A Strategic Plan for the Joint Staff

Book Description

The Joint Staff is the Nation's premier military staff and contains the finest talent ever assembled. It is imperative that the necessary tools to serve all our customers well-from the President and Secretary of Defense to the warfighting CINCs-be employed. The Joint Staff Quality Process provides the means to identify and continuously improve the key processes that are central to all we do. The program gives a disciplined approach to the duties at hand-a critical path for navigating the complexities faced every day in our collective efforts as the Nation's central military staff. Our Quality Process provides three important elements: ̂A strategic plan based on vision, goals, and objectives -clear priorities for all. ̂Solid metrics used to measure the effectiveness in accomplishing goals and serving critically important customers. ̂A positive environment based on the management ethic that everyone has a significant stake in shaping the course of the Joint Staff. I strongly support the Joint Staff Quality Process an encourage you to get training and put quality to work every day.

Chairmen Joint Chiefs of Staff's Leadership Using the Joint Strategic Planning System in the 1990s: Recommendations for Strategic Leaders

Book Description

This monograph examines how the three Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff adapted and used the Joint Strategic Planning System from 1990 to 2000 to provide advice to the Secretary of Defense and to the President. This strategic planning system is the primary formal means by which the Chairman executes his statutory responsibilities specified by Congress in Title 10 U.S. Code. Understanding this strategic planning system's evolution, reviewing its processes, and examining its products gives one great insight into how the three Chairmen provided direction that shaped the military to respond to the rapidly changing strategic environment of the 1990s. Senior leaders can learn from this comprehensive strategic planning and leadership review to enable them to better use a strategic planning system to transform their organizations for the future.

History of Joint Staff Strategic Planning, 1949-2020

Book Description

This study examines the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff in strategic planning. Such planning began just after World War II as a way of preparing for a global war against the Soviet Union. After the demise of that monolithic threat in 1991, the general consensus of senior military leaders was that threats would become more diffuse and generally confined within a geographic region. That shifted the locus of planning efforts to the combatant commands and away from the Joint Staff. But declining defense budgets and the consequent need to more carefully husband resources prompted the Joint Staff to adopt a role of reviewing and balancing various combatant command plans. By 2015, however, the return of threats with global reach caused the staff to revert to its more centralized role, arbitrating and synchronizing combatant command efforts to address those threats wherever they appeared. This review not only connects presidential level strategy documents to those produced by the Joint Staff across these three different phases, but also for the first time documents how the twenty-first century concept of global integration came to be.

U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus

Book Description

This is the pilot in a series of reports on strategic planning conducted within the U.S. Department of Defense. It focuses on the strategic planning responsibilities of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff because planning at that level provides the critical nexus between the strategic direction provided by the National Command Authorities and its implementation by the unified combatant commands and military departments. The authors' thorough understanding of the statutory requirements for strategic planning and the interactions between the Chairman's complex strategic planning process and other key DOD planning systems enables them to explicate today's strategic planning challenges and offer insightful recommendations. Strategic planning in the post-Cold War era has proven to be exceptionally problematic. The plethora of national and international tensions that the east-west confrontation of the Cold War in large measure subdued combine now to create a world replete with diverse challenges to U.S. interests. Equally disturbing is the fact that these challenges are not as clearly defined and easily articulated as was the monolithic Soviet threat. The authors point out that the Cold War provided inherent stability in U.S. strategic planning and that the basic elements of a strategic military plan evolved over time. They go on to argue that the elimination of the National Military Strategy Document and the abandonment of the Base Case Global Family of Operation Plans amounted to recision of the Chairman's strategic plan, and that nothing has been developed to take its place.

Joint Strategic Planning System Insights

Book Description

Military leaders at many levels have used strategic planning in various ways to position their organizations to respond to the demands of the current situation while simultaneously preparing to meet future challenges. This paper will first describe the Chairman's statutory responsibilities and strategic challenges, because this affects leaders and the focus of the strategic planning system. The paper then briefly examines how the Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS) changed in five major ways during the time period of 1990 to 2012 before describing in greater detail the key products and processes of the current system. The paper then goes on to summarize the more significant ways each Chairman used this system during the past 2 decades to produce specific planning products, which is part of their formal leadership legacy. During this time the Chairmen were Generals Powell (1989-93), Shalikashvili (1993-97), Shelton (1997-2001), Myers (2001-05), Pace (2005-07), and Admiral Mullen (2007-11). General Dempsey's current strategic planning focus, since he became Chairman in October 2011, is also summarized. This leadership focus and concluding thoughts provide broad insights into how senior leaders have used the strategic planning system to respond to internal and external challenges. These leadership and management insights are related to the importance of strategic vision, planning system and process characteristics, decision making styles, and organizational change.