest to determine the best youth music group in America. The kids call themselves Checkered Pasts. The kids want to give the prize money to the Jesup Cancer Center, which provides free care for cancer patients. To accomplish this they must win the local, state, and regional contests, and then place first, second, or third in the national contest, which will be shown on cable TV. Chad is impressed with the group's talent and thinks they have a chance to succeed. However, their conservative message of obedience to the Lord's commandments, in the songs they write, makes them a target of hatred and violence for some. Chad has also volunteered to teach a junior high Sunday school class, and is often at a loss for how his students answer the questions posed after reading the weekly lessons. In addition to this, he regularly visits three church seniors with varied personalities. One of them, Gina Sadly, is particularly interesting because of her coin collection and the large, old house she lives in. She inspires Chad to add coins to his own collection. Chad also volunteers to do maintenance work around his church and puts on music programs at old folks' homes.Chad likes to visit his elderly parents an hour away in Strawberry Junction, though they tire of Frank and Iris Spudnig constantly joining them in the cafeteria at dinnertime and haranguing them about how evil Republicans are. Chad and his brother Enos, a banker who lives two hours away, also get together frequently.Checkeredville is the home of Checkeredville College, who like many colleges around the country, love to demonstrate against the president. Frequently these demonstrations grow violent, and on more than one occasion, they damage Chad's store, and even attack the people inside. Of the three other tenants in the apartment house where Chad lives, two are liberal activists, college professors, who dislike Chad and cause him trouble.Chad keeps himself busy with other activities, such as visiting his favorite vacation spot on a Minnesota lake with other family members, participating in a Bible study group and a political action committee, and posting on Facebook. He also posts on a Christian forum and sometimes is dismayed how argumentative they seem to be.Maybe one of the most enjoyable of Chad's activities is hanging out with his second-in-command at the store, Hattie McRalston. They like to rib each other, and it is Chad's wish that she take over the store when he retires, which he will soon do. And it's always fun to wait on the customers and solve their hardware needs. Certainly Chad chose the right line of business.

Burning Down the House

Book Description

A New York Times Notable Book! A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice The story of how Newt Gingrich and his allies tainted American politics, launching an enduring era of brutal partisan warfare When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, President Obama observed that Trump “is not an outlier; he is a culmination, a logical conclusion of the rhetoric and tactics of the Republican Party.” In Burning Down the House, historian Julian Zelizer pinpoints the moment when our country was set on a path toward an era of bitterly partisan and ruthless politics, an era that was ignited by Newt Gingrich and his allies. In 1989, Gingrich brought down Democratic Speaker of the House Jim Wright and catapulted himself into the national spotlight. Perhaps more than any other politician, Gingrich introduced the rhetoric and tactics that have shaped Congress and the Republican Party for the last three decades. Elected to Congress in 1978, Gingrich quickly became one of the most powerful figures in America not through innovative ideas or charisma, but through a calculated campaign of attacks against political opponents, casting himself as a savior in a fight of good versus evil. Taking office in the post-Watergate era, he weaponized the good government reforms newly introduced to fight corruption, wielding the rules in ways that shocked the legislators who had created them. His crusade against Democrats culminated in the plot to destroy the political career of Speaker Wright. While some of Gingrich’s fellow Republicans were disturbed by the viciousness of his attacks, party leaders enjoyed his successes so much that they did little collectively to stand in his way. Democrats, for their part, were alarmed, but did not want to sink to his level and took no effective actions to stop him. It didn’t seem to matter that Gingrich’s moral conservatism was hypocritical or that his methods were brazen, his accusations of corruption permanently tarnished his opponents. This brand of warfare worked, not as a strategy for governance but as a path to power, and what Gingrich planted, his fellow Republicans reaped. He led them to their first majority in Congress in decades, and his legacy extends far beyond his tenure in office. From the Contract with America to the rise of the Tea Party and the Trump presidential campaign, his fingerprints can be seen throughout some of the most divisive episodes in contemporary American politics. Burning Down the House presents the alarming narrative of how Gingrich and his allies created a new normal in Washington.

