Aprender a aprender

Book Description

Presentamos un trabajo que descubre las posibilidades que ofrecen los escenarios habituales del aula de Educación Infantil para el desarrollo del aprendizaje de los niños. Las autoras proponen múltiples estrategias para la resolución de situaciones problemáticas y reflexionar sobre lo sucedido.

Niñ@s hiper

Book Description

Los adultos estamos colonizando la infancia de manera acelerada por la vía de lo híper: infancias hiperactivas, hipersexualizadas, hiperconectadas... Queremos que sean como nosotros: emprendedores, con una identidad sexual clara, dominadores de varios idiomas y creativos. Idolatramos la autoestima, elogiándolos indiscriminadamente como si ya fueran geniales por el simple hecho de ser niños, a menudo origen de egos inflados de narcisismo. Y, al mismo tiempo, los queremos controlados y evaluables en sus resultados. ¿No estaremos privándoles del tiempo propio de la infancia, aquel que Freud reservaba para comprender qué significa hacerse mayor? ¿O de los entornos facilitadores de desarrollo a los que aludía Skinner? ¿Cómo seguir siendo interlocutores válidos para esta infancia del siglo XXI? Este libro está dirigido a un amplio público de madres y padres, docentes y profesionales.

The Spelit Power Matrix

Book Description

The SPELIT POWER MATRIX is a leadership tool for untangling the organizational environment from a social, political, economic, legal, intercultural and technical view. The SPELIT analysis method was developed for adult learners to have a framework for determining and formulating the answer to the question: What is? There is a need to analyze the environment in all organizations, whether you are entering a new organization or to benchmark the existing organization. The purpose of this text is to show how perceptive leaders can analyze environments in preparation for possible future action. We demonstrate how the methodology aligns with previous theories regarding environmental scanning and produces a workable framework for the perceptive leader. The SPELIT POWER MATRIX is intended for practitioners doing a market analysis or diagnosis prior to implementing transitions, benchmarking in anticipation of an intervention, and can be used by undergraduate students and seasoned practitioners.

Rethinking Inclusive Education: The Philosophers of Difference in Practice

Book Description

With Warnock, the so-called ‘architect’ of inclusion now pronouncing this her ‘big mistake’ and calling for a return to special schooling, inclusion appears to be under threat as never before. This book takes key ideas of the philosophers of difference – Deleuze, Foucault and Derrida – and puts them to work on inclusion. The book offers new challenges for those involved with education to invent new ways of tackling the ‘problem’ of inclusion.

Procesos creativos en investigación cualitativa II

Book Description

La investigación es preguntar y saber lo que pregunto... no es esperar respuestas, sino adquirir conocimiento. Este libro surge de la necesidad de presentar a docentes y estudiantes de Maestrías y Doctorados, ejemplos de lineamientos básicos investigativos de enfoque cualitativo. Considerando que la investigación es creación, propuesta, desafío, nunca la verdad, se muestran cuatro tesis doctorales realizadas en los últimos años en tres países y contextos académicos distintos. Hay elementos que se repiten en cada tesis -son los fundamentos de la investigación cualitativa que, de una u otra manera, deben estar presentes en todo el enfoque. Y, al mismo tiempo, hay diferencias en la manera como cada autor abordó su proyecto. Ahí está la riqueza de este trabajo.

The Ethics of Science

Book Description

An essential introduction to the study of ethics in science and scientific research for students and professionals alike.

The Future of Work and Health

Book Description

Abstract: A project on the future of work and health to identify the most important characteristics of work and the workplace over the next 25 years, particularly in relation to health issues is presented. This project was sponsored by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to achieve the mission of challenging employers and employees to create healthy work and healthy workplaces. Demographic trends shaping the nature of work and the workforce are discussed. The bibliography is divided into sections on the future of work and the future of health.

Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children

Book Description

...designed for use with children from age 3 & above who suffer from mental retardation, brain damage, autism, severe aphasia, emotional disorders or childhood schizophrenia...

Lost Subjects, Contested Objects

Book Description

This book argues for education's reconsideration of what psychoanalytic theories of love and hate might mean to the design of learning and pedagogy. Britzman sets in tension three perspectives: studies of education, studies in psychoanalysis, and studies of ethics to consider how larger social and cultural histories live in the small history of the subject. Britzman casts her net widely to consider questions of sex education, the work of Anna Freud in reencountering the Diary of Anne Frank, reading practices in pedagogy, anti-racist pedagogy and the question of love, and the arguments between education and psychoanalysis.