Adam Boreel (1602–1665): A Collegiant’s Attempt to Reform Christianity

Book Description

In Adam Boreel (1602-1665): A Collegiant’s Attempt to Reform Christianity, Francesco Quatrini offers an account of the life and thought of Adam Boreel, a leading member of the seventeenth-century Collegiant movement in Amsterdam.

Further Essays on the Making of the Early Hebrew Book

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Further Essays addresses aspects of early Hebrew book publication, among them book arts, little known authors, places of publication, and miscellaneous subjects. Book arts addresses pressmarks representing publishers motifs, several unusual, and the varied usage of biblical verses to entitle books. The second section focusses on the works of rabbis and scholars, once prominent but not well remembered today, noting their achievements and their varied books, encompassing such topics as biblical commentaries, Talmudic novellae, philosophy, and poetry. Several locations once important, also not well remembered today are addressed; Further Essays concludes with articles on other unrelated book topics.

Anglo-Dutch Connections in the Early Modern World

Book Description

This ground-breaking collection reveals the networks of interrelation between Early Modern England and the Dutch Republic. As people, ideas and goods moved back and forth across the North Sea – or spread further afield in the vanguard of globalisation and empire – Anglo-Dutch relations shaped all aspects of life, with profound implications still relevant today. A diverse range of expert scholars share new research in their discipline, ranging across technology, trade, politics, religion and the arts. Different aspects of this history of competition, alliance, migration and conflict are taken up by each chapter, providing the reader with detailed case studies as well as the broader background and its historical roots. Anglo-Dutch Connections in the Early Modern World aims to be both accessible and innovative. It will be essential to students and researchers interested in European politics, intellectual history, and shared Anglo-Dutch society, while showcasing current research in multiple facets of the Early Modern World.

The Mishnaic Moment

Book Description

This collection of essays treats a topic that has scarcely been approached in the literature on Hebrew and Hebraism in the early modern period. In the seventeenth century, Christians, especially Protestants, studied the Mishnah alongside a host of Jewish commentaries in order to reconstructJewish culture, history, and ritual, shedding new light on the world of the Old and New Testaments. Their work was also inextricably dependent upon the vigorous Mishnaic studies of early modern Jewish communities. Both traditions, in a sense, culminated in the monumental production in six volumes ofan edition and Latin translation of the Mishnah published by Guilielmus Surenhusius in Amsterdam between 1698 and 1703. Surenhusius gathered up more than a century's worth of Mishnaic studies by scholars from England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, as well as the commentaries of Maimonidesand Obadiah of Bertinoro (c. 1455-c.1515), but this edition was also born out of the unique milieu of Amsterdam at the end of the seventeenth century, a place which offered possibilities for cross-cultural interactions between Jews and Christians. With Surenhusius's great volumes as an end point,the essays presented here discuss for the first time the multiple ways in which the canonical text of Jewish law, the Mishnah (c.200 CE), was studied by a variety of scholars, both Jewish and Christian, in early modern Europe. They tell the story of how the Mishnah generated an encounter betweendifferent cultures, faiths, and confessions that would prove to be enduringly influential for centuries to come.

The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600–1800

Book Description

This pioneering history of the Dutch Empire provides a new comprehensive overview of Dutch colonial expansion from a comparative and global perspective. It also offers a fascinating window into the early modern societies of Asia, Africa and the Americas through their interactions.

Henry More (1614–1687) Tercentenary Studies

Book Description

Of all the Cambridge Platonists, Henry More has attracted the most scholar ly interest in recent years, as the nature and significance of his contribution to the history of thought has come to be better understood. This revival of interest is in marked contrast to the neglect of More's writings lamented even by his first biographer, Richard Ward, a regret echoed two centuries after his 1 death. Since then such attention as there has been to More has not always served him well. He has been dismissed as credulous on account of his belief in witchcraft while his reputation as the most mystical of the Cambridge 2 school has undermined his reputation as a philosopher. Much of the interest in More in the present century has tended to focus on one particular aspect of his writing. There has been considerable interest in his poems. And he has come to the attention of philosophers thanks to his having corresponded with Descartes. Latterly, however, interest in More has been rekindled by renewed interest in the intellectual history of the seventeenth century and Renaissance. And More has been studied in the context of seventeenth-cen tury science and the wider context of seventeenth-century philosophy. Since More is a figure who belongs to the Renaissance tradition of unified sapientia he is not easily compartmentalised in the categories of modern disciplines. Inevitably discussion of anyone aspect of his thought involves other aspects.

