A Study on Connectedness in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

Book Description

In this study, we introduce the concept of neutrosophic connectedness and give some of its characterizations. Additionally, we present neutrosophic product space and show that this type of connectedness is not preserved under neutrosophic product spaces. We also introduce the notions of neutrosophic super-connected spaces, neutrosophic strongly connected spaces and study their properties.

On closed sets and its connectedness in terms of neutrosophic topological spaces

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In this article, we introduce neutrosophic closed sets in neutrosophic topological spaces. Also, we introduce and investigate neutrosophic continuous, neutrosophic irresoluteness, neutrosophic connectedness and neutrosophic contra continuous mappings .

Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

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In this paper, the concept of neutrosophic topological spaces is introduced. We define and study the properties of neutrosophic open sets, closed sets, interior and closure. The set of all generalize neutrosophic pre-closed sets GNPC and the set of all neutrosophic open sets in a neutrosophic topological space can be considered as examples of generalized neutrosophic topological spaces.

On Neutrosophic Soft Topological Space

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In this paper, the concept of connectedness and compactness on neutrosophic soft topological space have been introduced along with the investigation of their several characteristics. Some related theorems have been established also.

New type of neutrosophic supra connected space

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Neutrosophic α supra-connected space is defined and its properties are studied in this paper. The purpose of this theory is to investigate the common relationship between two objects after dropping an axiom in neutrosophic topological spaces. Also, defined herein is a new compactness in neutrosophic supra topological spaces and some of its properties are investigated.

Generalized Neutrosophic Set and Generalized Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

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In this paper we introduce definitions of generalized neutrosophic sets. After given the fundamental definitions of generalized neutrosophic set operations, we obtain several properties, and discussed the relationship between generalized neutrosophic sets and others. Finally, we extend the concepts of neutrosophic topological space [9], intuitionistic fuzzy topological space [5, 6], and fuzzy topological space [4] to the case of generalized neutrosophic sets. Possible application to GIS topology rules are touched upon.

A Look on Separation Axioms in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

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This study is dedicated to make an attempt to define different types of separation axioms in neutrosophic topological spaces. The relationships among them are shown with a diagram and counterexamples. We also introduce some new notions, such as neutrosophic quasi-coincidence, neutrosophic q-neighborhood, neurosophic cluster point, and give a new definition for neutrosophic function.

A Study on Neutrosophic Bitopological Group

Book Description

In this paper we try to introduce neutrosophic bitopological group. We try to investigate some new definition and properties of neutrosophic bitopological group.