A Spacious Path to Freedom

Book Description

This manual of Tibetan meditation simply and thoroughly presents the profound Dzogchen and Mahamudra systems of practice.

Naked Awareness

Book Description

In this classic seventeenth-century presentation of the union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, Karma Chagmé, one of the great teachers of both these lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, begins with an overview of the spirit of awakening and the nature of actions and their ethical consequences. Next, drawing from his enormous erudition and profound experience, Chagmé gives exceptionally lucid instructions on the two phases of Dzogchen practice—the "breakthrough" and the "leap-over"—followed by an accessible introduction to the practice of the transference of consciousness at the time of death. The concluding chapters of this treatise present a detailed analysis of Mahamudra meditation in relation to Dzogchen practice. This tour de force of scholarly erudition and contemplative insight is made all the more accessible by the lively commentary of the contemporary Nyingma Lama Gyatrul Rinpoche. Although this book stands alone, it is the concluding section of a single body of teachings by Karma Chagmé, the earlier section published under the title A Spacious Path to Freedom. Karma Chagmé was a major teacher of the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and his writings have also become central to the Payul Nyingma order, making him an ideal figure to integrate these two great meditation systems.

Path to Freedom

Book Description

Throughout life, we're invited to go through various levels of transformation, but many of us decide not to answer the calls. Instead, we stay in our comfy boxes where everything makes sense. In doing so, we thwart and limit our world of possibilities, and don't get a chance to move beyond our caterpillar like shells and turn into the beatiful butterfly that we are meant to be. In Path to Freedom, Nader Vasseghi reflects on his own journey of transformation and distills a practical set of insights and guideposts to help readers discover and connect to their purpose, access and bring out fullness of their creativity, and lead a life of joy, impact and abundance. The path to freedom starts with opening to and recognizing our own true self, finding our way of being and feeling at home with it, and honoring and living in alignment with our heart's deepest desires.

Stilling the Mind

Book Description

In his previous book, The Attention Revolution, bestselling author Alan Wallace guided readers through the stages of shamatha, a meditation for focusing the mind. In Stilling the Mind, he uses the wisdom of Dzogchen--the highest of all the meditation traditions--to open up the shamatha practice into a space of vast freedom. Here, Wallace introduces us to Dudjom Lingpa's Vajra Essence, one of the most cherished works of the Nyingma school from which Dzogchen stems. With his trademark enthusiasm and keen intelligence, Wallace makes obscure concepts intelligible to contemporary readers and allows us to glimpse the profound realizations of a great nineteenth-century spiritual adept.

Natural Liberation

Book Description

A perfect companion to the well-known Tibetan Book of the Dead. In life and in death, in meditation and in sleep, every transitional stage of consciousness, or bardo, provides an opportunity to overcome limitations, frustrations, and fears. The profound teachings in this book provide the under- standing and instruction necessary to turn every phase of life into an opportunity for uncontrived, natural liberation. Like the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Natural Liberation is a terma, a "hidden treasure" attributed to the eighth-century master Padmasambhava. Gyatrul Rinpoche's lucid commentary accompanies the text, illuminating the path of awakening to the point of full enlightenment. Natural Liberation is an essential contribution to the library of both scholars and practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism.

Never Turn Away

Book Description

"Trungpa Rinpoche's great saying was, Turn toward everything.' There's something very wholesome about turning toward things completely and openly. It is sharp and uncontrived and feels genuine in a way that our ordinary projections and ways of handling things never do." Book jacket.

Rough Road to Freedom

Book Description

Neil Anderson comes from a humble farming background. No one suspected that this fun-loving, athletic child would complete five degrees, author or co-author sixty books and found a global ministry. Neil served in the US Navy, then graduated in electrical engineering and worked as an aerospace engineer before sensing a call to ministry. He spent years as a church pastor and seminary professor before starting Freedom in Christ Ministries. -God put a burden on my heart to see captives set free and their emotional wounds healed, - he writes. -But my early education was steeped in western rationalism. It has taken me years to discover the reality of the spiritual world, and learn to be guided by the Holy Spirit, - Freedom in Christ Ministries equips the church to help people become fully alive, and free in Christ. -So many counselors deal only with symptoms, but Neil helps us find healing. His memoirs show that he did not write from an ivory tower, but from the context of his own participation in the battle in which we are all engaged.- ' Dr. Timothy Warner, Former Director of Professional Doctoral Programs, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 'Inspiring and challenging. Neil's rediscovery of these biblical truths ' of truth encounter, and of our identity in Christ ' has changed and liberated countless lives, and transformed my perspective and my practice of spiritual warfare ministry. You will be enlightened and blessed by Neil's story." ' Dr. Paul L. King, Associate Professor at Oral Roberts University -Praise God for Neil Anderson's contribution to the Christian church, and for his awesome ministry.- ' Dr. Elmer L. Towns , Co-Founder and Vice President, Liberty University -This book is a jewel. We catch a glimpse of the man behind the movement, and praise God for the remarkable fruit.- ' Chuck Mylander, EFM Director

Rebel Buddha

Book Description

Buddhist teacher Dzogchen Ponlop offers advice on training one's mind and understanding one's nature in order to overcome fear and unhappiness.

The Road to Freedom

Book Description

Argues that the Obama administration has used the economic crises to move away from free enterprise and offers a way back via sound public policy.

Secret to Freedom

Book Description

For use in schools and libraries only. Great Aunt Lucy tells a story of her days as a slave, when she and her brother, Albert, learned the quilt code to help direct other slaves and, eventually, Albert himself, to freedom in the North.