A Study on Professional Development of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Institutions of Higher Education in Western China

Book Description

This book offers a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the recent professional developments of teachers of English in the western region of China in the context of English language teaching reform and teacher education reform. It discusses a wealth of theories, frameworks, qualitative case studies and quantitative investigations, while also covering a range of key practices that are indispensable. It equips readers with an in-depth understanding of the impact of the current curriculum reform on the promotion of teachers’ cognition, emotions, attitudes and awareness of their self-development, as well as teachers’ corresponding efforts to update their educational concepts, reassess their teacher roles, enhance their teaching skills, and implement new approaches to their professional development. It is a valuable resource for anyone pursuing research in this field as well as in-service teachers, teacher educators and education administrators. And as it offers practical help for the potential difficulties and challenges they might encounter, it is also a must-read for the student teachers of English.

Practice-Based Professional Development in Education

Book Description

Teachers, as life-long learners, engage in professional development to deepen their understanding of content and instructional methods. Teacher professional development is a form of adult education, and adults learn best if they are actively involved in their own learning and see it relative to their own needs. Grounding professional development in actual classroom practice is a highly powerful means of fostering effective teachers. Research has shown that, for professional development to be effective, several components of instruction should be considered: reflection on practice, problems arising in practice, subject matter content, and principles of adult learning. Practice-Based Professional Development in Education is a cutting-edge research publication that explores both effective and ineffective professional development practices and presents arguments for why adult learning theory should be considered when designing a professional development session. Highlighting a range of topics including social media, education reform, and teacher learning, this book is essential for teachers, academicians, education professionals, policymakers, curriculum designers, researchers, and students.

Geography Teacher Education and Professionalization

Book Description

This book focuses on how current and prospective teachers worldwide are prepared for the significant task of teaching geography, given the important role of teachers. It eschews a traditional career-centric framework (pre-service, in-service teaching) in favor of a topical approach toward issues that all teachers face. The book updates thinking on geography education subfields such as GI education and fieldwork and traces important contemporary discourses such as digitalization and sustainability. The book further explains the broad variety of institutionalization of geography teacher education in various political systems. In short, this book collects strategies for geography teacher educators worldwide to provide insight into the challenges, conditions, and solutions present at the classroom and institutional level. As such, this book is a must-have for teacher educators and geography teachers worldwide.

The Pedagogy and Practice of Western-trained Chinese English Language Teachers

Book Description

Providing an East-West flow of language teaching knowledge and know-how to balance prevailing Western-centric perspectives, this book is an in-depth investigation of the impact of Western-based language teacher education on the pedagogy and practice of Chinese English language teachers who received their training in Western institutions or those that emphasize Western-based teaching approaches. A significant and growing number of these teachers will influence millions of language learners in China over the next decades. The Pedagogy and Practice of Western-trained Chinese English Language Teachers: Forefronts Chinese teachers’ voices and experiences in the context of their workplaces and classrooms Connects and balances theory and practice using a sociocultural lens Discusses the Chinese government’s policies on the training of teachers and analyzes them in terms of their impact on both American and Chinese higher education institutions This is a must read book for anyone interested in learning theory adopted from a Western perspective and applied within an Asian setting.

Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English Language Teachers

Book Description

This up-close look at Chinese ESL teachers documents undertakings at formal and informal levels to support and sustain their expertise in ways that balance collaborative and competitive efforts, situated and standards-based programs, ethnically responsive and government-based efforts, and traditional and 21st-century teaching visions. English is a mandated subject for approximately 400 million Chinese public school students. Making transparent the training and professional development received respectively by pre-service and in-service teachers, this book provides a rare window into how Chinese English Language teachers (ELTs) reconcile the two needs with the responsibility to teach large numbers of students while also navigating societal, cultural, and institutional cross currents. It also explores the range of ways China invests in the training and professional development of its English language teachers.

Educational Development in Western China

Book Description

In 2000, the “Western Development” plan of the Chinese Mainland attracted attention of educators and policy makers. Around that period, the Chinese government also launched large scale and systemic curriculum reforms in basic education and secondary education in achieving quality education across the vast country. Despite significant progress that has been made in educational investments and attainments in China, issues of quality and regional disparities across China remain, especially in the less developed, western part of China where the significance of ethnic diversity, urban-rural disparity and variations in school development exists. In addition, there have been entrenched problems of teacher and teaching quality, resources inadequacy and ‘left-behind’ children. Written by a group of Chinese and international scholars, the book provides an updated analysis and discussion of educational development and related issues in the less developed part of Western China. These chapters cover broad contextual issues of educational development and reforms, issues of quality and equality in different sectors of education, as well as curriculum implementation, teaching innovations and professional development of teachers.

