Pre-equilibrium Particle Decay in the Photonuclear Reactions. [Exciton and Quasi-deuteron Models].

Book Description

Calculations of particle energy spectra resulting from the photonuclear reactions at energies below the meson production threshold have been carried out in the framework of combining the pre-equilibrium exiton model and the quasi-deuteron model. A 2p-2h initial state in the exciton model is assumed because in the energy region above giant resonance the quasi-deuteron absorption is the dominant process. With these combined models, the subsequent secondary interactions of the emerging particle with the rest of the nucleus following the initial photon-nucleus interaction are appropriately taken into account. The experimental difference energy spectra of fast photoneutrons from several elements (Al, Cu, In, Sn, Ta, Pb, Bi and U) at bremsstrahlung energies of 55 and 85 MeV and the photoproton energy spectra from 12C at bremsstrahlung energy 110 MeV were compared with the theoretical predictions. General agreements in both spectral shapes and cross sections are obtained. The relative yields of the reactions (.gamma., xn) resulting from monoenergetic photons on 127I at 50, 100 and 150 MeV are also predicted reasonably well by the combined models together with the conventional evaporation theory.

Pre-equilibrium Nuclear Reactions

Book Description

While we have attempted to mention at least the most important developments in the theory of pre-equilibrium reactions, the volume of work in this area over the last few years has been so immense that it is not possible to give a comprehensive account of all that has been done. Our aim is to describe as clearly as we can the main physical ideas and to sketch the mathematical formulations that have been developed to enable practical calculations to be made. We attach particular importance to the detailed comparisons between theory and experiment because only in this way is it possible to assess the usefulness and validity of the theories that have been proposed.