Shock Wave-Boundary-Layer Interactions

Book Description

Shock wave-boundary-layer interaction (SBLI) is a fundamental phenomenon in gas dynamics that is observed in many practical situations, ranging from transonic aircraft wings to hypersonic vehicles and engines. SBLIs have the potential to pose serious problems in a flowfield; hence they often prove to be a critical - or even design limiting - issue for many aerospace applications. This is the first book devoted solely to a comprehensive, state-of-the-art explanation of this phenomenon. It includes a description of the basic fluid mechanics of SBLIs plus contributions from leading international experts who share their insight into their physics and the impact they have in practical flow situations. This book is for practitioners and graduate students in aerodynamics who wish to familiarize themselves with all aspects of SBLI flows. It is a valuable resource for specialists because it compiles experimental, computational and theoretical knowledge in one place.

Delayed-detached-eddy Simulation of Shock Wave/turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction

Book Description

The purpose of this thesis is to study the shock/wave turbulent boundary layer interaction by using delayed-detached-eddy simulation (DDES) model with a low diffusion E-CUSP (LDE) scheme with fifth-order WENO scheme. The results show that DDES simulation provides improved results for the shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction compared to those of its predecessor the detached-eddy simulation (DES). The computation of mesh refinement indicates that the grid density has significant effects on the results of DES, while being resolved by applying DDES simulation. Spalart in 1997 developed the Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES) model, which is a hybrid RANS and LES method, to overcome the intensive CPU requirement from LES models. Near the solid surface within a wall boundary layer, the unsteady RANS model is realized. Away from the wall surface, the model automatically converts to LES. The Delayed-Detached-Eddy Simulation (DDES) was suggested by Spalart in 2006 to improve the DES model previously developed. The transition from the RANS model to LES in DES is not grid spacing independent, therefore a blending function is introduced to the recently developed DDES model to make the transition from RANS to LES grid spacing independent. The DDES is validated by computing a 3D subsonic flat plate turbulent boundary layer. The first case studied using DDES is a 3D transonic channel with shock/turbulent boundary layer interaction. It consists of two straight side walls, a straight top wall, and a varying shape in span-wise direction for a bottom wall. The second case studied consists of a 3D transonic inlet-diffuser. Both results are compared with experimental data. The computed results of the transonic channel agree well with experimental data.

High Order Large Eddy Simulation for Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction Control by a Micro-ramp Vortex Generator

Book Description

This volume presents an implicitly implemented large eddy simulation (ILES) by using the fifth order bandwidth-optimized WENO scheme. The chosen method is applied to make comprehensive studies on ramp flows with and without control at Mach 2.5 and Re=5760. Flow control in the form of microramp vortex generators (MVG) is applied. The results show that a MVG can distinctly reduce the separation zone at the ramp corner and lower the boundary layer shape factor under simulated conditions. A series of new findings about the MVG-ramp flow are obtained, including structures relevant to surface pressure, three-dimensional structures of the re-compression shock waves, a complete surface separation pattern, momentum deficit and a new secondary vortex system. A new mechanism of shock-boundary layer interaction control by MVG associated with a series of vortex rings is also presented. Vortex rings strongly interact with air flow and play an important role in the separation zone reduction. Additionally, readers will learn about the governing equation, boundary condition, high quality grid generation, high order shock capturing scheme and DNS inflow condition in detail. This volume will, therefore, serve as a useful reference for aerospace researchers using LES methods to study shock boundary layer interaction and supersonic flow control.

Large Eddy Simulation for Compressible Flows

Book Description

This book addresses both the fundamentals and the practical industrial applications of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) in order to bridge the gap between LES research and the growing need to use it in engineering modeling.

Large Eddy Simulation for Incompressible Flows

Book Description

First concise textbook on Large-Eddy Simulation, a very important method in scientific computing and engineering From the foreword to the third edition written by Charles Meneveau: "... this meticulously assembled and significantly enlarged description of the many aspects of LES will be a most welcome addition to the bookshelves of scientists and engineers in fluid mechanics, LES practitioners, and students of turbulence in general."

