A Ticking Time Bomb

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Ticking Time Bomb

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The Fort Hood massacre, on Nov. 5, 2009, which left 13 dead and 32 wounded, could have been prevented. Evidence of accused killer Nidal Hasan¿s growing drift toward violent Islamist extremism was on full display during his military medical training, although his superiors took no punitive action. He suggested Muslim Americans in the U.S. military might be prone to commit fratricide. But, a slipshod FBI invest. into Hasan, coupled with internal disagreements and flaws in the agency¿s intelligence operations also contributed to the government¿s failure to prevent the attack. This report tracks Hasan¿s growing radicalization in the years before the attack and the numerous failures of the military to take action against him. A print on demand report.

A Ticking Time Bomb

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A ticking time bomb: counterterrorism lessons from the U.S. government's failure to prevent the Fort Hood Attack : hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate of the One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, February 15, 2011.

A Ticking Time Bomb

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On November 5, 2009, a lone attacker strode into the deployment center at Fort Hood, Texas. Moments later, 13 Department of Defense (DoD) employees were dead and another 32 were wounded in the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001. The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs launched an investigation of the events preceding the attack with two purposes: (I) to assess the information that the U.S. Government possessed prior to the attack and the actions that it took or failed to take in response to that information; and (2) to identify steps necessary to protect the United States against future acts of terrorism by homegrown violent Islamist extremists. This investigation flows from the Committee's four-year, bipartisan review of the threat of violent Islamist extremism to our homeland which has included numerous briefings, hearings, and consultations. In our investigation of the Fort Hood attack, we have been cognizant of the record of success by DoD and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FB I) in the ten years since 9/ 11. We recognize that detection and interdiction of lone wolf terrorists is one of the most difficult challenges facing our law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Every day, these agencies are presented with myriad leads that require the exercise of sound judgment to determine which to pursue and which to close out. Leaders must allocate their time, attention, and inherently limited resources on the highest priority cases. In addition, the individual accused of the Fort Hood attack, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, is a U.S. citizen. Even where there is evidence that a U.S. citizen may be radicalizing, the Constitution appropriately limits the actions that government can take. In presenting our findings and recommendations here in this report, we are grateful for the service given by our nation's military, law enforcement, and intelligence personnel. Our aim in this investigation was not to single out individual negligent judgment; such instances are for the agencies to deal with, as appropriate. Nor do we seek to second-guess reasonable judgments. Instead, we act under our Constitutional duty to oversee the Executive Branch's performance and thus to determine - independently from the Executive Branch's own assessment - what, if any, systemic issues are exposed by the Hasan case. The specific facts uncovered by the Committee's investigation necessarily led us to focus our key findings and recommendations on DoD and the FBI. But the Hasan case also evidences the need for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to counterradicalization and homegrown terrorism across all agencies, including federal, state, and local entities, which are critical to keeping our country safe. Our basic conclusion, detailed in this report, is as follows: Although neither DoD nor the FBI had specific information concerning the time, place, or nature of the attack, they collectively had sufficient information to have detected Hasan's radicalization to violent Islamist extremism but failed both to understand and to act on it. Our investigation found specific and systemic failures in the government's handling of the Hasan case and raises additional concerns about what may be broader systemic issues. These findings are provided in this report.

A Ticking Time Bomb

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A Ticking Time Bomb

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Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me., Tuesday said they planned to work to close vulnerabilities at the Department of Defense (DoD) and the FBI that prevented the two agencies from averting the deadly Fort Hood massacre, which left 13 people murdered and 32 others wounded on November 5, 2009.The Senators underscored the fact that they believe a major vulnerability is a failure to acknowledge the true enemy explicitly as violent Islamist extremism.At a hearing to examine the findings and recommendations contained in the Senators' investigatory report on the Fort Hood terrorist attack, Lieberman and Collins asked expert witnesses for their views on how to combat the ideology that fuels violent Islamist extremism and how to correct the negligence, missed communications, and failure to share information at the two federal agencies leading up to the attack.