A Simplified Theory of ELF Propagation in Its Earth-Ionosphere Transmission Line and Its Worldwide Application. Supplement

Book Description

The NOSC computer program has confirmed that non-reciprocity in the ELF band is not introduced in the refracting stratum near the bottom of the ionosphere. It is introduced higher up where the direction of phase propagation is almost vertical. It has been determined that the effect of a slightly off-vertical angle for the direction of phase propagation in the ionosphere in the ELF band does in fact cause the non-reciprocity obtained by Pappert and Moler (1974). The electromagnetic reason for this has been identified and is described below. The fact that off-vertical angles of less than a degree for the direction of phase propagation have noticeable effects raises the question of how precisely the stratification of the ionosphere may be assumed to be horizontal.

A Simplified Theory of ELF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Transmission Line and Its Worldwide Application

Book Description

An approximate theory of ELF propagation in the Earth-ionosphere transmission line is developed by combining the reflection theory of Booker and Lefeuvre (1977) with Greifinger and Greifinger's treatment 81978, 1979) of the effect of ionization below the level of reflection. The theory allows for the influence of the Earth's magnetic field, for reflection from the gradient on the under side of the D region (or, at night, of a ledge below the E region), for reflection from the gradient on the under side of the E region, and for reflection from the gradient on the top side of the E region. The procedure is to compare local vertical gradient with local wavelength, thereby classifying altitude into intervals where the gradient is high and ones where it is low. Where the gradient is low, the phase-integral treatment is adequate. An interval where the gradient is high may, to a first approximation, be replaced by a discontinuity. The amount of the discontinuity is the difference between the refractive indices at the top and bottom of the interval of high gradient, judged in relation to local wavelength. It is then a matter of combining reflections from the several discontinuities. This requires calculation of the complex phase-changes between the discontinuities. But these are the intervals where the phase-integral treatment is available. To a better approximation, there is a non-zero phase-change associated with an interval of high gradient. The method for incorporating this is described.

The Relation Between Ionospheric Profiles and ELF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Transmission Line

Book Description

An approximate method, based on a wave-solution, is used to sketch the dependence of ELF propagation in the earth-ionosphere transmission line on time of day, latitude, season of the year, epoch in the sunspot cycle, and occurrence of sudden ionospheric disturbances and polar cap absorption events. As the frequency descends through the ELF band, penetration of the D region occurs in succession for the O and X waves, leading to reflexion from the E region at the Schumann resonant frequency. Under quiet day-time ionospheric conditions the penetration frequency-band is around 20-60 hz in middle and high latitudes, but around 75-150 hz near the equator. At a frequency low enough to be reflected primarily from the E region under quiet ionospheric conditions, an increase in D region ionization that is just sufficient to transfer primary reflexion from the E region to the D region results in an increase in the rate of attenuation. On the other hand, when once reflexion is firmly established at the lower level, further increase of ionization in the D region causes a reduction in the rate of attenuation. Similar effects are expected to occur at night in association with a sub-E region ledge of ionization. Small variations in the ionization profile of such a ledge are the likely cause of night-time fluctuations of transmission at 45 and 75 hz.