Accelerator-driven Transmutation Technologies for Resolution of Long-term Nuclear Waste Concerns

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The paper provides a rationale for resolution of the long-term waste disposition issue based on complete destruction of fissile material and all higher actinides. It begins with a brief history of geologic storage leading to the present impasse in the US. The proliferation aspects of commercial plutonium are presented in a new light as a further driver for complete destruction. The special problems in Russia and the US of the disposition of the highly enriched spent naval reactor fuel and spent research reactor fuel are also presented. The scale of the system required for complete destruction is also examined and it is shown that a practical system for complete destruction of commercial and defense fissile material must be widely dispersed rather than concentrated at a single site. Central tenants of the US National Academy of Sciences recommendations on waste disposition are examined critically and several technologies considered for waste destruction are described briefly and compared Recommendations for waste disposition based on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology suitable for both the US and Russia are presented.

Nuclear Wastes

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Disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear weapons production and power generation has caused public outcry and political consternation. Nuclear Wastes presents a critical review of some waste management and disposal alternatives to the current national policy of direct disposal of light water reactor spent fuel. The book offers clearcut conclusions for what the nation should do today and what solutions should be explored for tomorrow. The committee examines the currently used "once-through" fuel cycle versus different alternatives of separations and transmutation technology systems, by which hazardous radionuclides are converted to nuclides that are either stable or radioactive with short half-lives. The volume provides detailed findings and conclusions about the status and feasibility of plutonium extraction and more advanced separations technologies, as well as three principal transmutation concepts for commercial reactor spent fuel. The book discusses nuclear proliferation; the U.S. nuclear regulatory structure; issues of health, safety and transportation; the proposed sale of electrical energy as a means of paying for the transmutation system; and other key issues.

Basis and Objectives of the Los Alamos Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology Project

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The Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology (ADTT) Project carries three approaches for dealing with waste from the defense and commercial nuclear energy enterprise. First, the problem of excess weapons plutonium in the US and Russia originating both from stockpile reductions and from defense production site clean-up is one of significant current and long-term concern. The ADTT technology offers the possibility of almost complete destruction of this plutonium by fission. The technology might be particularly effective for destruction of the low quality plutonium from defense site clean-up since the system does not require the fabrication of the waste into fuel assemblies, does not require reprocessing and refabrication, and can tolerate a high level of impurities in the feed stream. Second, the ADTT system also can destroy the plutonium, other higher actinide, and long-lived fission product from commercial nuclear waste which now can only be dealt with by geologic storage. And finally, and probably most importantly the system can be used for the production of virtually unlimited electric power from thorium with concurrent destruction of its long-lived waste components so that geologic containment for them is not required. In addition plutonium is not a significant byproduct of the power generation so that non-proliferation concerns about nuclear power are almost completely eliminated. All of the ADTT systems operate with an accelerator supplementing the neutrons which in reactors are provided only by the fission process, and therefore the system can be designed to eliminate the possibility for a runaway chain reaction. The means for integration of the accelerator into nuclear power technology in order to make these benefits possible is described including estimates of accelerator operating parameters required for the three objectives.

Chemical Separations in Nuclear Waste Management

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The separation of radioactive waste materials into their chemical components is at the heart of all efforts to reduce the volume of nuclear waste. In Chemical Separations in Nuclear Waste Management: The State of the Art and a Look to the Future, the authors discuss the present state and possible future directions of separations science and technology. The book presents an overview of the environmental legacy from nuclear weapons production in the United States and the former Soviet Union, the magnitude of the cleanup efforts that are underway in both countries, and the pivotal role played in these efforts by separations science. Needs that are specific to the future development of separations science and technology are emphasized. Contents:1. Overview of Chemical Separation Methods. II. The Environmental Legacy of the Cold War: Site Cleanup in the United States. III. Environmental Impacts of Separation Technologies in Russia. IV. Non-Aqueous Separation Methods. V. U.S.-Russian Cooperative Program in Research and Development of Chemical Separation Technologies. VI. Radiation Protection Aspects of Nuclear Waste Separations. VII. Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies for Nuclear Waste Treatment.

