¡A tomar por mundo!

Book Description

Dos jóvenes periodistas en paro, hartos de la situación laboral en España, cogieron la calculadora y echaron cuentas: 6.000 € en alquiler, 1.340 € en gasolina, la luz, el agua, el transporte… y ningún ingreso. Costaba más caro quedarse de brazos cruzados en casa que recorrer el mundo. Y decidieron, durante nueve meses y a lo largo y ancho de 28 países, hacer realidad su sueño: dar la vuelta al planeta y mandar todo… ¡A tomar por mundo!. Dijeron adiós a la rutina. Se colgaron la mochila a sus espaldas. Y salieron en busca de oportunidades a descubrir nuevos países, a zambullirse en su cultura y terminar la aventura casándose en una idílica playa de Bali. Todo ello con un presupuesto de sólo 20 € al día por persona. En este libro cuentan todas sus historias, trucos y secretos para hacer que un gran viaje sea más barato que vivir en España. ¿Viajamos?

Around the world for 20 bucks!

Book Description

Two young unemployed journalists, sick of the work situation in Spain, grabbed a calculator and did the math: € 6,000 in rent, € 1,340 in gasoline, everyday expenses, taxes, insurance, gym... and no income. It was more expensive to sit at home with their arms crossed than to travel the world. So they decided, for nine months and across 28 countries, to make their dream come true: to travel around the planet and leave it all... to take on the world! They said goodbye to routine. They strapped on their backpacks. And they went in search of opportunities, to discover new countries, to dive into foreign culture, and to end the adventure getting married on an idyllic beach in Bali. All this with a budget of only 20 € per day per person. In this book they tell all their stories, tips and tricks to make sure a great trip is cheaper than to live in Spain. Shall we travel?

Role and Impact of Tourism in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation

Book Description

Though conflict is normal and can never fully be prevented in the international arena, such conflicts should not lead to loss of innocent life. Tourism can offer a bottom-up approach in the mediation process and contribute to the transformation of conflicts by allowing a way to contradict official barriers motivated by religious, political, or ethnic division. Tourism has both the means and the motivation to ensure the long-term success of prevention efforts. Role and Impact of Tourism in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation is an essential reference source that provides an approach to peace through tourism by presenting a theoretical framework of tourism dynamics in international relations, as well as a set of peacebuilding case studies that illustrate the role of tourism in violent or critical scenarios of conflict. Featuring research on topics such as cultural diversity, multicultural interaction, and international relations, this book is ideally designed for policymakers, government officials, international relations experts, academicians, students, and researchers.

Grain World

Book Description

Refrigerating World

Book Description