A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

Book Description

In this forward-thinking book, fifteen leading scholars set forth cutting-edge agendas for research on significant facets of federalism, including basic theory, comparative studies, national and subnational constitutionalism, courts, self-rule and shared rule, centralization and decentralization, nationalism and diversity, conflict resolution, gender equity, and federalism challenges in Africa, Asia, and the European Union. More than 40 percent of the world’s population lives under federal arrangements, making federalism not only a major research subject but also a vital political issue worldwide.


Book Description

This book conveys current and original reflections of 16 leading scholars from five continents on the past, present, and future of federalism research. They analyze the state of research on key facets of federalism worldwide and present ideas for new research to further understanding of federalism as a principle and mode of governance. Although only about 28 countries are arguably federal, more than 40 per cent of the world's people live in federal systems, making federalism a leading mode of governance, potential basis for democracy, and means to accommodate diverse, territorially based national, linguistic, ethnic, racial, and/or religious communities in a single polity. Federalism is a very important principle of governance, one that is, in many cases, the only viable means to achieve unity peacefully and democratically in the face of human diversity. The contributors address research gaps, needs, and directions in normative political theory, constitutionalism, comparative governance, fiscal systems, gender, territorial diversity, nationalism, conflict resolution, shared rule, and federalism challenges in Africa, Asia, and the European Union.

A Research Agenda for Multilevel Governance

Book Description

This Research Agenda provides a broad and comprehensive overview of the field of multilevel governance. Illustrating theoretical and normative approaches and identifying prevailing gaps in research, it offers a cutting-edge agenda for future investigations.

A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption

Book Description

This interdisciplinary Research Agenda contains state-of-the-art surveys of the field of corruption and points towards an agenda for future research. This comprehensive work covers the main approaches to diagnosing, analysing and measuring corruption, as well as the ways to tackle it. Chapters explore top political and grassroots corruption, buying and stealing votes, corruption in relation to gender and the media, digital anti-corruption and an examination of whistleblowing and market-based tools.

Trump, the Administrative Presidency, and Federalism

Book Description

How Trump has used the federal government to promote conservative policies The presidency of Donald Trump has been unique in many respects—most obviously his flamboyant personal style and disregard for conventional niceties and factual information. But one area hasn't received as much attention as it deserves: Trump's use of the “administrative presidency,” including executive orders and regulatory changes, to reverse the policies of his predecessor and advance positions that lack widespread support in Congress. This book analyzes the dynamics and unique qualities of Trump's administrative presidency in the important policy areas of health care, education, and climate change. In each of these spheres, the arrival of the Trump administration represented a hostile takeover in which White House policy goals departed sharply from the more “liberal” ideologies and objectives of key agencies, which had been embraced by the Obama administration. Three expert authors show how Trump has continued, and even expanded, the rise of executive branch power since the Reagan years. The authors intertwine this focus with an in-depth examination of how the Trump administration's hostile takeover has drastically changed key federal policies—and reshaped who gets what from government—in the areas of health care, education, and climate change. Readers interested in the institutions of American democracy and the nation's progress (or lack thereof) in dealing with pressing policy problems will find deep insights in this book. Of particular interest is the book's examination of how the Trump administration's actions have long-term implications for American democracy.

Inside Countries

Book Description

Offers a groundbreaking analysis of the distinctive substantive, theoretical and methodological contributions of subnational research in the field of comparative politics.

A Research Agenda for Family Business

Book Description

This exciting Research Agenda expertly addresses the question: What will be important within the family business field and for family businesses in practice over the next decade? Top international contributors explore farsighted theories, methods and topics, often taking a multi-disciplinary approach in order to outline the potential routes for further advancing family business research. Chapters cover the significance of new family trends, entrepreneurial legacy, board diversity, spatial-familiness, corruption, innovation and digital business transformation, challenging core assumptions surrounding the family business phenomenon and mapping the future of the discipline.

A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Policy

Book Description

This book makes the case for a change in the research agenda on entrepreneurship policy. An exemplary group of authors addresses the agenda for entrepreneurship policy researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the field. A key theme is the importance of context, which is particularly marked where policy transfer is attempted.

A Research Agenda for Academic Integrity

Book Description

Within the field of higher education, academic integrity is a subject of intense debate. This highly topical book provides indepth analysis of emerging threats to academic integrity, and practical, evidence-based recommendations for creating cultures of integrity. It includes the latest research on contract cheating, and how to identify and respond to it. Internationally renowned scholars from a range of disciplines and countries provide expertise on existing and emerging threats to academic integrity and offer evidence-based advice to all higher education stakeholders.