Experiments with Dispersion Engineered Bose-Einstein Condensates

Book Description

The experiments are conducted with an experimental apparatus built at WSU. To facilitate the studies of this thesis, a number of new tools have been installed in the setup, such as multi-dimensional optical lattices, precision magnetic field control, and a Raman laser system. Details of these technological advances will be described together with the scientific results that they have enabled.

Experiments with Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices and Cold Collisions of Ultracold Atoms

Book Description

The experimental realisation of Bose-Einstein condensation in 1995 opened up a wealth of opportunities for probing quantum states of matter. The development of many tools used to manipulate such ultracold samples and the rapid progress on understanding these systems will ultimately lead to great technological advances. The work described in this thesis contributes to this worldwide effort and here we present experiments which investigate the properties and behaviour of ultracold atoms.

Realization of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Rubidium-87 in a Time-Orbiting Potential Trap

Book Description

The construction of an apparatus capable of producing Bose-Einstein condensates marks a significant milestone in every experimental cold atom laboratory. In this thesis I describe the development of a system to create a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87RB in a Time-Orbiting Potential trap.I review the optical and magnetic techniques required to trap and cool an atomic sample under vacuum, motivating our decision to build a double MOT system comprised of a high-pressure (10-9 torr) chamber to gather atoms and a low-pressure (10-11 torr) chamber to cool atoms to degeneracy.By theoretically modeling the atom number and temperature inside the magnetic trap during evaporative cooling I demonstrate a simple approach to determining a cooling path that reaches the transition temperature. By making use of the condensates produced under these non-optimized conditions I determine the heating rate of the condensate in the TOP trap to be 300 nK/s. I further use the condensates to make a more precise measurement of the TOP trap bias field.I improve upon the conventional evaporation path used in TOP trap experiments by introducing and optimizing additional bias field compression stages in between RF evaporation ramps. I demonstrate how, by adding these additional stages, the system is capable of reaching the BEC phase transition with a final atom number of 2x 105. In contrast, RF evaporation after only a single bias field ramp has yielded condensates with only 30 x 103 atoms.

Localisation of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices

Book Description

The properties of Bose-Einstein condensates can be studied and controlled effectively when trapped in optical lattices formed by two counter-propagating laser beams. The dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices are well-described by a continuous model using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a modulated potential or, in the case of deep potentials, a discrete model using the Discrete Nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Spatially localised modes, known as lattice solitons in the continuous model, or discrete breathers in the discrete model, can occur and are the focus of this thesis. Theoretical and computational studies of these localised modes are investigated in three different situations. Firstly, a model of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring optical lattice with atomic dissipations applied at a stationary or at a moving location on the ring is presented in the continuous model. The localised dissipation is shown to generate and stabilise both stationary and traveling lattice solitons. The solutions generated include spatially stationary quasiperiodic lattice solitons and a family of traveling lattice solitons with two intensity peaks per potential well with no counterpart in the discrete case. Collisions between traveling and stationary lattice solitons as well as between two traveling lattice solitons display a dependence on the lattice depth. Then, collisions with a potential barrier of either travelling lattice solitons or travelling discrete breathers are investigated along with their dependence on the height of the barrier. Regions of complete reection or of partial reflection where the incoming soliton/breather is split in two, are observed and understood interms of the soliton properties. Partial trapping of the atoms in the barrier is observed for positive barrier heights due to the negative effective mass of the solitons/breathers. Finally, two coupled discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations can describe the interaction and collisions of breathers in two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in deep optical lattices. This is done for two cases of experimental relevance: a mixture of two ytterbium isotopes and a mixture of Rubidium (87Rb) and Potassium(41K) atoms. Depending on their initial separation, interaction between stationary breathers of different species can lead to the formation of symbiotic localised structures or transform one of the breathers from a stationary one into a travelling one. Collisions between travelling and stationary discrete breathers composed of different species are separated in four distinct regimes ranging from totally elastic when the interspecies interaction is highly attractive to mutual destruction when the interaction is suffciently large and repulsive.