Abandoned into the Heart of God

Book Description

Your husband has said hes leaving you. For another woman? A mid-life crisis? To announce his homosexuality? How would you react? Who could you turn to? Abandoned Into the Heart of God is Alexandria Bagnells story of how she answered those questions with Gods help. Alexandria shares her experiences to help women understand they are not alone. By writing practical, supportive and spiritual applications at the end of each chapter, she is able to help women: Diminish the five stages of grief to obtain peace, Combat hopelessness by learning and implementing Gods plan for their lives, Embrace new traditions leading to a unified family. Not only is this book for women who are walking or have walked the journey of abandonment, but also for family members, friends, pastors, counselors and divorce support groups. Abandoned Into the Heart of God is a story of Gods mercy and grace, of forgiveness, of healing and recovery. And, its about His unconditional love for you.

Abandoned to Jesus

Book Description

I truly believe that God will hear the slightest little cry of 'Lord, please grant revival, ' we will begin to be heard according to our faith. I can well imagine heaven's exclamation, 'Behold, they are praying! At last, instead of just talking to one another in a prayer meeting or displaying their doctrines, they are actually praying!' They are beginning to pull... on the ropes of the promises, that is, to begin to draw upon the cords of grace as if they were the bells of a church tolling in heaven, ringing out the promises of God. Such praying will finally, respectfully, demand the attention of the Almighty, leaving Him with no alternative other than to look down and grant the requests." God will hear our heart cries when we really develop a longing for His presence. However there is a price to be paid that many are not willing to pay. God is a Holy God. Before we can come into His very near presence there is a time of preparation. Walking into the presence of God requires a time of sanctification, a time of consecration, a time of dedication and a time of abandonment. God cannot and will not bring you into His presence if you are living in a state of sin and rebellion. However if you are willing to pay the price, He is ready for you. When you get to that point of total sanctification, total consecration, total dedication and total abandonment to Christ you will see mountains start to move. It is amazing how those moments of humility, pain and emotion in His Presence, not only bring about victory in the heavenly realms, but they also give us strength to pick up and move forward to continue partnering with Him in advancing His Kingdom.Laments touch the heart of God! Just like he heard David's and Habakkuk's, he hears our cries!He hears the cry of the broken. He hears the cries of the hungry and the thirsty, not physical hunger and physical thirst, but that of the spirit. Habakkuk 1:1-4O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.Psalm 13:1-4How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.That is what this book is all about. This book is to help you by giving you some tools to become more sanctified, more consecrated, more dedicated, and more abandoned to Jesus. We will examine many through God's Word how we might become more like Him and draw ever closer to Him. Don't give up, don't get defeated, He is more nearer than you think. Even now He is calling you to come. Come nearer to me. So let's get a heart cry for God's purposes in our lives and in the world around us and let's see Him to amazing things in our midst.

What About Me, God?

Book Description

Feeling abandoned by God and others occurs in our life. Let’s learn how to see that abandonment does not occur for the Christian—just more intimacy with God, even when painful.

Seeking God's Heart

Book Description

Seeking God's Heart is filled with 365, 3-minute daily devotionals. Each scripture based devotional is written real-time from Boyd Bailey's daily walk with the Lord. Join us as a fellow "wisdom hunter" as we seek to apply unchanging Truth in a changing world. "I read at least two devotionals a year, but these Wisdom Hunters writings are at the top of my most favorite list. Boyd is a modern day Oswald Chambers. What truth and what depth." - Johnny Hunt, First Baptist Church Woodstock, Past President Southern Baptist Convention

Oswald Chambers, Abandoned to God

Book Description

What do you know about the man behind the popular devotional My Utmost for His Highest? Trace the life of Oswald Chambers from his boyhood in Scotland through an astounding journey of faith and trust in God's provision. From the United Kingdom to a YMCA training camp in Egypt during World War I, Chambers was a man utterly devoted to God and to sharing the timeless wisdom of the Bible with others. Discover a remarkable story, and find inspiration for your walk with Christ.

Abandonment to Divine Providence

Book Description

God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is His will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to live in the present moment, accepting everyday obstacles with humility and love, has guided generations of seekers to spiritual peace and holiness. In this timeless spiritual classic, de Caussade presents the simple, profound gospel message that Jesus lived and taught: My meat is to do the will of my Father in heaven. The author states, The will of God gives to all things a supernatural and divine value for the soul submitting to it. The duties it imposes and those it contains become holy and perfect because everything it touches shares its divine character.This special volume of the famous spiritual treatise also includes the many insightful letters of Father de Caussade on the practice of self-abandonment. These numerous letters provide a great additional source of wisdom and much practical guidance for how to grow in abandonment and to deepen our union with God in our daily lives.De Caussade shows that this practice of self-abandonment to God's will is the key to attaining true peace and virtue, and that it is readily available to all people - from beginners to those well advanced in the spiritual life. He also shows how to determine what God's will is for us. He reveals that it is not extraordinary feats that God expects for our growth in holiness, but rather heroic attention to every detail in our lives and humble acceptance of our daily lot in life as coming from His hand. The rich spiritual lessons in this book have stood the test of time, offering real and practical assistance to all people because its message is simple and clear, one that the reader will find to be a rare treasure of inspiration and direction to be referred to again and again.

Abandonment to God

Book Description

With simplicity and grace, these pages illuminate for you the wisdom in Saint Therese's Little Way, showing how it can enable you, too, to abide in the serenity of the children of God. Led here by the wise Father Joel Guibert, you'll soon come to realize how easy — and how good — it is to surrender yourself to God's providence (as Therese did): in your prayers, in your dealings with others, in your concerns about your loved ones, in your sufferings, and yes, even in your joys. Saint Therese's way of abandonment lightens every burden of day-to-day life. Lighten your own burdens by learning from Father Guibert how to make it your way, placing every worldly care confidently in the hands of the Almighty. You'll grow quickly closer to God and, even in life's darkest moments, come to share in the peace and joy He promises. In these pages, you'll learn from Saint Therese: How to trust God despite evils that beset you How to overcome

Abandoned by Daddy

Book Description

"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up" (Psalm 27:10 KJV). Abandoned by my father when my mother was pregnant with me, I was reunited with him at two years old. But by the time I had gotten to know him, he had taken off once again, never to return. I searched for him relentlessly, but to no avail. My heart was broken in a million pieces, but God took up the broken pieces and mended them back together.

Healing the Orphaned Heart

Book Description

Do you sometimes feel as though you can't handle the ongoing problems anymore? The distant spouse. The rebellious child. The needy parent. The overloaded schedule. The lack of money. And does the compounding of these situations sometimes leave you feeling bitter, confused, defensive and wondering why all these things just seem to keep...

Abandoned Into Abundance

Book Description

But for God! Whether we believed that we were Abandoned at Conception, Abandoned in Adolescence, Marriage, or Divorce, or possibly even Abandoned by our Church, we are never Abandoned by God. In desperation and upheaval, we may have Abandoned our Children, Abandoned by Abortion, Abandoned Self, or been Abandoned by our Children, but we were and are Never Abandoned by God. God knows the plans that He has for us; His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven!