A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2

Book Description

No one in the world will ever have a hold on our hearts the way a mother does. Mothers give us life, take care of us, teach us how to be our very best selves. And no matter how old we get, we'll always be the child she held in her arms and comforted us when we were afraid. How can we ever thank them enough for all they have done for us? It is, after all, teh hardest job anyone can do. This collection is just a small taste of the ways some of our contributors have expressed gratitude for their mothers' love and devotion.

Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2

Book Description

This poignant collection of stories for and about the most important woman in our lives features chapters on Love, Becoming a Mother, Mothers and daughters, Miracles, Special Moments, Letting Go and more.

A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Grandparent's Soul

Book Description

To get through some problems, things that spring up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes we need to go to the wisest, kindest people we know. And who has a gentler touch than a grandparent? They offer us comfort, share their knowledge with us, and make us feel like we're the most special thing in the world. Filled with stories to open the hearts and rekindle the spirit, this pocket-sized collectioncelebrates the special relationships we have with grandparents. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Chicken Soup for the New Mom's Soul

Book Description

Chicken Soup for the New Mom's Soul is a collection of stories from the hearts of mothers, old and new, about the most amazing and profound experience in a woman's life-the birth of her first child.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook

Book Description

The kitchen is the heart of the home. So much of life is lived around the family table: we tell stories, review the day, pass on traditions, grieve our losses, resolve differences, introduce new loves and celebrate holidays. In the preparing and sharing of meals we create deep memories that we carry with us forever. In the flavor of Chicken Soup for the Soul, here is a joyful collection of heartwarming stories accompanied by mouthwatering recipes. Seasoned with heartfelt blessings, this marvelous book will help you revisit time-honored values and foster the sharing of meaningful conversation—and new recipes—at mealtime.

Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul

Book Description

A tribute to the women who uphold the written and unwritten oaths of service and of marriage.

Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul

Book Description

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are joined by Heather McNamara, senior editor of the series, in this unforgettable collection of inspiring and uplifting stories. Sure to become a favorite of readers who love Chicken Soup for its stories of overcoming life's obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks and pain, this book emphasizes triumph in the face of overwhelming odds. A timeless testament to the indomitable human spirit, this collection is sure to encourage, support, comfort and, most of all, inspire all readers for years to come.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Reader's Choice 20th Anniversary Edition

Book Description

This special anniversary collection of has a double-dose of inspiration - personal stories of how Chicken Soup for the Soul changed lives, and the life-changing story itself! Twenty years later, Chicken Soup for the Soul and its stories are still changing lives! This special twentieth anniversary collection celebrates the power of storytelling. Readers share their personal, inspiriting stories about how a Chicken Soup for the Soul story made a difference in their lives, paired with the life-changing story itself. It’s a double dose of inspiration!