By Faith: Sermons on Hebrews 11

Book Description

The outstanding preaching ministry of Thomas Manton (1620-77) was exercised first a Stoke Newington from 1644, then from 1656 in one of the leading Puritan churches in London. St Paul's Covenant Garden. The extent of his pulpit labours is shown by the fact that the twenty-two volumes of the standard 19th century edition of his works consist almost entirely of sermons. The present volume containing sixty-five sermons on Hebrews 11:1-31 illustrates the author's 'clear and succinct opening of of gospel mysteries and close application to the conscience' (from the letter To the Reader) here the great theme of faith in action shines before the reader like a many-faceted jewel.The works of Thomas Manton (1620-1677) present us with what was most characteristic in the ministry of the English Puritans: careful, solid, warm-hearted applicatory exposition of the Scriptures. Manton's works are characterised by great pastoral concern and a balanced wisdom.Ryle said, 'If ever there was an English divine who must be classed as a Puritan, that man is Manton...his works, like the Pilgrim s Progress deserve the attention of all true Christians...As an expositor of Scripture I regard Manton with unmingled admiration. Here, at any rate, he is "facile princeps" [easily first] among the divines of the Puritan school...In days like these, I am thankful that the publishers of Manton's Works have boldly come forward to offer real literary gold to the reading public.'