Judaeo-Christian Intellectual Culture in the Seventeenth Century

Book Description

MURIEL MCCARTHY This volume originated from a seminar organised by Richard H. Popkin in Marsh's Library on July 7-8, 1994. It was one of the most stimulating events held in the Library in recent years. Although we have hosted many special seminars on such subjects as rare books, the Huguenots, and Irish church history, this was the first time that a seminar was held which was specifically related to the books in our own collection. It seems surprising that this type of seminar has never been held before although the reason is obvious. Since there is no printed catalogue of the Library scholars are not aware of its contents. In fact the collection of books by late seventeenth and early eighteenth century European authors on, for example, such subjects as biblical criticism, political and religious controversy, is one of the richest parts of the Library's collections. Some years ago we were informed that of the 25,000 books in Marsh's at least 5,000 English books or books printed in England were printed between 1640 and 1700.

The Quest for the New Jerusalem, Jean de Labadie and the Labadists, 1610–1744

Book Description

The history of Jean de Labadie and the Labadists has re ceived attention through the years. That attention, however, has more often than not fallen short in its tracing of Labadie's 'double migration'. Disaffected with the established church order of his day and motivated by a sense of prophetic mis sion to establish again the life of the primitive church, this spiritual nomad wandered from France to Switzerland, then to the United Provinces, Germany and Denmark, according to the vicissitudes of the times. As he went, he changed his affiliations from 'high' church ever 'lower', from the bosom of Rome to Calvinism, then to congregational separatism. Thus there has been ample reason to treat Labadie's life and ministry episodically, be it a geographical or denominational episode, and a solid grounding could be had by piecing to gether several of these (all listed in bibliography part D): M. de Certeau on the Jesuit years; X. de Bonnault d'Houet on his stay at Amiens; A-L. Bertrand on the 'lost years' from Amiens to Montauban; J-H. Gerlach and W. Goeters on the schism at Middelburg; P. Scheltema on Amsterdam; L. Holscher and G.E. Guhrauer on Herford; J. Lieboldt and H. von Schubert on Altona; B.B. James and H.C. Murphy on the colony in Maryland; L. Knappert on that in Surinam; and any number of authorities on the Labadists in Friesland. Yet there are sig nificant gaps.

Essays on the Context, Nature, and Influence of Isaac Newton’s Theology

Book Description

This collection of essays is the fruit of about fifteen years of discussion and research by James Force and me. As I look back on it, our interest and concern with Newton's theological ideas began in 1975 at Washington University in St. Louis. James Force was a graduate student in philosophy and I was a professor there. For a few years before, I had been doing research and writing on Millenarianism and Messianism in the 17th and 18th centuries, touching occasionally on Newton. I had bought a copy of Newton's Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John for a few pounds and, occasionally, read in it. In the Spring of 1975 I was giving a graduate seminar on Millenarian and Messianic ideas in the development of modem philosophy. Force was in the seminar. One day he came very excitedly up to me and said he wanted to write his dissertation on William Whiston. At that point in history, the only thing that came to my mind about Whiston was that he had published a, or the, standard translation of Josephus (which I also happened to have in my library. ) Force told me about the amazing views he had found in Whiston's notes on Josephus and in some of the few writings he could find in St. Louis by, or about, Whiston, who was Newton's successor as Lucasian Professor of mathematics at Cambridge and who wrote inordinately on Millenarian theology.

The Life and Theology of Alexander Knox

Book Description

In his The Life and Theology of Alexander Knox David McCready presents an account of one of the most significant figures in nineteenth-century Anglicanism.