Numerical Simulations of the Shock Wave-boundary Layer Interactions

Book Description

Situations where an incident shock wave impinges upon a boundary layer are common in the aeronautical and spatial industries. Under certain circumstances (High Mach number, large shock angle...), the interaction between an incident shock wave and a boundary layer may create an unsteady separation bubble. This bubble, as well as the subsequent reflected shock wave, are known to oscillate in a low-frequency streamwise motion. This phenomenon, called the unsteadiness of the shock wave boundary layer interaction (SWBLI), subjects structures to oscillating loads that can lead to damages for the solid structure integrity.The aim of the present work is the unsteady numerical simulation of (SWBLI) in order to contribute to a better understanding of the SWBLI unsteadiness and the physical mechanism causing these low frequency oscillations of the interaction zone.To perform this study, an original numerical approach is used. The one step Finite Volume approach relies on the discretization of the convective fluxes of the Navier Stokes equations using the OSMP scheme developed up to the 7-th order both in space and time, the viscous fluxes being discretized using a standard centered Finite-Difference scheme. A Monotonicity-Preserving (MP) constraint is employed as a shock capturing procedure. The validation of this approach demonstrates the correct accuracy of the OSMP scheme to predict turbulent features and the great efficiency of the MP procedure to capture discontinuities without spoiling the solution and with an almost negligible additional cost. It is also shown that the use of the highest order tested of the OSMP scheme is relevant in term of simulation time and accuracy compromise. Moreover, an order of accuracy higher than 2-nd order for approximating the diffusive fluxes seems to have a negligible influence on the solution for such relatively high Reynolds numbers.By simulating the 3D unsteady interaction between a laminar boundary layer and an incident shock wave, we suppress the suspected influence of the large turbulent structures of the boundary layer on the SWBLI unsteadiness, the only remaining suspected cause of unsteadiness being the dynamics of the separation bubble. Results show that only the reattachment point oscillates at low frequencies characteristic of the breathing of the separation bubble. The separation point of the recirculation bubble and the foot of the reflected shock wave have a fixed location along the flat plate with respect to time. It shows that, in this configuration, the SWBLI unsteadiness is not observed.In order to reproduce and analyse the SWBLI unsteadiness, the simulation of a shock wave turbulent boundary layer interaction (SWTBLI) is performed. A Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM), adapted to compressible flows, has been developed and used at the inlet of the simulation domain for initiating the turbulent boundary layer without prohibitive additional computational costs. Analyses of the results are performed using, among others, the snapshot Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) technique. For this simulation, the SWBLI unsteadiness has been observed. Results suggest that the dominant flapping mode of the recirculation bubble occurs at medium frequency. These cycles of successive enlargement and shrinkage of the separated zone are shown to be irregular in time, the maximum size of the recirculation bubble being submitted to discrepancies between successive cycles. This behaviour of the separation bubble is responsible for a low frequency temporal modulation of the amplitude of the separation and reattachment point motions and thus for the low frequency breathing of the separation bubble. These results tend to suggest that the SWBLI unsteadiness is related to this low frequency dynamics of the recirculation bubble; the oscillations of the reflected shocks foot being in phase with the motion of the separation point.

Three-dimensional Effects on Unsteady Dynamics and Turbulent Transport Mechanisms of an Impinging Shock Wave/boundary-layer Interaction