The Big Lie

Book Description

"Of course, everything [D'Souza] says here is accurate... But it's not going to sit well with people on the American left who, of course, are portraying themselves as the exact opposite of all of this." —RUSH LIMBAUGH The explosive new book from Dinesh D'Souza, author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Hillary's America, America, and Obama's America. What is "the big lie" of the Democratic Party? That conservatives—and President Donald Trump in particular—are fascists. Nazis, even. In a typical comment, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow says the Trump era is reminiscent of "what it was like when Hitler first became chancellor." But in fact, this audacious lie is a complete inversion of the truth. Yes, there is a fascist threat in America—but that threat is from the Left and the Democratic Party. The Democratic left has an ideology virtually identical with fascism and routinely borrows tactics of intimidation and political terror from the Nazi Brownshirts. To cover up their insidious fascist agenda, Democrats loudly accuse President Trump and other Republicans of being Nazis—an obvious lie, considering the GOP has been fighting the Democrats over slavery, genocide, racism and fascism from the beginning. Now, finally, Dinesh D'Souza explodes the Left's big lie. He expertly exonerates President Trump and his supporters, then uncovers the Democratic Left's long, cozy relationship with Nazism: how the racist and genocidal acts of early Democrats inspired Adolf Hitler's campaign of death; how fascist philosophers influenced the great 20th century lions of the American Left; and how today's anti-free speech, anti-capitalist, anti-religious liberty, pro-violence Democratic Party is a frightening simulacrum of the Nazi Party. Hitler coined the term "the big lie" to describe a lie that "the great masses of the people" will fall for precisely because of how bold and monstrous the lie is. In The Big Lie, D'Souza shows that the Democratic Left's orchestrated campaign to paint President Trump and conservatives as Nazis to cover up its own fascism is, in fact, the biggest lie of all.

Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party

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A provocative, sometimes chilling expose of domestic fascist networks, which include Nazi collaborators within the Republican Party.

A Republican Manifesto

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This impassioned book by a member of the Australian Prime Minister's Republic Advisory Committee argues that Australia should cease relying on Britain to provide its head of state, and offers a proposal for a new constitution.

The Party Is Over

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The New York Times bestselling exposé of what passes for business as usual in Washington today There was a time, not so very long ago, when perfectly rational people ran the Republican Party. So how did the party of Lincoln become the party of lunatics? That is what this book aims to answer. Fear not, the Dems come in for their share of tough talk— they are zombies, a party of the living dead. Mike Lofgren came to Washington in the early eighties—those halcyon, post–Nixonian glory days—for what he imagined would be a short stint on Capitol Hill. He has witnessed quite a few low points in his twenty-eight years on the Hill—but none quite so pitiful as the antics of the current crop of legislators whom we appear to have elected. Based on the explosive article Lofgren wrote when he resigned in disgust after the debt ceiling crisis, The Party Is Over is a funny and impassioned exposé of everything that is wrong with Washington. Obama and his tired cohorts are no angels but they have nothing on the Republicans, whose wily strategists are bankrupting the country one craven vote at a time. Be prepared for some fireworks.

Troll Nation

Book Description

“Amanda Marcotte drains the swamp and reveals a Republican Party hijacked by grifters and frauds.” ?David Daley The election of Donald Trump in 2016, like most of his campaign, came as a shock to many Americans. How could a man so lacking in capacity, so void of any intellectual heft, become the president of the United States? How did Trump, a man with no detectable personal qualities outside of resentment and the will to dominate, appeal to millions of Americans and win the highest office in the land? The American right has spent decades turning away from reasoned discourse toward a rhetoric of pure resentment—it’s this shift that laid the groundwork for Trump’s ascendency. In Troll Nation, journalist Amanda Marcotte outlines how Trump was the inevitable result of American conservatism’s degradation into an ideology of blind resentment. For years now, the purpose of right wing media, particularly Fox News, has not been to argue for traditional conservative ideals, such as small government or even family values, so much as to stoke bitterness and paranoia in its audience. Traditionalist white people have lost control over the culture, and they know it, and the only option they feel they have left is to rage at a broad swath of supposed enemies ? journalists, activists, feminists, city dwellers, college professors ? that they blame for stealing “their” country from them. Conservative pundits, politicians, and activists have abandoned any hope of winning the argument through reasoned discourse, and instead have adopted a series of bad faith claims, conspiracy theories, and culture war hysterics. Decades of these antics created a conservative voting base that was ready to elect a mindless bully like Donald Trump.

DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans

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Ventura exposes how the two major parties have allowed corporations, businesses, and politically motivated wealthy individuals to manipulate elections, bribe elected officials, and silence the average American voter.