High-purity Germanium Detection System for the in Vivo Measurement of Americium and Plutonium

Book Description

A high-purity germanium (HPGe) array, photon-counting system has been developed for the Rocky Flats Plant Body-Counter Medical Facility. The newly improved system provides exceptional resolutions of low-energy X-ray and gamma-ray spectra associated with the in vivo deposition of plutonium and americium. Described are the operational parameters of the system and some qualitative results illustrating detector performance for the photon emissions produced from the decay of plutonium and americium between energy ranges from 10 to 100 kiloelectron volts. Since large amounts of data are easily generated with the system, data storage, analysis, and computer software developments continue to be an essential ingredient for processing spectral data obtained from the detectors. Absence of quantitative data is intentional. The primary concern of the study was to evaluate the effects of the various physical and electronic operational parameters before adding those related entirely to a human subject.

Performance of a Large Hyperpure Germanium Detector Array for In-vivo Detection of Low-energy Photon and X-ray Emitters

Book Description

The ORNL Whole Body Counter is one of the few in the country that is capable of assessment of body burdens of low-energy photon and x-ray emitters. This requires detectors and electronics specific for the task. Isotope identification and quantification capabilities are crucial at the facilities which deal with quantities of many radionuclides. The standard procedure for whole counting done at ORNL employs a 13.34 cm-dia. phoswich, a hyperpure germanium (HPGe) array consisting of six detectors totaling 80 cm/sup 2/, and a 23 cm by 23 cm NaI detector positioned under the subject's back. Isotope identification and quantification capabilities for detection of the actinides using the HPGe array are greatly improved over the phoswich system, making the HPGe detector an integral part of lung counting operations at ORNL. The HPGe array has been fully operational since May 1980. Since that time, calibrations have been performed with various sources, a calibration curve derived, and minimum significant measured activity (MSMA) and minimum detectable true activity (MDTA) for various radionuclides have been determined. The current analysis techniques are discussed, examples of MSMA and MDTA for various isotopes are given, and the derivation of a universal calibration curve for preliminary estimation of body burden is discussed using data acquired by the HPGe array.

System of High-purity Germanium Detectors for the Detection and Measurement of Inhaled Radionuclides. [239Pu and 24°Pu and 241Am].

Book Description

A system of eight high-purity germanium detectors mounted, four each, as arrays on two downward-looking cryostats is described. This system is designed to measure photons emitted by inhaled radionuclides and is efficient for photon energies between 10 keV and 200 keV. In routine operation since October 1976, the system is used mainly to detect and measure inhaled plutonium and americium. Each of the eight detectors has a surface area of 10 cm2 and a resolution of 650 eV full-width half-maximum or better at 60 keV. This excellent resolution means that the photopeak can be placed in a narrow portion (about 1 keV) of the background energy spectrum. Consequences of this feature are: (1) the subject background count rate for a given photopeak is low (between 0.025 and 0.035 counts/min per cm2 detector surface area for a 1-keV band in the range of 15 to 100 keV); (2) the subject background can be well estimated from counts in the energy spectrum a few keV above the photopeak of interest; (3) baseline resolution can be obtained for photons separated by as little as 1.5 keV in energy; and (4) identification of unknown or unexpected radionuclides can be accomplished with good accuracy. Applications and capabilities of the system are discussed. The current application is for the measurement of plutonium via the measurement of the 59.54-keV gamma from 241Am. The measurement of L x-rays from the decay of plutonium is also discussed.

Lithium-Drifted Germanium Detectors: Their Fabrication and Use

Book Description

A lithium-drifted germanium detector is a semiconductor de vice which operates at liquid nitrogen temperature, and is used for detection of nuclear radiation, mostly gamma ray. The detection occurs when the y-ray undergoes an interaction in the intrinsic or I region of the semiconductor. The interaction results in the pro duction of charge carriers which are swept out by an electric field. This is accomplished by reverse biasing the detector with approxi mately 100 v/mm of intrinsic material. The total amount of charge swept out is proportional to the energy dissipated in the intrinsic region. This may include the total energy of the photon, but gen erally somewhat less. The Ge(Li) device is a semiconductor p-n device with a very large intrinsic region between the positive carrier region and the negative carrier region (P-I-N). The fabrication of this device consists of three major steps: the diffusion of the lithium into the p-type germanium to give an n-type surface region, the drifting process to obtain the intrinsic region as deeply as possible, and the surface preparation. There are numerous procedures for the various steps as well as criteria for material selection and the preparation of the materials.

Use of an Intrinsic Germanium Detector Array for an Aerial Survey of Surface Nuclear Radiation

Book Description

This report describes the results of an experiment to measure the natural gamma radiation emitted from the earth's surface with the aid of radiation detectors mounted in an aircraft. For comparison, two detector systems were used: an array of intrinsic germanium detectors with a total active volume of 0.4 liter and a single NaI(Tl) scintillation detector 30.5 cm diam X 30.5 cm long. Data were recorded on flights at altitudes of 60, 120, 240, 300 and 5100 meters and with average airspeed of 200 knots. A discussion is presented on the application of germanium detectors to the atmospheric radon problem; in particular, on the use of the photons with energy 295, 352 and 609 keV to determine the respective contributions from the air and the surface.