Ultrasound in Medicine

Book Description

The use of ultrasound for various diagnostic techniques in medicine continues to increase in popularity and complexity. It seems possible that the prediction of the National Science Foun dation that ultrasonic techniques may be used as frequently as X-ray techniques by the end of the decade may indeed be fulfilled. The annual scientific meeting of the American Institute of Ultra sound in Medicine is the only meeting held regularly on the North American continent and devoted solely to the diagnostic use of ultrasound. Under these circumstances it is not surprising to find that both the attendance at these meetings and the number of papers submitted for presentation, are increasing markedly each year. The papers presented at these meetings probably reflect the "state-of-the-Art" reasonably accurately. The Proceedings of these annual meetings are therefore a valuable record of the current state of ultrasonic diagnostic techniques in the U.S.A. Even though it is not possible to print in extenso every paper presented at the meeting, an attempt has been made with this volume, by increasing the length of the papers printed in abstract form, to enable the reader to obtain an overall view of current developments and research on this continent in all fields of ultrasonic medical diagnostic technology. Speed of publication is essential if this volume is to contain current information.

Ultrasound in Medicine

Book Description

During the last few years the annual scientific meeting of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine has become one of the largest and most important of the yearly meetings in the field of diagnostic ultrasound. At these meetings papers are presented de scribing the latest developments in this field allover the North American continent. The decision of the Executive Board of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine to publish the manu scripts presented at its annual scientific meetings will therefore be welcomed both by workers in the field who are unable to attend the meetings, but nevertheless wish to follow the latest develop ments in their field of interest, and also by members of the Insti tute who will wish to be able to refer later to details in papers of interest. It will be our endeavour to ensure that these Annual Proceedings will be in the hands of subscribers no later than four months after the meeting reported. It is hoped that such prompt publication will further enhance their value to those interested in the field of ultrasound in medicine and biology. The Editor gratefully acknowledges the assistance of his secre tary, Mrs. Joan Carson, upon whose shoulders fell the burden of re typing all the manuscripts in this volume presented in abstract form and who played an invaluable part in the compilation of all the text for photographic printing. D. N.

Ultrasound in Medicine

Book Description

This is the fourth volume of Ultrasound in Medicine, the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Unless the Executive Board of the Institute change their mind, it may also be the last. Under these circumstances it is somewhat ironical that some of the deficiencies present in previous volumes appear to have been solved in the present volume. Notably, the Programme Committee, for the first time, exercised a stringent selection procedure by means of which the number of papers selected for presentation was limited with the result that both the quality of papers accepted for presentation and publication was improved and the number of simultaneous sessions at the meeting did not exceed two. The contents of this volume have been divided into the same sections as in previous volumes except that no papers on stan dardization procedures were accepted and a new supplementary section is added consisting of papers given at the Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Ultrasound Technical Specia lists. As in previous editions the readers may consider the engin eering sections at the end of this volume are the most rewarding. Some ingenious new systems are described both in the sections on Doppler techniques and new techniques. Current interest in tissue signatures and characterization are reflected in many of the pap~rs appearing in the Tissue Interactions section.