Employment without Inflation

Book Description

The world economy has undergone a fundamental transformation in recent decades and theoretical structures inherited from the 1930s through the 1950s, while retaining large elements of truth, are inadequate to deal with current problems. Benjamin Higgins feels that for a society such as the United States a fiscal policy needs to be adopted that can deal simultaneously with existing unemployment and inflation. He suggests three possible governmental policies: stimulating a high rate of long-run growth, by use of reward innovations and by maintaining the highest possible level of scientific and technical activity; isolating regions that are generators of inflation and others that are pools for unemployment; and establishing a system of direct controls similar to those used in wartime. Higgins describes the transformation of the cogent prewar business cycle, with its alternations of inflation or unemployment, then a transitional period of underemployment equilibrium and secular stagnation, and finally, the strange new world of today, one with economic fluctuations in the form of shifting trade-off curves and loops. He then applies his new paradigm to current problems, showing why they cannot be managed through macroeconomic monetary and fiscal policy. Higgins offers case studies of efforts to fight inflation and unemployment, and to reduce regional gaps, to show their strengths and weaknesses. It can be said that unemployment always results from too many people chasing too few jobs, and inflation is always caused by too much money chasing too few goods and services. Beyond such banal generalizations, Higgins maintains there is no single cause for either unemployment or inflation, and thus no single cure can be prescribed for either, let alone for both at once. Nor is it to be expected that the appropriate cure will prove to be the same in all countries at all times. He suggests that an optimal blend of monetary and fiscal policy that will produce the "minimum discomfort" is a good start. Employment Without Inflation will be of direct policy interest to economists, sociologists, and national planners.

Inflation, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy

Book Description

Edited and with an introduction by Benjamin M. Friedman The connection between price inflation and real economic activity has been a focus of macroeconomic research--and debate--for much of the past century. Although this connection is crucial to our understanding of what monetary policy can and cannot accomplish, opinions about its basic properties have swung widely over the years. Today, virtually everyone studying monetary policy acknowledges that, contrary to what many modern macroeconomic models suggest, central bank actions often affect both inflation and measures of real economic activity, such as output, unemployment, and incomes. But the nature and magnitude of these effects are not yet understood. In this volume, Robert M. Solow and John B. Taylor present their views on the dilemmas facing U.S. monetary policymakers. The discussants are Benjamin M. Friedman, James K. Galbraith, N. Gregory Mankiw, and William Poole. The aim of this lively exchange of views is to make both an intellectual contribution to macroeconmics and a practical contribution to the solution of a public policy question of central importance.

The Great Inflation

Book Description

Controlling inflation is among the most important objectives of economic policy. By maintaining price stability, policy makers are able to reduce uncertainty, improve price-monitoring mechanisms, and facilitate more efficient planning and allocation of resources, thereby raising productivity. This volume focuses on understanding the causes of the Great Inflation of the 1970s and ’80s, which saw rising inflation in many nations, and which propelled interest rates across the developing world into the double digits. In the decades since, the immediate cause of the period’s rise in inflation has been the subject of considerable debate. Among the areas of contention are the role of monetary policy in driving inflation and the implications this had both for policy design and for evaluating the performance of those who set the policy. Here, contributors map monetary policy from the 1960s to the present, shedding light on the ways in which the lessons of the Great Inflation were absorbed and applied to today’s global and increasingly complex economic environment.

Full Employment Without Inflation

Book Description

Plea for increased state intervention in the economic system to achieve full employment without inflation in developed countries - examines partial failure of Keynesian approach and the "laissez faire" economic theory of capitalism; suggests new incomes policy, price stabilization, satisfactory balance of trade, low unemployment rates, system of retail-level commodity price controls, consumer price index, etc. References.

Inflation, Unemployment and Government Deficits

Book Description

This is an easy to read explanation as to why the United States' economy is unnecessarily stagnating and generating government deficits as a result of unqualified political appointees pursuing naive and inappropriate policies. It explains both why things went wrong and how prosperity and balanced budgets can be quickly restored without raising taxes or cutting spending or requiring new laws and regulations.It also suggests the "tell-tale" clues that can be used to identify the "experts," journalists, and "business economists" who do not know what they are talking about.The author is one of the few trained economists in the world with significant experience in both business and government.

Employment and Economic Performance

Book Description

From a post-war assumption that full employment could be maintained through demand management techniques, we now live in an entirely different world. The contributors to this volume consider whether full employment is possible or affordable.

Ending Inflation

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One-Month Money

Book Description

MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND - UNTIL IT DOESN'T Bankers blunder, governments turn a blind eye and investors just get it plain wrong. But what if there's something else lurking behind all our great recessions and depressions, something operating in the shadows that makes our bubbles bigger and our crashes more catastrophic? Something so familiar and ubiquitous that we hardly ever think of its effects - even when it's under our very nose. What if it's money? Our modern system of money is a marvel, enabling complex trade and economic growth on a scale never known before. But money also carries a fatal flaw: it can be hoarded forever, and whenever we hoard we depress spending and distort interest rates. The result is a dreaded sequence of boom-and-bust that we know as the business cycle, an endless swing from unemployment to inflation and back again. But it doesn't have to be this way. ONE-MONTH MONEY begins as an eye-opening demonstration of how modern money is often our own worst economic enemy, and ends by proposing a controversial and innovative solution: a simple reinvention of money that would end recessions, inflation and unemployment forever. By rewiring the banking system and giving money a monthly expiry date, we can create a system of money with all its current benefits and none of its drawbacks, a system where money greases the wheels of global production without ever destabilising it. We can still save - just not under the mattress. Bad businesses can still go bust - just without bringing the wider economy down with them. Once money cannot be hoarded and interest rates are always perfect, there will be no more business cycles. The system of one-month money automatically checks our worst hoarding impulses, allowing us to save productively, keep prices stable and enjoy permanent full employment. With many countries struggling for growth and the stimulus toolbox growing emptier by the year, a creative rethink of our monetary system is critically urgent. ONE-MONTH MONEY is not only a timely and enjoyable addition to a vital conversation, but a book that will forever change the way you think about what's in your wallet.