Absent Feet

Book Description

It all happened so quickly one minute it seemed life was as usual, the next all those I hold dear were thrown into a dark, unchartered sea of grief . Like a raging storm we were cast into an ocean of unforgiving doom. Franticly we sought direction which lead all too quickly to a place with only the grey rain clouds of bereavement. At some point in my own desperation to cope with the raging sea enveloping me I searched for a guide in vain. My only understanding of the storm I was battling came from the wise words bestowed on me from friends I was lucky to be able to appreciate a glimmer of understanding, simply by knowing I was not the only person to have passed through a storm such as the one found when journeying through a place called grief. Grief in all its black doom is a personal process each of us has to encounter individually. It is only how we manifest every stage that is unique. My wish is that this book will provide an island for those who read it, a break in the storm and an opportunity to collect yourself. Absent feet started as a journal - simply for myself, to contend with the voyage I was unwittingly on. It has eventuate into a guide which I sincerely hope will be a lighthouse to those in need of light on the journey of bereavement.

Management of Diabetic Foot Complications

Book Description

​Public and political concern about the increasing prevalence of diabetes has prompted major concern about treatment of patients with the condition. Foot complications are some of the commonest causes of hospitalisation of people with diabetes and if not treated well often lead to amputation. There is evidence that 85% of these amputations can be prevented by better understanding of the problem and by multi-disciplinary teams working more effectively together. This has been recognised and NICE have recently published guidelines on diabetic foot complications as have Diabetes UK and NHS Diabetes. These have been successful in raising awareness of the problem but the local multi-disciplinary teams need clear practical advice on how to manage the foot in diabetes and deliver high quality care. With the current interest in improving outcomes for patients with foot complications this is an ideal time to make a practical evidence-based handbook available. This book will provide clear practical guidelines on how to manage all aspects of the foot in diabetes as well as an in-depth analysis of the most recent evidence. The book will be based on care pathways with algorithms for each section so it would be of practical value in any clinic in primary or secondary care. It will appeal to a wide range of health care professionals treating people with diabetes: vascular surgeons and trainees, orthopaedic surgeons, diabetes specialist nurses, podiatrists and tissue viability nurses.​

Paediatric Orthopaedic Diagnosis

Book Description

The book presents a problem-based, rational approach to the diagnosis of orthopaedic problems in children. It is divided into four sections based on the age at which specific problems may be encountered; the newborn and infant, the toddler and the pre-school child, the child in the school-going age and the adolescent. The authors outline a systematic approach to arrive at a tentative diagnosis by asking relevant questions related to the presenting symptom and then performing a thorough clinical examination. They then suggest the most appropriate investigations to confirm the diagnosis. Each chapter deals with the common conditions that may lead to the problem; the rarer causes of the problem are listed at the end. This feature would make the book a practical manual and a high quality reference source. An important feature of the book is the number and quality of illustrations and video clips in the electronic version.

Multiple Congenital Anomalies

Book Description

The size of the problem, can be assessed This book is an off-shoot of the computerized from the following. Of 50 children bom, 1 London Dysmorphology Database which is now widely used by many geneticists and will have an easily detectable major malfor mation. Many of these will have a single dysmorphologists. Both the database and this malformation, but in the region of 8 in 1000 book have arisen out of a need to cope with the ever increasing nurober of multiple will have multiple abnormalities. This group will include 50% with chromosomal disorders congenital anomaly syndromes, especially recognizable by performing a karyotype, the details about their features and where infor mation can be found in the Iiterature. Indeed rest needing tobe diagnosed by other means. there are more than 2000 non-chromosomal It is to the diagnosis of this latter group that this book is dedicated. multiple malformation syndromes to which access is essential. If computerized databases have solved THE DIAGNOSIS OF DYSMORPHIC some of the problems, why is there a need SYNDROMES for this book? There are many physicians who do not have a desk computer or do not History feel at ease in using one. In addition geneticists are doing more satellite clinics and Before identifying the specific dysmorphic in some circumstances it would be more features, at least a three generation family history needs to be taken. It is necessary to convenient to carry a book than a computer.


Book Description

Harris Finds His Feet

Book Description

A beautiful story of a child's journey to independence. Grandpa shows Harris how to hop high into the sky, to climb to the tops of the mountains, and to run very fast. Harris not only learns about the world around him but also the importance of finding his own feet...

Professional Paper

Book Description