A Voice of Warning (First Edition - 1837, with an Index)

Book Description

"Containing a declaration of the faith and doctrine of the church of the Latter-day Saints, commonly called Mormons" - PARLEY P. PRATT - This complete and unabridged edition has restored the ORIGINAL TEXT from the 1837 FIRST EDITION, even keeping the spelling errors. The only "changes" that are made are: The look of the references were made uniform. Roman numerals were changed to standard numbers. Scripture references were added where they were absent in the original. Page numbers from the First Edition were added in the text in []. And comes with an Index made specifically for this Edition.

A Voice of Warning

Book Description

In 'A Voice of Warning', Parley P. Pratt provides a compelling eyewitness account of the early days of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Using extensive knowledge of the Bible, Pratt quotes scripture and explains how many of the doctrines and practices taught by Christ are missing in Christianity but can be found in the restored Church. This 129-page pamphlet provides a powerful argument that the gospel has been restored and that the gathering of Israel is in process as foretold by ancient prophets. Pratt's work is a must-read for those interested in the history and doctrine of the LDS Church.

A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People, Or an Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Book Description

When the following Work. Was first published in America, in it was but little known, and seemed to meet with little or no encourage ment. Months passed away, and very few copies were sold or read. But, to the astonish ment of the author, it worked itself into notice more and more, by the blessing of God, and by virtue of its own real merits; till, in two years, the first edition consisting of three thousand copies, was all sold, and many more were called for. A new edition was published in (rage, consisting of two thousand five hundred copies: these were also disposed of. Other three editions have Since been published, making in all thirteen thousand copies now disposed of, and the demand is still increasing both in America and Europe.