Disposition of High-Level Radioactive Waste Through Geological Isolation

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During the next several years, decisions are expected to be made in several countries on the further development and implementation of the geological disposition option. The Board on Radioactive Waste Management (BRWM) of the U.S. National Academies believes that informed and reasoned discussion of relevant scientific, engineering and social issues can-and should-play a constructive role in the decision process by providing information to decision makers on relevant technical and policy issues. A BRWM-initiated project including a workshop at Irvine, California on November 4-5, 1999, and subsequent National Academies' report to be published in spring, 2000, are intended to provide such information to national policy makers both in the U.S. and abroad. To inform national policies, it is essential that experts from the physical, geological, and engineering sciences, and experts from the policy and social science communities work together. Some national programs have involved social science and policy experts from the beginning, while other programs have only recently recognized the importance of this collaboration. An important goal of the November workshop is to facilitate dialogue between these communities, as well as to encourage the sharing of experiences from many national programs. The workshop steering committee has prepared this discussion for participants at the workshop. It should elicit critical comments and help identify topics requiring in-depth discussion at the workshop. It is not intended as a statement of findings, conclusions, or recommendations. It is rather intended as a vehicle for stimulating dialogue among the workshop participants. Out of that dialogue will emerge the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the National Academies' report.

Nuclear Methods For Transmutation Of Nuclear Waste: Problems, Perspectives, Cooperative Research - Proceedings Of The International Workshop

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Long-lived radioactive materials from the operation of nuclear power plants and from the maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear weapons pose environmental and security risks. Technologies that would counter such risks are under intense study worldwide. One such technology, transmutation by nuclear means into shorter-lived materials, was the subject of an international workshop in Russia, where the need for a viable solution of this problem is particularly strong.Current problems of that technology and future perspectives and cooperative research possibilities involving Russian and East European facilities are discussed by scientists from Russia, the United States and seven other countries representing basic research institutes, former nuclear weapons laboratories and nuclear industries. Computer modeling, data bases and experimental investigations needed for the conceptualization of demonstration, prototype and production facilities are treated in detail. Progress on the planning and construction of the first demonstration facilities is also described.From these proceedings it becomes evident that the problems inherent in radioactive waste accumulation can be solved only by international cooperation in which conventional methods are supplemented by new technologies, and that such a solution may require a sustained effort comparable to the Manhattan Project and the analogous project in the former USSR at the beginning of the nuclear era.

Status of Accelerator Driven Systems Research and Technology Development

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One of the greatest challenges for nuclear energy is how to properly manage the highly radioactive waste generated during irradiation in nuclear reactors. Accelerator Driven Systems (ADSs) may offer new prospects and advantages for the transmutation of such high level nuclear waste. ADS or accelerator driven transmutation of waste (ATW) consists of a high power proton accelerator, a heavy metal spallation target that produces neutrons when bombarded by the high power beam, and a sub-critical core that is neutronically coupled to the spallation target. This publication provides a comprehensive state of the art of the ADS technology by representing the different ADS concepts proposed worldwide in the last 15 years, as well as the related R&D activities and demonstration initiatives carried out at national international level.

The Future of Nuclear Power

Book Description

During the last century, nuclear power has been established as a reliable source of energy in the major industrialised countries. It has recently enjoyed a revival in attention and research due to the environmental concerns surrounding current conventional energy sources. Issues of regulation and safety are at the forefront of all discussions involving nuclear power, and will govern its place in the future. The Future of Nuclear Power takes a technical and comprehensive look at the current and future status of nuclear power throughout the world. The 17 chapters are divided into two main sections: a review of all current generation plants, and concepts for new advanced reactor design and safety. The broad-ranging topics covered by this publication, coupled with the current revival of interest in nuclear energy, make it a timely reference for all nuclear scientists. - Reviews the issues surrounding the future operation of existing commercial nuclear plants - Several chapters dedicated to the extensive research programs in place concerning safe and reliable operation - Compares nuclear and non-nuclear options for energy needs in the future; evaluating the benefits and risks of both

An International Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility

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As part of a long-standing collaboration on nuclear nonproliferation, the National Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences held a joint workshop in Moscow in 2003 on the scientific aspects of an international radioactive disposal site in Russia. The passage of Russian laws permitting the importation and storage of high-level radioactive material (primarily spent nuclear fuel from reactors) has engendered interest from a number of foreign governments, including the U.S., in exploring the possibility of transferring material to Russia on a temporary or permanent basis. The workshop focused on the environmental aspects of the general location and characteristics of a possible storage site, transportation to and within the site, containers for transportation and storage, inventory and accountability, audits and inspections, and handling technologies.

Disposition of High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Book Description

Focused attention by world leaders is needed to address the substantial challenges posed by disposal of spent nuclear fuel from reactors and high-level radioactive waste from processing such fuel. The biggest challenges in achieving safe and secure storage and permanent waste disposal are societal, although technical challenges remain. Disposition of radioactive wastes in a deep geological repository is a sound approach as long as it progresses through a stepwise decision-making process that takes advantage of technical advances, public participation, and international cooperation. Written for concerned citizens as well as policymakers, this book was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and waste management organizations in eight other countries.