Educational Change Amongst English Language College Teachers in China

Book Description

This open access book provides anthropological insights into the arduous yet rewarding journeys involved in selected TESOL teachers’ pedagogical transition to teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at universities in Shanghai, the largest metropolitan area in China. Applying a unique combination of ethnography and phenomenology, the book offers innovative new perspectives on teacher education research. Drawing on the latest language education theory, it outlines a practitioner-friendly approach to EAP literacy. Teacher readers will especially benefit from the case studies presented here, which provide role models for teacher change in educational reform, as well as advice on their academic careers. In addition to addressing a timely and important research gap on EAP teachers in non-Western countries, the book is the ideal choice for readers interested in an update on English education in China.

The Lived Experience of Chinese International Students in the U.S.

Book Description

This book marks a departure from traditional assumptions concerning the deficiencies of Chinese international students in terms of learning and adapting. It employs phenomenological narrative inquiry and a small culture approach to investigate the evolved, fluid experience of pursuing a graduate degree in the U.S. at Blue Fountain University (a pseudonym for a mid-western university). Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, this book addresses two fundamental questions: What study abroad is and what study abroad counts? The sociocultural dimensions that shape the cross-border degree seeking endeavors inform stakeholders what works for Chinese international students’ successful pursuits as EFL learners and ESL users and what could be improved. This book shares thoughts on the implications and impact of educational contexts to stakeholders at normal and dynamic contexts interrupted by global pandemic outbreak. It contributes to the understanding of the internationalization of the host institute and the EFL education reform efforts (policy making, teacher education, and classroom practice) in China (and in Asia at large).

Teaching Reading and Teacher Beliefs

Book Description

This book explores language teacher beliefs in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading instruction in the context of Chinese university English instructors. Since the 1990s, there has been a renewed interest on teacher beliefs in the domain of language teacher cognition. However, most studies in this area aim at investigating the relationship between particular aspects of teacher beliefs and classroom practices, largely ignoring the complexity of teacher beliefs. This study explores the issue from an alternative perspective by conceptualizing teacher beliefs as a complex, dynamic and multi-faceted system. By adopting five rounds of interview and four classroom observations, the year-long study reveals seven key features of the belief system shared among six participants. It calls for the holistic, complex and insider view to examine teacher beliefs in relation to the sociocultural and historical contexts where the teachers work and live.

Reflection, Change, and Reconstruction in the Context of Educational Reform and Innovation in China

Book Description

This book delivers a state-of-the-art survey of the issues and approaches in contemporary English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher education. It examines the professional development of the teachers who taught English as a foreign language and engaged in a teacher preparation programme of reflective teaching at a university in China. Situated in the context of the reforms of English language teaching and teacher education, this book focuses on the theme of how, if at all, reflective teaching contributes to Chinese university EFL teachers’ development in thinking about English language teaching and in their own classroom practice. To date, the study of English as a foreign language teacher education and professional development mainly focused on the teaching skills and pedagogical knowledge of teachers. However, this book approaches English language teacher education from a different perspective, through an empirical exploration of the teachers’ professional development in their thinking, beliefs, values, understandings of teaching, awareness of students, and their classroom practice while engaged with reflective teaching practice at the group level and the individual level respectively. Adopting an interpretivist and constructivist epistemological paradigm, and drawing on key aspects of reflective teaching theory, the book investigates how the novice, developing, and experienced teachers differed in their views about reflective practice; how the teachers’ thinking about English language teaching transformed; how the teachers’ performance in EFL classroom practice developed; and how the teachers dealt with the changes during the period of the teacher education programme. In addition, the book provides examples of research into the ways that individuals integrate multiple levels of reflection, accommodate different types of reflection, and make them interact with each other mutually and inseparably by using a more comprehensive and multidimensional reflective teaching model. Thus the book helps to better understand teachers’ trajectory of professional growth and is a new and unique resource for exploring effective ways of language teacher education for teachers, teacher educators, and educational researchers alike.