A Road to Randomness in Physical Systems

Book Description

There are many ways of introducing the concept of probability in classical, i. e, deter ministic, physics. This work is concerned with one approach, known as "the method of arbitrary funetionJ. " It was put forward by Poincare in 1896 and developed by Hopf in the 1930's. The idea is the following. There is always some uncertainty in our knowledge of both the initial conditions and the values of the physical constants that characterize the evolution of a physical system. A probability density may be used to describe this uncertainty. For many physical systems, dependence on the initial density washes away with time. Inthese cases, the system's position eventually converges to the same random variable, no matter what density is used to describe initial uncertainty. Hopf's results for the method of arbitrary functions are derived and extended in a unified fashion in these lecture notes. They include his work on dissipative systems subject to weak frictional forces. Most prominent among the problems he considers is his carnival wheel example, which is the first case where a probability distribution cannot be guessed from symmetry or other plausibility considerations, but has to be derived combining the actual physics with the method of arbitrary functions. Examples due to other authors, such as Poincare's law of small planets, Borel's billiards problem and Keller's coin tossing analysis are also studied using this framework. Finally, many new applications are presented.

Dynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical Systems

Book Description

Our everyday life is in?uenced by many unexpected (dif?cult to predict) events usually referred as a chance. Probably, we all are as we are due to the accumulation point of a multitude of chance events. Gambling games that have been known to human beings nearly from the beginning of our civilization are based on chance events. These chance events have created the dream that everybody can easily become rich. This pursuit made gambling so popular. This book is devoted to the dynamics of the mechanical randomizers and we try to solve the problem why mechanical device (roulette) or a rigid body (a coin or a die) operating in the way described by the laws of classical mechanics can behave in such a way and produce a pseudorandom outcome. During mathematical lessons in primary school we are taught that the outcome of the coin tossing experiment is random and that the probability that the tossed coin lands heads (tails) up is equal to 1/2. Approximately, at the same time during physics lessons we are told that the motion of the rigid body (coin is an example of suchabody)isfullydeterministic. Typically,studentsarenotgiventheanswertothe question Why this duality in the interpretation of the simple mechanical experiment is possible? Trying to answer this question we describe the dynamics of the gambling games based on the coin toss, the throw of the die, and the roulette run.


Book Description

Tychomancy—meaning “the divination of chances”—presents a set of rules for inferring the physical probabilities of outcomes from the causal or dynamic properties of the systems that produce them. Probabilities revealed by the rules are wide-ranging: they include the probability of getting a 5 on a die roll, the probability distributions found in statistical physics, and the probabilities that underlie many prima facie judgments about fitness in evolutionary biology. Michael Strevens makes three claims about the rules. First, they are reliable. Second, they are known, though not fully consciously, to all human beings: they constitute a key part of the physical intuition that allows us to navigate around the world safely in the absence of formal scientific knowledge. Third, they have played a crucial but unrecognized role in several major scientific innovations. A large part of Tychomancy is devoted to this historical role for probability inference rules. Strevens first analyzes James Clerk Maxwell’s extraordinary, apparently a priori, deduction of the molecular velocity distribution in gases, which launched statistical physics. Maxwell did not derive his distribution from logic alone, Strevens proposes, but rather from probabilistic knowledge common to all human beings, even infants as young as six months old. Strevens then turns to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the statistics of measurement, and the creation of models of complex systems, contending in each case that these elements of science could not have emerged when or how they did without the ability to “eyeball” the values of physical probabilities.

Random and Quasi-Random Point Sets

Book Description

This book sumarizes recent theoretical and practical developments. The generation and the assessment of pseudo- and quasi-random point sets is one of the basic tasks of applied mathematics and statistics, with implications for Monte Carlo methods, stochastic simulation, and applied statistics. They are also of strong theoretical interest, with applications to algebraic geometry, metric number theory, probability theory, and cryptology.

Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence

Book Description

This open access book addresses the question of how God can providentially govern apparently ungovernable randomness. Medieval theologians confidently held that God is provident, that is, God is the ultimate cause of or is responsible for everything that happens. However, scientific advances since the 19th century pose serious challenges to traditional views of providence. From Darwinian evolution to quantum mechanics, randomness has become an essential part of the scientific worldview. An interdisciplinary team of Muslim, Christian and Jewish scholars—biologists, physicists, philosophers and theologians—addresses questions of randomness and providence.

Lectures on Random Voronoi Tessellations

Book Description

Tessellations are subdivisions of d-dimensional space into non-overlapping "cells". Voronoi tessellations are produced by first considering a set of points (known as nuclei) in d-space, and then defining cells as the set of points which are closest to each nuclei. A random Voronoi tessellation is produced by supposing that the location of each nuclei is determined by some random process. They provide models for many natural phenomena as diverse as the growth of crystals, the territories of animals, the development of regional market areas, and in subjects such as computational geometry and astrophysics. This volume provides an introduction to random Voronoi tessellations by presenting a survey of the main known results and the directions in which research is proceeding. Throughout the volume, mathematical and rigorous proofs are given making this essentially a self-contained account in which no background knowledge of the subject is assumed.

The Road to Reality

Book Description

**WINNER OF THE 2020 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS** The Road to Reality is the most important and ambitious work of science for a generation. It provides nothing less than a comprehensive account of the physical universe and the essentials of its underlying mathematical theory. It assumes no particular specialist knowledge on the part of the reader, so that, for example, the early chapters give us the vital mathematical background to the physical theories explored later in the book. Roger Penrose's purpose is to describe as clearly as possible our present understanding of the universe and to convey a feeling for its deep beauty and philosophical implications, as well as its intricate logical interconnections. The Road to Reality is rarely less than challenging, but the book is leavened by vivid descriptive passages, as well as hundreds of hand-drawn diagrams. In a single work of colossal scope one of the world's greatest scientists has given us a complete and unrivalled guide to the glories of the universe that we all inhabit. 'Roger Penrose is the most important physicist to work in relativity theory except for Einstein. He is one of the very few people I've met in my life who, without reservation, I call a genius' Lee Smolin

Random Sums and Branching Stochastic Processes

Book Description

The aim of this monograph is to show how random sums (that is, the summation of a random number of dependent random variables) may be used to analyse the behaviour of branching stochastic processes. The author shows how these techniques may yield insight and new results when applied to a wide range of branching processes. In particular, processes with reproduction-dependent and non-stationary immigration may be analysed quite simply from this perspective. On the other hand some new characterizations of the branching process without immigration dealing with its genealogical tree can be studied. Readers are assumed to have a firm grounding in probability and stochastic processes, but otherwise this account is self-contained. As a result, researchers and graduate students tackling problems in this area will find this makes a useful contribution to their work.

Stochastic Visibility in Random Fields

Book Description

The present monograph is a comprehensive summary of the research on visibility in random fields, which I have conducted with the late Professor Micha Yadin for over ten years. This research, which resulted in several published papers and technical reports (see bibliography), was motivated by some military problems, which were brought to our attention by Mr. Pete Shugart of the US Army TRADOC Systems Analysis Activity, presently called US Army TRADOC Analysis Command. The Director ofTRASANA at the time, the late Dr. Wilbur Payne, identified the problems and encouraged the support and funding of this research by the US Army. Research contracts were first administered through the Office of Naval Research, and subsequently by the Army Research Office. We are most grateful to all involved for this support and encouragement. In 1986 I administered a three-day workshop on problem solving in the area of sto chastic visibility. This workshop was held at the White Sands Missile Range facility. A set of notes with some software were written for this workshop. This workshop led to the incorporation of some of the methods discussed in the present book into the Army simulation package CASTFOREM. Several people encouraged me to extend those notes and write the present monograph on the level of those notes, so that the material will be more widely available for applications.