Activation for Ascension

Book Description

Activation for Ascension

Book Description

This work reveals the unique ascension opportunity available to all of humanity now. Facts and understandable science and astronomy provide the background and essential tools to take readers to the fifth dimension.

Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy

Book Description

This book is one of the most profound books ever written to help you achieve your seven levels of Initiation and Ascension! These Ascension Activation Meditations are specifically designed to accelerate your Ascension process and the building of your Light Body and Light Quotient faster, quicker and more efficiently than any other type of meditations you will find on earth. This is because these meditations will invoke the specific help on the inner plane from the Ascended Masters and Angels to help in this process. I like to call this type of Spiritual work the "Rocketship to God"!

The Activated Disciple

Book Description

Are you ready to take your faith to the next level? If you yearn for a life that moves beyond believing and practicing your faith, if you want to radically live your faith, if you want a more profound relationship with Jesus Christ, then it is time for you to become an activated disciple. The Foundation of discipleship is imitation. True discipleship requires such a close relationship with God that every area of your life is transformed. It is about opening yourself to God and inviting him to dwell within you, becoming holy as he is holy, loving as he is loving, disciples of Christ become the instruments God employs to transform the world. - Move beyond simply believing and practicing your faith and begin radically living it! - Overcome obstacles that keep you from being the disciple you are made to be.
- Be a positive influence and an instrument of transformation in the Church.

Activating Ascension

Book Description

Take off your blinders and surrender your ego. This book is a "how to" guide for navigating life in accordance with higher purpose. Activating Ascension is the bridge between knowing what to do and doing it. Set your intention. Identify anything blocking its manifestation. Release the obstacles and move forward. Activating Ascension is a straightforward and tangible approach to getting what you want. Begin today! If you are already practicing in the healing arts, Activating Ascension offers a wealth of tools that could be easily integrated into your practice to encourage deeper levels of healing within your patients and clients. Dr. Kate offers classes for further understanding of Activating Ascension as an approach to healing: Intuition Development, Activating Ascension D.I.Y. and Activating Ascension Facilitator. Please visit for more information.

Cosmic Ascension

Book Description

Almost all the books on the planet on the subject of ascension are written about planetary ascension. However, because of the extraordinary times in which we now live, in terms of Earth's history, there is a new opening and potentiality to also begin one's cosmic ascension process. This has never before been available. It must be understood, as Vywamus has said, that in completing our planetary ascension, we are no more than one-tenth of the way up a ten-inch ruler in terms of our cosmic ascension process. This includes most of the ascended masters. We on Earth who are working to complete our seven levels of initiation must remember that there are 352 levels of initiation to return to the godhead, or Father-Mother God, at the top of creation. Most of the Ascended Masters of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy are not beyond the 12th initiation. This is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. The question is, "What lies beyond the next nine-tenths of the ruler, and how do we achieve our cosmic ascension as well as our planetary ascension (which is no small feature in and of itself)?" Is it for the purpose that the author was guided to write his book.

Light Language Emerging: Activating Ascension Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit

Book Description

For eons, humans have been locked in a shallow understanding of who we are as spirit beings. While our linear thinking may help us feel safe, it can also limit us from communicating on a deep soul level with our Creator. It is when we bypass human reasoning, if only for a brief moment, that we tap into a realm where we join with something so pure and wonderful that it defies logical explanation. It is these moments that allow us to know that our experiences in those dimensions are more real than our daily lives that greatly ignore the divine aspect of who we are. Light is the language of the soul, which allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the mind, while activating codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels. Discover the sacred artistic tools of light language for opening DNA strands required for bodily ascension. Learn how to move in sync with Spirit to bring restoration to all creation as you integrate aspects of your multidimensional soul for a unified expression of your highest self. This book includes stories from people who are discovering light language through writing, singing, dancing, signing, and artistic creativity. The author shares her unusual personal experiences to demonstrate how multidimensional aspects of the soul are being incorporated into a unified expression of wholeness. Light Language Emerging helps to bring understanding to a vast, new, and unusual subject: the language of light. When it spontaneously started happening to me many years ago, I had no exposure to it, no one to turn to and no immediate answers. A book like this is not only a catalyst for opening, but it becomes a life line for those having unique experiences as their telepathic communications begin to activate. With Yvonne's book, readers will come to understand their own multi-dimensional nature, their cosmic connection to their galactic family, and their ability to expand beyond limiting perceptions of self and life. Jamye Price, light language channel, healer and teacher

Ascension Activation Keys

Book Description

Ascension Activation Keys These Keys were channelled for the benefit of those wishing to contact Divine ENERGY or channel Divine Beings of Light Energy, and may do so will a little practise and patience. There is much more offered to each person, depending on their desires to try other aspects of Spiritual Energy abilities. They flow like the wind, and carry you to high places once mastered. Many Healers have used this ability in the past, such secrets were always available, one simply needs to be open to the mysteries of our Creator. There is so much Knowledge to be gained once the Keys have been transferred to mind. I leave those experiences for you to discover. For further enlightenment there are many more Mythonian Holistic or Spiritual Books written on various subjects, keeping one busy and intrigued for many years to come. I am sure you will enjoy all I have offered in this guide for your Ascension Abilities, for they are the stepping stone which assist you to make things happen or possible to achieve, Your divinity will empower the goddess within, taking you to higher realms of consciousness. I have devoted my time and effort to makes this book available for I realise the potential of us all is just beginning to unfold. May you continue to receive future guidance when it is required. Both Mythonian Healing Methods and Syraki holistic Deliveries just released require the Ascension Activation Keys to be done, so the next levels of learning are achievable for those wishing to explore the Healing and Energy Transference that makes it all possible to offer others in so many ways. So Sha, Shaman Eilee.

33 Keys to Ascension

Book Description

This book is for those who seek the light in all its glory — for the highest good for themselves and for others — in every moment of their lives. This book is for the people who say, “I want to know God within me.” It is for everybody who seeks communion, a oneness, with God. All on the path seeking higher light will find this material easy to use, for there is truth in this book. There is energy behind every word. Every meditation was shared and experienced by Robert and others. This speaks of the validity of what we are saying — the energy behind the words, the energy behind the masters. The beauty of this book is that, after a few chapters, the readers will feel that they already know the answers. They will already know the next step they need to take. So in many ways, this book simply states what all of you already know within your beings. We are just mirroring back to you your innermost truth. CHAPTERS INCLUDE • Maintain the Layers of the Aura • Retrieve and Reintegrate • Soul Fragments • Heal with Sacred Temple Energy • Integrate Galactic Consciousness • Activate the Ascension Codes • Connect with the Earth Spirit • Purify Layers of Thought • Connect All Realities • Open to Receive Light • Assimilate the Feminine Energy • Activate Geometric Patterns • Embrace Color Energy • Anchor the Balance from Rainbows • Download Dragon Ascension Energy • Activate and Deactivate • Ethereal Codes • Heal Physical Trauma from Former Lifetimes • Program Sacred Geometry of the Face • Elevate Consciousness with Sound • Access Heart Wisdom • Increase Inner Light • Open to New Truths and Realities • Connect with the Breath • Restore Food’s Original Energy • Ignite Creation Energies

How to Teach Ascension Classes

Book Description

This book serves as an ideal foundation for teaching ascension classes and doing workshops. The inner-plane ascended masters have guided Dr. Stone to put together this book, using his Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path as its foundation. Here you will find an entire one- to two-year program of classes for teaching from one to hundreds of student initiates. Teaching or setting up a class in your home to facilitate ascension realization is one of the most important services one could offer one's friends, students and even family. With this book it is easy. Details on how to start and end every class are given, as well as outlines for 132 classes. Also included are suggestions on how to observe the major holy days that the inner-plane ascended masters would like us to celebrate on Earth. Using his teaching experience, Dr. Stone has also outlined all the logistical and third-dimensional considerations that will come up. The only tools a class leader needs would be his books and meditation tapes.