Active Control of High Frequency Combustion Instability in Aircraft Gas-Turbine Engines

Book Description

Active control of high-frequency (greater than 500 Hz) combustion instability has been demonstrated in the NASA single-nozzle combustor rig at United Technologies Research Center. The combustor rig emulates an actual engine instability and has many of the complexities of a real engine combustor (i.e. actual fuel nozzle and swirler, dilution cooling, etc.) In order to demonstrate control, a high-frequency fuel valve capable of modulating the fuel flow at up to 1kHz was developed. Characterization of the fuel delivery system was accomplished in a custom dynamic flow rig developed for that purpose. Two instability control methods, one model-based and one based on adaptive phase-shifting, were developed and evaluated against reduced order models and a Sectored-1-dimensional model of the combustor rig. Open-loop fuel modulation testing in the rig demonstrated sufficient fuel modulation authority to proceed with closed-loop testing. During closed-loop testing, both control methods were able to identify the instability from the background noise and were shown to reduce the pressure oscillations at the instability frequency by 30%. This is the first known successful demonstration of high-frequency combustion instability suppression in a realistic aero-engine environment. Future plans are to carry these technologies forward to demonstration on an advanced low-emission combustor. Corrigan, Bob (Technical Monitor) and DeLaat, John C. and Chang, Clarence T. Glenn Research Center NASA/TM-2003-212611, E-14169, NAS 1.15:212611, ISABE-2003-1054

Active Flow and Combustion Control 2021

Book Description

The book reports on the latest theoretical and experimental findings in the field of active flow and combustion control, in the context of energy conversion for power and propulsion systems. It covers new developments in actuator technology and sensing, robust and optimal open- and closed-loop control, model reduction for control purposes, and unsteady turbine cooling and performance, among other relevant topics. Gathering contributions to the Active Flow and Combustion Control (AFCC 2021), held virtually on September 28-29, 2021, from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, this book describes research that has been carried out within, and supported by, the collaborative research center SFB 1029 on “Substantial efficiency increase in gas turbines through direct use of coupled unsteady combustion and flow dynamics”, and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It highlights theoretical and practical aspects, and corresponding solutions, that are important for the development of future energy conversion systems, thus offering a timely guide for researchers and practitioners in the field of aeronautics, turbomachinery, control and combustion.

Aircraft Turbine Engine Control Research at NASA Glenn Research Center

Book Description

This paper provides an overview of the aircraft turbine engine control research at the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC). A brief introduction to the engine control problem is first provided with a description of the state-of-the-art control law structure. A historical aspect of engine control development since the 1940s is then provided with a special emphasis on the contributions of GRC. With the increased emphasis on aircraft safety, enhanced performance, and affordability, as well as the need to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft, there are many new challenges being faced by the designers of aircraft propulsion systems. The Controls and Dynamics Branch (CDB) at GRC is leading and participating in various projects to develop advanced propulsion controls and diagnostics technologies that will help meet the challenging goals of NASA Aeronautics Research Mission programs. The rest of the paper provides an overview of the various CDB technology development activities in aircraft engine control and diagnostics, both current and some accomplished in the recent past. The motivation for each of the research efforts, the research approach, technical challenges, and the key progress to date are summarized. Garg, Sanjay Glenn Research Center NASA/TM-2013-217821, E-18277-1 WBS 432938. AIRCRAFT ENGINES; TURBINE ENGINES; ENGINE CONTROL; PROPULSION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE; PROPULSION SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS; HISTORIES; CONTROL THEORY; TURBOFAN ENGINES; AIRCRAFT MODELS; SENSORS; FAULT DETECTION; ENGINE FAILURE

Validation of an Adaptive Combustion Instability Control Method for Gas-Turbine Engines

Book Description

This paper describes ongoing testing of an adaptive control method to suppress high frequency thermo-acoustic instabilities like those found in lean-burning, low emission combustors that are being developed for future aircraft gas turbine engines. The method called Adaptive Sliding Phasor Averaged Control, was previously tested in an experimental rig designed to simulate a combustor with an instability of about 530 Hz. Results published earlier, and briefly presented here, demonstrated that this method was effective in suppressing the instability. Because this test rig did not exhibit a well pronounced instability, a question remained regarding the effectiveness of the control methodology when applied to a more coherent instability. To answer this question, a modified combustor rig was assembled at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The modified rig exhibited a more coherent, higher amplitude instability, but at a lower frequency of about 315 Hz. Test results show that this control method successfully reduced the instability pressure of the lower frequency test rig. In addition, due to a certain phenomena discovered and reported earlier, the so called Intra-Harmonic Coupling, a dramatic suppression of the instability was achieved by focusing control on the second harmonic of the instability. These results and their implications are discussed, as well as a hypothesis describing the mechanism of intra-harmonic coupling. Kopasakis, George and DeLaat, John C. and Chang, Clarence T. Glenn Research Center NASA/TM-2004-213198, AIAA Paper 2004-4028, E-14698