Academic Spin-Offs and Technology Transfer in Europe

Book Description

While the US has traditionally been successful in commercialising new technologies, Europe is confronted with an increasing dependency for fast developing technologies like biotechnology or ICT, despite having some of the best universities in the world. This book will explore the key attributes of commercialising academic knowledge, focusing on spin-offs. Bringing together the visions and best practices used by leading academics and professionals across Europe, the editors provide new and practical insights on the topic in an attempt to resolve the European paradox.

Academic Spin-Offs, Formal Technology Transfer and Capital Raising

Book Description

In this article we examine the influence of formal technology transfer from a public research organization (PRO) on the amount of capital a spin-off raises at start-up and the increase in capital post start-up. We examine these relationships using a unique sample of 135 spin-offs from PROs across five European countries. Our findings suggest that spin-offs with formal technology transfer start with a larger amount of capital but subsequently do not raise more capital than spin-offs without formal technology transfer.

Technology Transfer in Europe

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Capacity Building in Technology Transfer

Book Description

This book tells the story of capacity building in Europe with respect to technology transfer offices and organizations (TTOs). The traditional underdevelopment of technology markets in Europe has often been explained in terms of lack of capacity and skills among technology transfer professionals, both as individuals and as part of TTOs. Because of the severe consequences for economic development and industrial growth, this situation has been repeatedly addressed by policy makers, until the European Commission, within the framework of Horizon 2020, decided to initiate a pan-European pilot project on capacity building. This book builds on the experience gained through that project and tries to reconnect it with current scholarly works on technology management by focusing on the new methodology developed. In addition, the authors present a series of case studies that may be used as a benchmark and as examples that will help high-potential TTOs to improve their performance. Both practitioners and researchers will benefit from the holistic perspective of the book, which goes beyond the traditional approach and attempts to reconcile the theory and practice of organizing for technology transfer.

Academic Entrepreneurship in Europe

Book Description

The structure of the book and the organisation of material within chapters are well thought out with the authors skilfully weaving empirical material from diverse sources into an easily readable holistic account of the university spin-off phenomenon. . . Many of the lessons learned and conclusions drawn from this work are applicable to academic entrepreneurs in whichever faculty or subject area they work. David Woollard, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research This timely book fills a gap in the knowledge market. . . The authors should be applauded for taking the time to write and share their knowledge with us. This book will be welcomed by practising researchers. . . It will also be welcomed by busy lecturers, policymakers, students and chief executive officers. Robert Smith, Entrepreneurship and Innovation This book advances our understanding of university spin-off creation and development in environments outside the high-tech clusters of the US. While there has been substantial university spin-off activity internationally in recent years, a number of major aspects are little understood. The authors argue that the nature of universities is changing as reduced public funding reflects a public debate on their role in society. An important aspect of this international phenomenon is an increased emphasis on the commercialization of university research and on academic entrepreneurship. These new ventures therefore involve the spinning-off of technology and knowledge generated by universities. The authors adopt a multi-level approach in their examination of university spin-offs. European case studies are specifically selected to reflect the diversity of the institutional environment. In particular, units of analysis involving universities, technology transfer offices, spin-off firms, finance providers and individual entrepreneurs and teams are extensively analysed in quantitative and qualitative studies. To conclude, policy implications for the future successful development of spin-offs are identified. This fascinating book will appeal to a wide-ranging audience including academics, policy makers, researchers and practitioners with an interest in academic entrepreneurship and university spin-offs, and, more generally, in business and management and entrepreneurship.

The Chicago Handbook of University Technology Transfer and Academic Entrepreneurship

Book Description

As state support and federal research funding dwindle, universities are increasingly viewing their intellectual property portfolios as lucrative sources of potential revenue. Nearly all research universities now have a technology transfer office to manage their intellectual property, but many are struggling to navigate this new world of university-industry partnerships. Given the substantial investment in academic research and millions of dollars potentially at stake, identifying best practices in university technology transfer and academic entrepreneurship is of paramount importance. The Chicago Handbook of University Technology Transfer and Academic Entrepreneurship is the first definitive source to synthesize state-of-the-art research in this arena. Edited by three of the foremost experts in the field, the handbook presents evidence from entrepreneurs, administrators, regulators, and professors in numerous disciplines. Together they address the key managerial and policy implications through chapters on how to sustain successful research ventures, ways to stimulate academic entrepreneurship, maintain effective open innovation strategies, and improve the performance of university technology transfer offices. A broad and ambitious work, the handbook offers comprehensive coverage for universities of all types, allowing them to confidently handle technology commercialization and further cultivate innovation.

Technology Transfer Between University and Industry

Book Description

Raccogliendo le esperienze di diversi paesi, il volume intende contribuire alla identificazione delle "procedure ottimali" atte a promuovere i rapporti fra industrie e università , al fine di incrementare gli scambi di conoscenze tecniche e migliorarne la gestione. Testo inglese. Annotation Supplied by Informazioni Editoriali

Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation

Book Description

Technology transfer has expanded rapidly over the past 20 years in Western Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim. It has been estimated that some 50% of new products and processes will originate outside the primary developer; academic and other research institutions are obvious sources of much of this new technology. In the NATO Co-operating countries, however, technology transfer is in its infancy; it is crucial for wealth creation and improvement in the quality of life that this mechanism is developed. The papers selected for inclusion in this book discuss issues related to the development of technology transfer in NATO Co-operating countries. The book identifies crucial research issues for science and technology policy researchers and, as a conclusion, offers some policy recommendations. The authors are drawn from NATO and Co-operating partner countries, from other parts of the world, and from international organisations. The focus of the book is on the institutional framework of knowledge and technology transfer; intellectual property rights as sources of information and tools for co-operation; international, national and regional aspects of knowledge and technology dissemination and diffusion; and networking. Audience: Academic institutions, research institutes, intellectual property practitioners, science and technology policy makers, technology transfer managers, high-tech industries.