Alliance Persistence within the Anglo-American Special Relationship

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This book seeks to demystify the persistence of the Anglo-American Special Relationship (AASR) in the post-Cold War era by constructing a new theory of alliance persistence. This theory of alliance persistence not only has stronger explanatory power than the predominant model of interests and sentiments, but also opens a new way for understanding what factors have prevented the AASR from collapsing. This innovative new volume fills the gap in AASR literature by focusing on the important role of institutionalization in sustaining the AASR, a factor that has been significantly overlooked in existing academic research.

The Alliance Market

Book Description

Abstract: With the traditional notion of military alliances as a tool for aggregating power, one cannot adequately explain such phenomena as the persistence of many Cold War alliances or the formation of large numbers of alliances in the post-Cold War era, which neither involves nor is aimed against the United States. This dissertation explains these phenomena by developing a theory about the market of military alliances. I conceptualize military alliances as contracts in which states pledge a continuous exchange of goods and services, at least one of which is the provision of military force, but where the others need not be. Contrary to the capability aggregation model of alliances, states often form and maintain an alliance with another state that is unable to provide military force for allied defense. This study views the alliance market from three different angles: systemic, contractual, and domestic. First, I discuss how the structure of the alliance market, defined by systemic polarity, affects relationships between allies. With a systemic model of alliances, I argue that the vice to which great powers easily succumb in a multipolar world is overreaction; in a bipolar world, overextension; and in a unipolar world, inattention. Next, I present a chapter on the contractual aspects of alliances, explaining one of the central roles of alliance agreements---the prevention of undesirable military entanglement. After pointing out some problems with the concept of entrapment, I argue that states carefully design alliance contracts so that they prevent entrapment while not diminishing the value of alliances by preventing entanglement altogether. Following that, in the chapter on the domestic level, I explain how domestic politics affect intra-alliance bargaining and demonstrate that a state sometimes loses profits (and gains voice) as a result of increased capability. Three factors, whether there is strong domestic opposition to an alliance, whether a leader is pro-alliance, and whether a leader is vulnerable, affect how much more a state gains from its alliance relative to the minimum benefit necessary to motivate the state to be in the alliance. For statistical analysis, I use the dataset of the Alliance Treaty Obligations and Provisions project. For case studies, I examine American alliances with Japan, South Korea, and Spain. The conclusion discusses implications of the market theory of alliances on international relations theory and policy of the United States and its allies.

The Anglo-American Military Relationship

Book Description

The Anglo-American Military Relationship explores military cooperation since the end of the Cold War. Much of the literature on the Anglo-American 'Special Relationship' has focused on the personal linkages between American Presidents and British Prime Ministers. This book argues that much of what is special between the two countries has resided in their military cooperation. This has provided the ballast that has underpinned other aspects of the political and economic relationship and given it durability. The book focuses on how the British armed services have worked alongside a superpower, in both peacetime and conflict. This military cooperation has been a challenging task, not least because it has occurred within a dynamic strategic context in which the nature of conflict has been evolving. British armed forces have engaged with their American allies in high intensity warfare, as well as in developing military doctrines to address insurgency, peace enforcement, and nation-building tasks. Working so closely with the US military has generated risks as well as benefits for Britain's armed forces. It has led them to engage in tasks that have weighed heavily upon their resources and has resulted in numerous tensions between the two sides.

Unipolarity and the Evolution of America's Cold War Alliances

Book Description

Thalakada argues that the principal purpose of US alliances have shifted since the end of the Cold War from containing communist expansionism (balance of power) to preserving and exercising US power (management of power).He also looks across all US alliances highlighting the trend from regionally-based to more globally-active alliances.

The "special Relationship"

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Sharing Nuclear Secrets

Book Description

Nuclear alliances are high stakes partnerships with the potential to enhance security, goodwill, scientific and technical innovation, and economic well-being; or, they risk a state's very existence, generate social and political unrest, and fracture frameworks for international cooperation and jeopardize global reputations. Now entering its eighth decade, the Anglo-American nuclear alliance is the oldest and most complex in the world. Sharing Nuclear Secrets is the first comprehensive single-volume study of the Anglo-American nuclear relationship, illuminating both its fragility and durability. It has waxed and waned based on the preferences of presidents and prime ministers, weathered war scares, overcome isolationist impulses and imperial decline, persisted despite public antipathy, and has survived and been strengthened by scientific rivalries. Trust and ambiguity are entangled at the core of the Anglo-American nuclear relationship. The interplay between trust and ambiguity has influenced the way the nuclear partnership has been institutionalized at bureaucratic and technical levels, but also the ways in which political actors and private citizens have maintained the relationship through periods of crisis, moments of triumph, and through decades of cultural reckoning with nuclear weapons. From the days of the Manhattan Project, through the crisis of Suez and criticism of Dr. Strangelove, to the end of the Cold War, and into present day circumstances brought about by the JCPOA, AUKUS, and Russian nuclear threats over Ukraine, Sharing Nuclear Secrets reveals that ambiguity is key to keeping the balance between sentiment and interests and the corresponding equilibrium between trust and mistrust in the special relationship.

On Specialness

Book Description

Investigates the "special" Anglo-American relationship. The essays in this book focus on the personalities and strategies of the wartime and post-war period.

The Weaker Voice and the Evolution of Asymmetric Alliances

Book Description

Military alliances are a constant feature in international politics, and a better understanding of them can directly impact world affairs. This book examines why alliances endure or collapse. As a distinctive feature, it analyses asymmetric alliances focusing on the junior allies’ decision to continue or terminate a military agreement. It deepens our knowledge of alliance cohesion and erosion, investigating the relevance of the weaker side’s preferences and behavior in alliance politics. The author examines the literature on alliance persistence and termination and puts forward a theoretical model that helps interpret historical and contemporary cases in a way that is useful for expert researchers and non-expert readers alike.