Addressing food system transformation, food security, and deforestation in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities

Book Description

This study identifies food system interventions with high transformational potential for Indonesia by utilizing the MIRAGRODEP a multi-region, multisector computable general equilibrium model to analyze policy scenarios. Our findings reveal a range of economic, social, and environmental impacts. Initiatives such as social safety nets and food stamps can enhance affordability, while repurposing farm subsidies can improve socio-economic sustainability. Comprehensive policy packages that include social safety nets, repurposing agricultural supports, environmental regulation and investment in sustainable production, can lead to substantial GDP growth, poverty reduction, and dietary enhancements. However, each intervention presents distinct trade-offs between economic gains and environmental implications. This analysis underscores the need for a holistic policy approach when trying to achieve multiple sustainability goals. Implementing a blend of policies designed to promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability simultaneously could drive Indonesia towards a sustainable and resilient food system, addressing the complex interplay between economic development, environmental conservation, and improved nutrition.

Modelling the impacts of policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia

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The Government of Indonesia and FAO have recognized the need for thorough analysis and modelling of Indonesia’s agrifood systems to support agrifood systems transformation efforts in the country. This is needed to provide a better understanding of the governance context in agrifood systems, including the political economy dynamics influencing performance, as well as to identify synergies and trade-offs across different policy goals and optimal policy mixes for achieving multiple policy objectives. In this regard, FAO facilitated a project to pilot an innovative approach to modelling for food systems transformation. This modelling approach was developed and implemented by a team of researchers from IFPRI, IIASA, IISD and Christian-Albrechts- University of Kiel. It uses three different economic models to generate insights that can assist Indonesian policymakers in developing technically sound and politically feasible policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation. This report provides context for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia and describes the overall modelling approach before synthesizing the results of the individual modelling activities and distilling these into the overall findings of the modelling. It concludes with implications from these findings for policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia and suggestions for the next steps. The results of this modelling and the insights drawn from these results are expected to support efforts to translate Indonesia’s commitments on agrifood systems transformation into concrete policy interventions and to inform medium- and long-term development planning by the Indonesian Government.

Forests and Food

Book Description

As population estimates for 2050 reach over 9 billion, issues of food security and nutrition have been dominating academic and policy debates. A total of 805 million people are undernourished worldwide and malnutrition affects nearly every country on the planet. Despite impressive productivity increases, there is growing evidence that conventional agricultural strategies fall short of eliminating global hunger, as well as having long-term ecological consequences. Forests can play an important role in complementing agricultural production to address the Sustainable Development Goals on zero hunger. Forests and trees can be managed to provide better and more nutritionally-balanced diets, greater control over food inputs—particularly during lean seasons and periods of vulnerability (especially for marginalised groups)—and deliver ecosystem services for crop production. However forests are undergoing a rapid process of degradation, a complex process that governments are struggling to reverse. This volume provides important evidence and insights about the potential of forests to reducing global hunger and malnutrition, exploring the different roles of landscapes, and the governance approaches that are required for the equitable delivery of these benefits. Forests and Food is essential reading for researchers, students, NGOs and government departments responsible for agriculture, forestry, food security and poverty alleviation around the globe.

Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change

Book Description

This volume discusses a broad range of vital issues encompassing the production and consumption of food in the current period of climate change. All of these add up to looming, momentous challenges to food security, especially for people in regions where malnutrition and famine have been the norm during numerous decades. Furthermore, threats to food security do not stop at the borders of more affluent countries – governance of food systems and changes in eating patterns will have worldwide consequences. The book is arranged in four broad sections. Part I, Combating Food Insecurity: A Global Responsibility opens with a chapter describing the urgent necessity for new paradigm and policy set to meet the food security challenges of climate change. Also in this section are chapters on meat and the dimensions of animal welfare, climate change and sustainability; on dietary options for mitigating climate change; and the linkage of forest and food production in the context of the REDD+ approach to valuation of forests. Part II, Managing Linkages Between Climate Change and Food Security offers a South Asian perspective on Gender, Climate Change and Household Food Security; a chapter on food crisis in sub-Saharan Africa; and separate chapters on critical issues of food supply and production in Nigeria, far-Western Nepal and the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. Part III examines Food Security and patterns of production and consumption, with chapters focused on Morocco, Thailand, Bahrain, Kenya and elsewhere. The final section discusses successful, innovative practices, with chapters on Food Security in Knowledge-Based Economy; Biosaline Agriculture in the Gulf States; Rice production in a cotton zone of Benin; palm oil in the production of biofuel; and experiments in raised-bed wheat production. The editors argue that technical prescriptions are insufficient to manage the food security challenge. They propose and explain a holistic approach for adapting food systems to global environmental change, which demands the engagement of many disciplines – a new, sustainable food security paradigm.

Small Farmers for Global Food Security

Book Description

Food systems in Indonesia and worldwide have experienced major transformations in the wake of agricultural modernisation. Once intact eco-systems have declined dramatically, along with human diets, long term food security and social cohesion. Using long-term ethnographic research, we documented this loss of traditional food systems in Java, Bali, East Timor and India, but also a recent revival and reinvention of sustainable production methods and community-based distribution systems. A growing movement of small farmers now reject the dominant paradigm of aggressive capitalist development, and are re-creating food systems based on moral ecology – a new concept we introduce to characterise food systems that regenerate the natural environment and serve the common good, rather than maximise profit. Small farmers like these already feed two thirds of humanity using only a third of agricultural land. With proper support, we argue, they could feed the entire world, using sustainable and socially responsible approaches to eradicate world hunger.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018

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New evidence this year corroborates the rise in world hunger observed in this report last year, sending a warning that more action is needed if we aspire to end world hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. Updated estimates show the number of people who suffer from hunger has been growing over the past three years, returning to prevailing levels from almost a decade ago. Although progress continues to be made in reducing child stunting, over 22 percent of children under five years of age are still affected. Other forms of malnutrition are also growing: adult obesity continues to increase in countries irrespective of their income levels, and many countries are coping with multiple forms of malnutrition at the same time – overweight and obesity, as well as anaemia in women, and child stunting and wasting.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020

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Updates for many countries have made it possible to estimate hunger in the world with greater accuracy this year. In particular, newly accessible data enabled the revision of the entire series of undernourishment estimates for China back to 2000, resulting in a substantial downward shift of the series of the number of undernourished in the world. Nevertheless, the revision confirms the trend reported in past editions: the number of people affected by hunger globally has been slowly on the rise since 2014. The report also shows that the burden of malnutrition in all its forms continues to be a challenge. There has been some progress for child stunting, low birthweight and exclusive breastfeeding, but at a pace that is still too slow. Childhood overweight is not improving and adult obesity is on the rise in all regions. The report complements the usual assessment of food security and nutrition with projections of what the world may look like in 2030, if trends of the last decade continue. Projections show that the world is not on track to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030 and, despite some progress, most indicators are also not on track to meet global nutrition targets. The food security and nutritional status of the most vulnerable population groups is likely to deteriorate further due to the health and socio economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report puts a spotlight on diet quality as a critical link between food security and nutrition. Meeting SDG 2 targets will only be possible if people have enough food to eat and if what they are eating is nutritious and affordable. The report also introduces new analysis of the cost and affordability of healthy diets around the world, by region and in different development contexts. It presents valuations of the health and climate-change costs associated with current food consumption patterns, as well as the potential cost savings if food consumption patterns were to shift towards healthy diets that include sustainability considerations. The report then concludes with a discussion of the policies and strategies to transform food systems to ensure affordable healthy diets, as part of the required efforts to end both hunger and all forms of malnutrition.

Modernizing Indonesia’s Agriculture

Book Description

With both achievements and persistent challenges over the last few decades, ensuring food security remains a priority for policymakers and development efforts in Indonesia. Setting aside some backsliding resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia’s poverty reduction journey has come a long way since the Asian financial crisis to less than 10% by 2019. Likewise, meaningful progress has been seen in daily calorie consumption and a declining stunting rate. But despite these gains, many challenges are evident. On the production side, agriculture struggles to promote productivity, community livelihood, and sustainability—a challenge made more pronounced by increased extreme weather events, climate change, and emissions . Meanwhile, on the consumption side, not everyone enjoys access to food and nutrition security equally. Modernizing agriculture is seen as a potential response to challenges in agriculture. Increased investment in agricultural mechanization and digital technologies provides a critical avenue to transform the sector into a more inclusive, efficient, and sustainable system. With the expected increase in productivity and income—including for smallholder farmers—agricultural modernization will help Indonesia’s economy structurally transform and finally shift off-farm toward higher-paying, higher-productivity sectors outside of agriculture. The challenges facing Indonesia's food security and modernization efforts in agriculture set the broad context for this book. While solutions to food insecurity are complicated and involve many stakeholders, this book focuses on optimizing the private sector’s role in improving food security. The Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS) has gathered expertise on a range of topics related to improving Indonesian agriculture and food security and the private sector’s contribution. CIPS is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan think tank advocating for practical policy reforms informed by evidence-based policy research and analysis. CIPS presents this book as part of its commitment to empowering Indonesians to lead prosperous and peaceful lives by supporting open food trade and agriculture markets to ensure food security and sustainable livelihoods. This publication was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation. Aditya Alta is the Head of Agriculture and Food Security Research at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Risti Permani is a senior lecturer in agribusiness at the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, and a member of the board of directors at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Maria Monica Wihardja is a visiting fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore and a member of the board of directors at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia.

FAO: Challenges and Opportunities in a Global World

Book Description

This illustrated volume identifies the challenges and opportunities facing food and agriculture in the context of the 2030 Agenda, presents solutions for a more sustainable world and shows how FAO has been working in recent years to support its Member Nations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Limits to Climate Change Adaptation

Book Description

This book sheds new light on the limits of adaptation to anthropogenic climate change. The respective chapters demonstrate the variety of and interconnections between factors that together constitute the constraints on adaptation. The book pays special attention to evidence that illustrates how and where such limits have become apparent or are in the process of establishing themselves, and which indicates future trends and contexts that might prove helpful in understanding adaptation limits. In particular, the book provides an overview of the most important challenges and opportunities regarding adaptation limits at different temporal, jurisdictional, and spatial scales, while also highlighting case studies, projects and best practices that show how they may be addressed. The book presents innovative multi-disciplinary research and gathers evidence from various countries, sectors and regions, the goal being to advance our understanding of the limits to adaptation and ways to overcome or modify them.