Monthly Weather Review

Book Description

Finite Analytic Method in Flows and Heat Transfer

Book Description

This book contains the fundamental development of the finite analytic method and gives a systematic coverage of knowledge needed for numerical computation of fluid flows and heat transfer. It will be helpful to many including graduate students studying computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer.

Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application VIII

Book Description

In 1949, when the North Atlantic Treaty was ratified, one of its articles explicitly noted '1hat member countries should contribute towards the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations." Specific problems related to the human environment were addressed by the Committee of Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS) of NATO, established in 1969. This provided a framework within which a series of International Technical Meetings (ITMs) on Air Pollution Modelling has been held. This volume documents the proceedings of the 18th meeting in this series. Science, like the arts and sports, provides an ideal vehicle for "developing peaceful and friendly international relations". National boundaries have never been barriers to the movement of air pollution, and fortunately this has also proved true of scientists studying the transport of air pollution. It is thus satisfying to record that since the mid-seventies it has been commonplace to find Eastern European scientists among attendees at the ITMs which have (in a very modest way) participated in a precursor to the process which has led to historical changes in Europe and which will undoubtedly lead to a tremendous increase in personal and intellectual exchange on a worldwide basis.

Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XI

Book Description

Proceedings of the Twenty-first NATO CCMS International Technical Meeting held in Baltimore, Maryland, November 6-10, 1995

Low-layer Features to Two Limited-area Hurricane Regimes

Book Description

Extrapolation of the data to the surface yields a stress that agrees very well with that calculated from a diagnostic application of the Deardorff parameterization scheme. The virtual heat flux profile, determined entirely from conventional measurements, is fairly consistent with that observed in the fair weather trade wind regime. From near-surface extrapolated momentum and virtual heat fluxes, a Monin-Obukov length is computed to indicate that the low-layer turbulence is principally shear-induced. This indication is substantiated by the budget of turbulence kinetic energy, which shows an overall predominance of shear over buoyancy production. In the lowest levels there is an approximate balance among shear production, convergence of the vertical transport, and viscous dissipation of the turbulence kinetic energy. At the upper mixed-layer levels, all of the calculable production terms are negligible in comparison with destruction through dissipation.

Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting

Book Description

This book is a collection of selected lectures presented at the ‘Intensive Course on Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting’ in Boulder, USA, in 1984. It includes mesoscale classifications, observing techniques and systems, internally generated circulations, mesoscale convective systems, externally forced circulations, modeling and short-range forecasting techniques. This is a highly illustrated book and comprehensive work, including extensive bibliographic references. It is aimed at graduates in meteorology and for professionals working in the field.