Book Description

Shock wave/boundary-layer interactions (SBLIs) are ubiquitous to both the external vehicle body and internal propulsion flowpath. The external surfaces include for example the nose, wings, and tail, while internal surfaces include bounding walls of mixed compression inlets, diffusers, and isolators. To obtain predictions of these flowfields, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers are preferred over computationally expensive scale-resolving methods like large-eddy simulation (LES), hybrid RANS/LES, and direct numerical simulation (DNS). However, RANS predictions are highly dependent on the choice of turbulence model. Reasons include the fundamental assumption (Boussinesq eddy-viscosity approximation) made in the development of turbulence models and the estimation of the terms that govern turbulence transport. In this work, key mechanisms in the exact Reynolds stress transport equation are examined with a view towards identifying important flow phenomena and improving prediction of flows with SBLIs. Upon linking the unsteady dynamics back to the Reynolds stress transport, significant mechanisms can be isolated, whose relative importance varies across the SBLI region. By discovering the importance of these mechanisms to SBLIs, current models can be improved and mechanisms generally assumed negligible due to the lack of experimental or high-fidelity data can be modeled. With this purpose in mind, wall-resolved LES (WRLES) of SBLI are considered at several Reynolds numbers. The flow conditions and geometry are based on the experiments performed at the Institut Universitaire des Systemes Thermiques Industriel (IUSTI) in Marseille, France at Mach 2.29 for an 8 degree deflection angle shock wave impinging on a turbulent boundary layer developing on the opposite surface. Due to a closely coupled relationship between the corner flow and centerline separation in small- to medium-aspect-ratio configurations, the full tunnel span that includes the two sidewalls and produce a three-dimensional SBLI is studied. Verification of the numerical strategy is achieved by investigating the dependence of the results on mesh resolution, choice of domain size, numerical dissipation of the WRLES framework, and the digital filter inflow generation method. This is followed by detailed validation against the particle image velocimetry data from the experiment to assess the accuracy of the simulations. A comparison between the periodic and full-span simulations confirms that the corner physics is integral to the prediction of the centerline separation. The compression waves, visualized by plotting isosurface of the pressure gradient magnitude, are shown to emanate from the blockage created by the corner separation and are responsible for the amplification of the centerline separation. Furthermore, the phenomenology within the interaction region is invariably linked to the perturbation of the incoming turbulent boundary layer by the reflected-shock foot. It leads to the formation of a band in which the turbulence statistics become prominent and consistent with the development of the shear layer and Kelvin-Helmholtz shedding. The interaction between the corner separation and secondary flow of the second kind, i.e., a pair of counter-rotating vortices symmetric about the corner bisector, significantly diminishes the size of the vortex pair. However, as the corner separation becomes sidewall biased, the clockwise-rotating vortex grows, while the counter clockwise-rotating vortex remains anchored near the corner origin. Unsteady dynamics at the centerline and corner locations are evaluated by computing the weighted power spectral densities (PSDs) of pressure and velocity fluctuations. By placing the probes at key locations, unsteadiness effects related to the reflected-shock foot (low frequency, St ≈ 0.015), shear-layer development (intermediate frequency, St ≈ 0.1), and Kelvin-Helmholtz shedding (high frequency, St ≈ 0.5) are identified. The streamwise and spanwise recirculation dynamics of the centerline separation bubble are explored by employing low-pass filtered PSDs of u′ and w′, where broadband energetic scales in the intermediate-frequency range are found. The same intermediate-frequency scales are also present in the PSDs of the probes located within the corner separation. The corner-centerline two-point correlations illustrate the dynamical coupling of the corner regions with the reflected-shock foot that persists for multiple forward and aft shock oscillation cycles. The corner-corner two-point correlations reveal that the opposing corners are either positively correlated, uncorrelated, or negatively correlated and the period of this behavior cycle is significantly longer than the reflected-shock foot unsteadiness. A rigorous analysis of the Reynolds stress transport budget is performed to evaluate the significance of production, diffusion, transport, redistribution, and dissipation mechanisms in regions of SBLI. The budget sum, computed to serve as a measure of error in the budget, is also a good indicator of non-equilibrium in the flowfield caused by the unsteadiness. The pressure-diffusion mechanism is found to be important at the reflected-shock foot location and in its downstream vicinity. Notably, the analysis of turbulent-diffusion and pressure-strain mechanisms corroborates their key roles in balancing production within the shear-layer development and Kelvin-Helmholtz shedding regions. The molecular diffusion contributes in balancing dissipation near the wall, but is inconsequential in the unsteady regions. Upon considering the behavior of three diffusion mechanisms, the evidence indicates that separate modeling of these mechanisms would be beneficial in RANS simulations of SBLIs. Although the turbulent mass flux mechanism was hypothesized to be significant for the entrainment and ejection of mass from the separation bubble, it is in fact negligible and not a modeling concern. Finally, the spanwise variation in budgets due to the flow three-dimensionality is studied by comparing the centerline, quarter-span, and corner bisector positions. The leading mechanisms in the corner region are convection, production, turbulent diffusion, and pressure strain, while the behavior of quarter-span budgets is dependent upon the streamwise location. Ultimately, these results lay the foundation for a more systematic procedure to close the RANS equations in the presence of three-dimensionality, pressure gradients, and other sources of mechanical non-equilibrium.