Spin Fluctuations in Itinerant Electron Magnetism

Book Description

Ferromagnetism of metallic systems, especially those including transition metals, has been a controversial subject of modern science for a long time. This controversy sterns from the apparent dual character of the d-electrons responsible for magnetism in transition metals, i.e., they are itinerant elec trons described by band theory in their ground state, while at finite tem peratures they show various properties that have long been attributed to a system consisting of local magnetic moments. The most familiar example of these properties is the Curie-Weiss law of magnetic susceptibility obeyed by almost all ferromagnets above their Curie temperatures. At first the problem seemed to be centered around whether the d-elec trons themselves are localized or itinerant. This question was settled in the 1950s and early 1960s by various experimental investigations, in particular by observations of d-electron Fermi surfaces in ferromagnetic transition metals. These observations are generally consistent with the results of band calculations. Theoretical investigations since then have concentrated on explaining this dual character of d-electron systems, taking account of the effects of electron-electron correlations in the itinerant electron model. The problem in physical terms is to study the spin density fluctuati·ons, which are ne glected in the mean-field or one-electron theory, and their influence on the physical properties.

Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism

Book Description

This volume shows how collective magnetic excitations determine most of the magnetic properties of itinerant electron magnets. Previous theories were mainly restricted to the Curie-Weiss law temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibilities. Based on the spin amplitude conservation idea including the zero-point fluctuation amplitude, this book shows that the entire temperature and magnetic field dependence of magnetization curves, even in the ground state, is determined by the effect of spin fluctuations. It also shows that the theoretical consequences are largely in agreement with many experimental observations. The readers will therefore gain a new comprehensive perspective of their unified understanding of itinerant electron magnetism.

Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism

Book Description

This book is an application of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics to the field of magnetism. A large part of the book is devoted to a detailed treatment of the connections between electronic properties and magnetism, and how they differ in the various known magnetic systems. Current trends are exposed and explained for a large class of alloys and compounds. The modern field of artificially layered systems - known as multilayers - and their industrial applications are dealt with in detail. The book also relates the rich thermodynamic properties of magnets to the ab initio results originating from the electronic structure.

Itinerant Electron Magnetism: Fluctuation Effects

Book Description

A summary of recent developments in theoretical and experimental studies of fluctuation effects in itinerant electron magnets, focusing on novel physical phenomena: soft-mode spin fluctuations and zero-point effects, strong spin anharmonicity, magnetic frustrations in metals, fluctuation effects in Invar alloys and low-dimensional systems. All of these may be important for novel high-technology applications.

Dynamic Spin-Fluctuation Theory of Metallic Magnetism

Book Description

This book presents a theoretical framework for magnetism in ferromagnetic metals and alloys at finite temperatures. The objective of the book is twofold. First, it gives a detailed presentation of the dynamic spin-fluctuation theory that takes into account both local and long-wave spin fluctuations with any frequency. The authors provide a detailed explanation of the fundamental role of quantum spin fluctuations in the mechanism of metallic magnetism and illustrate the theory with concrete examples. The second objective of the book is to give an accurate and self-contained presentation of many-body techniques such as the functional integral method and Green's functions, via a number of worked examples. These computational methods are of great use to solid state physicists working in a range of specialties. The book is intended primarily for researchers, but can also be used as textbook. The introductory chapters offer clear and complete derivations of the fundamentals, which makes the presentation self-contained. The main text is followed by a number of well-organized appendices that contain a detailed presentation of the necessary many-body techniques and computational methods. The book also includes a list of symbols and detailed index. This volume will be of interest to a wide range of physicists interested in magnetism and solid state physics in general, both theoreticians and experimentalists.

Creative Complex Systems

Book Description

In recent years, problems such as environmental and economic crises and pandemics caused by new viruses have been occurring on a global scale. Globalization brings about benefits, but it can increase the potential risks of “systemic problems”, leading to system-wide disruptions. The coronavirus pandemic, declared on March 11, 2020, by the World Health Organization, has revealed social disparities in the form of a higher risk of death for people of low-socioeconomic status and has caused massive destruction of the economy and of globalization itself. Extensive efforts to cope with these challenges have often led to the emergence of additional problems due to the chain of hidden causation. What can be done to protect against such emerging challenges? Despite the resulting complexity, once these individual problems are considered as different aspects of a single whole, seemingly contradictory issues can become totally understandable, as they can be integrated into a single coherent framework. This is the integrationist approach in contrast to the reductionist approach. Situations of this kind are truly relevant to understanding the question, “What are creative complex systems?” This book features contributions by members and colleagues of the Kyoto University International Research Unit of Integrated Complex System Science. It broadens our outlook from the traditional view of stability, in which global situations are eventually stabilized after the impact of destruction, to “creative” complex systems.