Abracadabra, Que Pare la Maldición!

Book Description

Esta es la historia de una gran mentira entre los miembros de una familia de clase media: los Daniels. El rumbo de sus vidas cambia drásticamente a causa de un matrimonio y el nacimiento de un hijo. La dependencia al alcohol de los Daniels, la malsana influencia de los Powell y el fracaso espiritual de un sacerdote, derrumba la frágil estructura que sostiene a nuestros personajes que caen atrapados en una telaraña de intriga entretejida con deslealtad, venganza y lujuria. Abrumados por el devastador resultado de sus propios actos, no comprenden sino hasta muy tarde, que han sido ellos mismos las únicas víctimas, por querer controlar el destino de otros con el único propósito de satisfacer sus malsanas intenciones. Por estar reducidos a vivir en perenne turbiedad no sospechan que la reconciliación y redención interna estuvieron esperando desde un principio y sin sospecharlo detrás del amor.

Abracadabra, Que Pare La Maldicion! / Abracadabra, You Stop the Curse!

Book Description

Esta es la historia de una gran mentira entre los miembros de una familia de clase media: los Daniels. El rumbo de sus vidas cambia drásticamente a causa de un matrimonio y el nacimiento de un hijo. La dependencia al alcohol de los Daniels, la malsana influencia de los Powell y el fracaso espiritual de un sacerdote, derrumba la frágil estructura que sostiene a nuestros personajes que caen atrapados en una telaraña de intriga entretejida con deslealtad, venganza y lujuria. Abrumados por el devastador resultado de sus propios actos, no comprenden sino hasta muy tarde, que han sido ellos mismos las únicas víctimas, por querer controlar el destino de otros con el único propósito de satisfacer sus malsanas intenciones. Por estar reducidos a vivir en perenne turbiedad no sospechan que la reconciliación y redención interna estuvieron esperando desde un principio y sin sospecharlo detrás del amor. I would like to add a credit for the artist Jorge Posada, who provided his paintings for the covers of both books. Covers by Colombian artist Jorge Posada http://www.jorgeposada-art.com

Abracadabra, Stop the Curse!

Book Description

This is the story of a great lie between members of a middle class family: the Daniels. The direction of their lives changed dramatically as a result of a marriage and the birth of a child. The Danielss alcohol dependency, the Powells unhealthy influence, a priests spiritual failure, erodes the weak structure which apparently sustains the moral principles of our characters, when they fall into a vast web woven into disloyalty, revenge and lust. Overwhelmed by the devastating result of their acts, they realized, but not until much later, that they had been their only victims for wanting to control the lives of others with the sole purpose of satisfying their harmful intentions. Reduced to living in constant turbidity, they did not suspect that inner reconciliation and redemption were hidden from the beginning, behind love. I would like to add a credit for the artist Jorge Posada, who provided his paintings for the covers of both books. Covers by Colombian artist Jorge Posada http://www.jorgeposada-art.com

The Garden Next Door

Book Description

A Chilean writer named Julio and his wife, Gloria, are at a low point in their lives. Constantly bickering, the pair are beset by worries about money, their writing, and their son (who may or may not be plying the oldest profession in Marrakesh). When Julio's boyhood best friend, now a famous artist, lends the couple his luxurious Madrid apartment for the summer, it is an escape for both - but in particular for Julio, who fantasizes about the garden next door and the erotic life of the lovely young aristocratic woman who inhabits it. But Julio's life - and career - unravel In Madrid: he is rebuffed by a famous literary agent, Nuria Monclus, who detests him and his novel; his son's friend from Marrakesh moves in and causes havoc; and Gloria begins to drink. In the face of pitiless adversity, Julio's talent inexorably begins to fade. The garden next door, however, is also Gloria, who has been doing some creating of her own. It is this twist that transforms Donoso's brilliant satire of the writer's life into something even greater: a carefully crafted and bitteily comic meditation on gardens, deceit, and the nature of a writer's muse.

The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies, and Magic

Book Description

Theory -- What Is Magic? -- The Evolution of Magic -- The Gods -- The Elements of Magic -- Initiation and Adepthood -- Types of Magic: White versus Black -- Techniques of Magic -- The Four Elements -- The Kabbalah and Its Magical Correspondences -- The Astral Plane -- Ceremonial Magic -- The Sacred and the Profane Books of Magic -- Talismanic Magic -- The Spirit of Sacrifice -- Possession and Exorcism -- Prophets and Magicians -- Witchcraft and Demonology -- Divination -- Practice -- Rituals and Spells -- Fertility Rituals -- Weather Control -- The Rites for Power: Pagans, Witches, Satanists -- The Rites of the Persians and Babylonians -- The Rites of the Egyptians -- The Rites of the Jews -- The Rites of the Arabs -- The Rites of the Greeks and Romans -- The Rites of India -- The Rites of China and Japan -- The Rites of Africa -- The Rites of Australia -- The Rites of Europe -- The Rites of Haiti and Latin America -- The Rites of Mexico and North America -- Magical Spells -- Spells for Love -- Spells for Wealth and Success -- Spells to Overcome Enemies -- Spells for Health and Protection.

Into the Looking Glass

Book Description

Into the Looking Glass, an analytical guide for Fringe viewers and science fiction fans in general, explores the influence of these traditions on Fringe. It also reveals how the show reflects - and sometimes critiques - the society from which it emerges. Along with many other post-9/11 television shows, Fringe has demonstrated the West's collective paranoia about foreign invaders and domestic corruption. It also lays bare the spread of radical advances in technology and urges its viewers to ponder the ethical limitations of science.

Unraveling the Real

Book Description

"Unraveling the Real is a very readable, succinct introduction to the topic of the fantastic and its primary critics. Duncan presents a review of the texts on the fantastic and applies this trace to individual authors and film directors, narrative strategies, psychological processes, and gender issues. Her introduction is effective in establishing the borders and transgressions of the fantastic, and she is not afraid of moving from the literature of and on the fantastic to the questioning of cultural constructs. Her objective to emphasize the analysis of social criticism is an effective approach."--Enrique Sacerio-Gari, Dorothy Nepper Marshall Professor of Hispanic and Hispanic-American Studies, Bryn Mawr College.

Dictionary of Arabic and Allied Loanwords

Book Description

One of the main cultural consequences of the contacts between Islam and the West has been the borrowing of hundreds of words, mostly of Arabic but also of other important languages of the Islamic world, such as Persian, Turkish, Berber, etc. by Western languages. Such loanwords are particularly abundant and relevant in the case of the Iberian Peninsula because of the presence of Islamic states in it for many centuries; their study is very revealing when it comes to assess the impact of those states in the emergence and shaping of Western civilization. Some famous Arabic scholars, above all R. Dozy, have tackled this task in the past, followed by other attempts at increasing and improving his pioneering work; however, the progresses achieved during the last quarter of the 20th c., in such fields as Andalusi and Andalusi Romance dialectology and lexicology made it necessary to update all the available information on this topic and to offer it in English.