General Catalogue of Printed Books

Book Description

Basic Christianity

Book Description

Who is Jesus Christ? If he is not who he said he was, and if he did not do what he said he had come to do, the whole superstructure of Christianity crumbles in ruins to the ground. Is it plausible that Jesus was truly divine? And what might this mean for us? John Stott presents his clear, classic statement of the gospel.

Christianity Plain and Simple

Book Description

Jesus was God in the flesh. He was just as human as you and I. Hebrews 4:15-16 states “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” One who was not fully human could never truly be an example for those of us who were bound to our human nature. God, understanding just how disconnected from Heaven that humanity had become, sent someone that we could see and relate to in order to reconnect again. Jesus came to show us how we, as humans, created in His image could overcome our weakness and walk in victory and authority. Italics mine Christianity is simply a one on one relationship between you and Jesus who gave His life to free you from the bondage of this world, (man’s world). Jesus opened the way for you to enjoy an eternity filled with peace and happiness that surpasses our understanding. Enjoy the journey, beginning now. This book only touches on the few of the subjects that we all deal with in our lives. How you handle them is a choice only you can make.

The Simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Book Description

This book is Divinely inspired and proclaims the need for all Christians to believe all the words of Jesus Christ - exactly as He says in a correctly translated Holy Bible, such as the King James Version and those based on it. Herein includes the "First Principles of The Oracles of God", and is for all who sincerely wish that God, The Creator of all heaven and earth, will intervene in the affairs of life and in world circumstances. All that Jesus says and is given us through His holy apostles - very much 'do' apply to all Christians today, the same as yesterday; and will apply forever. As Jesus says, "My words will by no means pass away" (Mark 24:35). Therefore, this book is for all of God's children to get understanding of the Lord's spiritual precepts and commands. The reader will review from the Holy Scriptures how every Christian should be (especially now) diligently seeking a close relationship with Jesus Christ - to know "His Ways". And, know how He has 'given us' spiritual Authority to reverse the rising social turmoil and stop the devastation that has been plaguing this nation, and over the earth. This book will enlighten every reader to know how we need to seriously examine ourselves and our relationship with Jesus Christ. And that we need to do so quickly, rather than blaming others (and each other) for out troubles; and to know that the Way to life abundantly is to truly be in Jesus Christ - not relying on government policies and programs. For the good of all in God's house, our families and our loved ones, and for the salvation of our country, it is hoped that you and all in your family will obtain a copy of this book, read and study it carefully. Herein are fresh enlightenment of God's Truth and whole Counsel. Folks; this is sorely needed, because as Jesus says, "It-is-written" (Luke 4:4). Blessings to all.

Christian Life 101 I Wish I Knew These Things

Book Description

Do you ever wish that you knew some very basic things about God when you first committed your life to Him? This book is an exposition into how the truth and power of the Word of God can transform the lives of the people who believe in Jesus Christ. Do you know that: God is the ultimate symbol of trust and commitment to all who need to depend on someone. There is a far-reaching benefit from godliness that cannot be obtained apart from faith, because faith in God through Christ Jesus is a firm foundation, upon which we who believe can truly rest. Faith gives substance to something that does not exist physically, but can be conceived in our hearts, spoken about, and believed in. The believer cannot pursue purpose without gaining a deep and life-changing revelation of his identity in Christ Jesus. This book is worth reading. Read more. A Christian for more than 15 years, Robert Odam has studied basic Christian growth, taught Bible study classes, and designed and directed new converts classes. His book is based on subjects he personally developed and taught in his current church when he was superintendent of Bible study classes. He believes the topics in this book are as relevant today as ever-and it will continue to be as long as there are more Christians coming to God. Robert Odam is currently a minister in his church in Crystal, Minnesota. Dr. Robert Odam is also a full time Family Practice doctor who works out of a medical clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota.